Social Security Number – EPF India
I have Attached Social Security Number – EPF Form and its benefits.
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation has launched a major project called “Re-Inventing EPF India’ to provide world class service to all its clients. As part of this project a unique identity number called Social Security Number (SSN) is allotted to every Provident Fund subscriber. It is the first step towards providing world class service to all Provident Fund subscribers. Social Security Number is a unique 14 digit identification number. Subscriber’s information is collected in prescribed SSN forms along with Photograph of the member. The SSN forms are supplied by Provident Fund Office, free of cost.
Social Security Number is compulsory for every Provident Fund subscribers in the new system for providing all kind of services. Provident Fund Office will be setting up camp in your establishment or nearby area for data collection for allotment of Social Security Number very shortly. Please contact your employer or the Provident Fund Office for filling up of the forms for getting Social Security Number.
ü You will have one unique number for life time including for your Pension after retirement.
ü You will get ANY WHERE ANY TIME FACILITY. , when all the offices of Employees Provident Fund Organisation are eventually linked together electronically in a phased manner.
ü There will not be any necessity to transfer your Provident fund accumulations every time you change your employment, or move from one place to another.
ü Your Provident Fund account will be updated every month instead of the present yearly updating.
ü Eventually, when the necessary infrastructure is put in place, you can know your Provident Fund balance even over telephone (IVRS), through the internet or through specially set up interactive kiosks.
Please take care to furnish all information about you in the SSN Form correctly and completely. Kindly co-operate with EPF team when they visit your establishment or in a nearby camp for capturing Photographs and data.
§ A unique SSN form supplied free of cost by EPFO field Office will have to be got filled by every employer in respect of each of his employees.
§ For allotment of SSN the data will be captured either through a Camp (in case where a large number of employees are available in an establishment under one roof), in the premises of the establishment itself; or filled in forms with pasted photo. The procedure to be followed is as under-
§ The employer/manager of the establishment should get the date and venue of the Camp decided in consultation with the local EPF Officer In-charge of SSN so that attendance of all the employees of the establishment is ensured in the camp.
§ Forms should be filled after reading and understanding the form filling instructions. If need be, seek the help of the form filling enumerators accompanying the data collection teams. The six personal information viz member’s name, his/her father’s name, mother’s maiden name, his date of birth, , place of birth, sex; plus one change of original name ie. (if the member was known by any other name earlier) will be used to identify the person uniquely.
§ Employer will be aided/ assisted in filling up the forms by a team of data collection vendor accompanying local EPF official termed as ECRs (EPF Camp Representatives).
§ Data (from filled forms of each individual) and digital photo of the member will be captured in the Camp by a joint team of local EPF Office and data collection vendor.
§ The details furnished in the forms will be verified and signed by the employer (for the authenticity and accuracy.
§ Employees, who could not attend a camp, can join another adjoining next camp. Still, if some members could not visit the camps they can paste a passport size photograph (preferably colored) and submit the same at local field Office of EPFO (Sub Regional Office, Regional Office).
§ Once data has been collected, a communication regarding number allotted to each employee will be sent to the employers who will communicate the number to respective individual.
§ All new employees will fill the forms with pasted photo and submit the same to EPFO or can visit local EPF Office to get his/her details captured in the permanent Camp.
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