8 Interview Tricks To Hire the Best Employee for Your Company
Finding the best employee for your company is surely not an easy task. You have to put your time, energy and resources to select the right candidate. While hiring a new employee, you want to make sure that all the efforts that you have put in finding the most suitable candidate don’t go waste.
In this post, we have come up with 8 interview tricks that are used by HR managers to make sure whether a particular interviewee will suit the profile or not. Follow these 8 techniques to interview candidates to never go wrong.
Pose Questions In Context of Your Business
Always ask the interviewee some questions about your company. This is an important trick as you get to know how serious the person is about the job and how much research he has done to crack the interview. This is one simple trick which will help you differentiate between the serious and not-so-serious candidates.
Be Smart While Asking About Their Weakness and Strength
Most of the times we simply ask the person to share his strengths and weaknesses and usually people mention anything they feel is impressive. You have to get more creative with your question to get an honest answer. Ask them what their co-workers or boss thinks about him and chances are that he would not lie because this information can be easily cross checked.
Listen to Focus Better
When people talk, they always choose to talk about things or instances that they feel are important. This helps you know how intelligent is the person while talking, how he thinks, what things are important to him. Always hire those people who are very specific and are able to present their thoughts with clarity because they will make effective and efficient workers.
Test Them With Role Play
To know a person better, you can always interview him with role play a challenging situation. For instance, you are not a happy customer and he has to deal with you. From body language to way of talking, from tactics of handling the situation to levels of confidence, each and everything can be judged with role play because this is how the candidate is expected to behave when he would be in the similar kind of a situation for real.
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Gauge Their Skills to Sell
You can always ask the candidate that how he would sell a particular product to the customer. And when he would give you the answer, he would give you enough points to know whether he is the right pick or the drop.
Search for Initiative Taking Abilities
Companies want employees who can take initiatives as they are self-motivated and committed. You can ask the interviewee about situations when he took the charge and brought the change. It is extremely important that the person you are hiring can take initiatives to do jobs or else you cannot expect your company to grow.
Pick Team Workers
An organization is like a big team and you want people who can be a part of it. Therefore, it is extremely important to look for a team player. No company desires employees who are busy doing their own jobs and they do it right but as a team, they are a big failure.
Look for Skills to Solve Problems
You definitely want to hire someone who can take charge. Therefore, having people who can decide what they are suppose to be doing in a crisis situation are the perfect pick. You can always do so by giving the candidate a hypothetical situation and ask what he would do in such a situation. You would get enough information in his answer which will tell you whether the candidate can deal with difficult situations or he would just do nothing.
These are some of the tricks that can make the interview session very productive for you. A candidate who clears all the 8 points mentioned above is the best fit. So next time you are interviewing someone for your company, keep these techniques in mind to see amazing results.
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Categories: Job Interview Tags: Best Employee, Interview Tricks
Announcement Letter of Leaving Employee
Whenever an employee leaves a company, it is an important moment as someone from your professional family is leaving. In such a situation, as the HR manager of your company or as the owner of your organization, you must write a formal announcement letter informing about the departure of the employee. Such letters are normally divided into two parts. The first part contains the basic details in relation with the departure and the second part expresses the emotions and feelings of the company.
Here is an example of announcement letter of leaving employee which contains the right amount of information which needs to be included in such kind of letters to make them perfect. Use the format sample given below which will help you create a personalized letter with all necessary details.
Sample of Announcement Letter of Leaving Employee
Date: 26.08.15
Sub: Retirement of Ms. Ana Joseph
This is to inform you all that Ms. Ana Joseph will no longer be working with ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. as she is retiring on August 31st, 2015.
It is quite an emotional moment for our company as one of the most important employees of our organization is leaving us. Ms. Ana Joseph has been a wonderful employee. Her contribution to ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. has been just amazing. She is one person with whom the HR department was started and over the span of 13 years, she has put the best of her efforts to bring HR department at par with other departments by planning and managing things so well. She is the one because of which all our employees are so happy and connected with the organization. Let’s hope that she is always available with her useful advice at the time of urgency.
I request you all to congratulate Ms. Ana with me on the beginning of her new innings of her life. The family of ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. is always going to miss you.
We wish you all the best for your future.
Adam Jacob
Managing Director
Categories: Letters Tags: Announcement, Best Employee, Leaving
Criteria for Best Employee of the Year Award
How to create Criteria for Employee of the Year Award ?
What happens in successful company is they hire heavily weigh personality that will come handy and quite useful in the long run. They go for the most apt employees during the hiring process. There are a few common qualities employers look for that makes them most dependable and reliable in the company. Traits like being disciplined, proactive, punctual, and passionate about work and so one being the most common ones. These attributes come a long way while deciding on the ‘best employee award’ to motivate people in an organization.
Below we have discussed a few of the parameters that help while deciding on the best employee award:
1. Consider the ones with dissenting voice
Look out for employees who do not always nod at every single decision by their seniors. They must be daring enough to be able to challenge and question the authority if they have something better in mind in lieu of a certain decision. However, understand the thin line, they should be challenging and not trouble making.
2. Consider the ones who are dedicated and never fail to take initiative
They are enthusiast and motivated employees and if required even hang on beyond official working hours to complete the work at hand and meet deadline. They are not rebellious but work against company’s norms from time to time on to bring profit and recognition.
3. Consider the ones with the most excellent communication skills
Come out of the notion that only PRs need to have good speaking skills. You cannot expect an employee who interact less to bring better work benefits. Then again, employees need support and assistance from time to time which is where this skill comes quite handy. Teamwork is substantial in every organization.
4. Consider the ones who are keen on listening and abiding to instructions
Misunderstandings and miscommunications are normal. You being an HR must be considerate to the circumstances before judging on any issue. They do more than expected and surprise the company from time to time with their ouput.
5. Consider the ones who do not run away from responsibilities
There will be certain employees who will always try to justify the wage received with better outputs every time. However, results are visible in the mass-produced products and not as individual craftsmanship. They are enthusiast and are every ready to provide a helping hand whenever asked for. They are responsive and always come up with new vibrant ideas.
These are the few points you should keep in mind while considering ‘best employee award’ in an organization.
Categories: HR Tags: Award, Best Employee
10 Parameters to Rate Best Employee
10 Parameters to Rate Best Employee
What are the instant qualities that come to your mind when you come across the concept of ideal or the best employee of an organization? Punctuality, discipline, dependability, initiative, positive outlook, flexibility, motivation and the ability to perform, right?! Almost all organization makes sure that these criterions are effectively met.
Be it a full time job or part time or what the job position may it be objective of an ideal employee is almost similar in every organization.
Factors to rate best employee
Here are the top parameters to help you rate the best employee. Read along:
1. The best ones normally show a different kind of initiative. They will always offer helping hand. In the meeting room when the manager looks around to hand over a new project, he/she will step out and take responsibilities. They always carry an enhanced credential and are in good book of bosses and colleagues.
2. They are intuitive. They have the edge for learning and implementing the knowledge for the good of the company and help earn profit. They show initiative in attending conferences and trainings rather than simply being occupied with day-to-day tasks. They the dividing line between a good employee and a great one.
3. They are the active ones. Ready to work with the same level of enthusiasm from the first working hour to the last one. They do not kill time on social media and updating Facebook status in office. They are diligent and sharp.
4. They are flexible. They give their best in every projects assigned and are ever ready to take up new responsibilities with a positive attitude.
5. Positive attitude is a must. The best employees do not whine for what they do, but pretty much enjoy it. As mentioned above, they are always ready to help with an optimistic approach.
6. They are motivated employees. Always eager to work to the best of ability and implement new technology to the work process and bring profit.
7. Every workplace has issue one cannot avoid. The best thing about successful employees is that they do not keep complaining until it really matters. They do not make a big issue out of very minor misunderstandings. They complaint only when the concern seems major.
8. When they make mistake, they admit it and do not play the blame game. They try to fix what they did wrong by making a point to correct the situation.
9. A good employee is sober and do not hesitate to share credits. No one can accomplish big projects without help. They are nice people who look for ways to share the glory with co members.
10. A good employee is rated as punctual and discipline personnel. They are always on time and are able to meet sharp deadlines. They never hesitate to work in any situation and are ever ready to bring profit to the organization.
Categories: HR Tags: Best Employee, Rate