Office Timings Email to Employees | Office Timings Mail

Office timings are the first thing when we talk about having discipline in office and for that writing office timings mail to employees is very important. A punctuality email to employee is a precise email which unveils the rules and regulations in relation with office timings. With an office timing discipline email, you can reach out to all your employees in one go. There are all kinds of office timing notice samples available online. You can use these emails to employees to come on time to create a customized draft.
Here is a sample of circular for office timings. You can use this format for office timing email to employees to draft your own email.
Office Timing Email Format to Employees
Date: January 8th, 2025
Dear All,
This is an official circular for office timings that all the employees are required to follow every day. Zenith Technologies Ltd. has its office timings from 9 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday. The lunch break will be from 1 pm to 1:30 pm during which you can take the free meals from the company’s canteen.
We would like to highlight that our company is very particular with office timings and therefore, all the employees must strictly follow the timings mentioned above. Any failure in reporting to work on time or leaving from work before the office time can attract serious actions against the defaulter. Anyone who is late to report to work by 10 minutes will automatically be marked absent and will not be remunerated for that particular day. And if an employee is found to report late more than three times in a quarter will have to face serious consequences.
We are hopeful that all the employees will be punctual to work. We will need your cooperation to create a healthy and disciplined working environment at office.
Henry Crimson
Zenith Technologies Ltd.
Click here to download Office Timings Email to Employees in Word Format
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