Group Discussion Topics for Engineering Students 2024 – GD Topics

Group Discussions have been an integral part of studies in India. Whether you are seeking an admission in a college or facing an interview, you might have to participate in GDs. Therefore, it is extremely important to stay updated with GD topics on current affairs along with Engineering GD Topics if you are from that field.
In this post, we have come up with latest GD topics for engineering students. These are the easy topics for group discussion for college students, civil engineering students and electrical engineering students on which one must have thorough knowledge.
Here are the 20 best group discussion topics for engineering students for the year.
1. Future of cryptocurrencies.
2. Present day challenges for IT industry.
3. Is India ready to have 5G?
4. What is more important- Innovation or Invention?
5. Technology impacting job opportunities.
6. Can human intelligence be replaced by artificial intelligence?
7. Government’s contribution to IT industry.
8. China- A threat to Indian software industry or not?
10. Education in India versus Education Abroad.
11. Role of technology in saving environment.
12. Whose responsibility is environment?
13. Is China a threat to India?
14. Role of MNCs in growth of India.
15. Pros and cons of blockchain technology.
16. Importance of globalization.
17. Dependence on computer- Good or Bad?
18. How is technology affecting our health?
19. Are MNCs devils in disguise?
19. Advertising is nothing but wastage of resources.
20. Indians are poor team performers.