Posts tagged "EPF"

Download Neft Form for Electronic Funds Transfer for EPF

Attached national electronic funds transfer form for EPF.

Click Here To Download NEFT FORM

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Posted by Hrformats - October 14, 2013 at 11:43 AM

Categories: HR   Tags:

Transfer EPF/FPF Amount to Rejoined Employee to New Account

Transfer EPF/FPF Amount to Rejoined Employee to New Account

Required to fill up following attached 13 form.

Click Here To Download Form13

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Posted by Hrformats - August 31, 2013 at 2:55 PM

Categories: HR   Tags:

10 Facts That One Must Know About EPF

The following attachment is very useful to understand and implement EPF in your company.
We all know what is EPF – Employee Provident Fund. A small part of your salary (12% of your basic salary) is invested in something called EPF and an equal amount is matched by your employer each month. This is what 95% people know about EPF. But there are many things in EPF which a lot of people don‟t know and this article is going to open some not known secrets of EPF. One should be aware about all the EPF related information. So lets take them one by one in points format.
1: You can also nominate someone for your EPF
Do you know that there is also “nomination” facility in EPF. The nominee will be contacted at the time of death of the person and handed over the EPF money. However if nomination is not present (which you should check), it can raise to all sort of issues while claiming money. There is a form called Form 2 which has to be filled to change or update the nomination. Please contact your company finance department or directly send the form to EPFO. One very strange rule as per the Act is that you can‟t nominate your brother for EPF. Not sure why!
2: One can get pension under EPF
Do you know that there are two elements in EPF- one is called EPF and other is EPS. The EPF is actually for your provided fund and EPS is for your pension. The 12% contribution from your side goes to EPF, but the 12% contribution which your employer makes, out of that 8.33% actually goes in EPS (subject to maximum of Rs 541) and the rest goes into EPF. So understand it this way, a part of your employer contribution actually makes up your pension corpus. But there are some caveats to this. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHMENT.
One is liable for pension only if one has completed the age of 58. One is liable for pension only if he has completed 10 yrs of service (in case of more than one companies, the EPF should have been transferred, not withdrawn) The maximum Pension per month is subject to maximum of Rs 3,250 per month. Lifelong pension is available to the member and upon his death members of the family are entitled for the pension.
3: No interest is given on EPS (pension part)
You must be thinking that you regularly get compound interest each year on your contribution + employer contribution. But it does not work like that. The compound interest is provided only on EPF part. The EPS part (8.33% out of 12% contribution from your employer or Rs 541 what ever is minimum) does not get any interest. At the time of withdrawal , you get both EPF and EPS.
4: You might not get 100% of your EPF money
Imagine your contribution + employer contribution has been total Rs 3,50,000 till date. Out of this 3,50,000 , suppose 2,50,000 has gone in EPF , and rest 1,00,000 has gone in EPS (for pension) . Now if you quit your job in 6th year of employment and opt for withdrawal of your EPF money (EPF + EPS actually) , then do you think you will get total 3,50,000 . NO !
Thats because you always get 100% of your EPF part, but for EPS there is separate rule . There is something called Table „D‟ , under which its mentioned how much you get at the time of exit from your job, there is a slab for each completed year and you get n times of your last drawn salary (depending on the completed year of service) subject to maximum to Rs 6,500 per month. So if your salary in this case was Rs 30,000 per month, still you will be given only 6,500 * 6.40 = Rs 41,600.
Note that the table D is upto 9 yrs only, because if 10 yrs are crossed, then you are liable for pension.
5: You can invest more in EPF, its called VPF
You can always invest more than 12% of your basic salary in EPF which is called VPF. In this case the excess amount will be invested in EPF and you will keep on getting the interest, but the employer is not suppose to match your contribution. He will just invest upto maximum of 12% of your basic, not more than that.
6: Withdrawing of EPF amount at job change is illegal
Almost every one thinks that withdrawing of your EPF amount after a job switch is totally fine and allowed, however as per law, it‟s illegal. You can only withdraw your EPF money only if you have no job at the time of withdrawing EPF and if 2 months have passed. Only transfer is allowed in case you get a new job and you switch to it. While there are no cases where EPF office tracks these things and takes up this matter, still just for your information you should know that if you got a new job and took it and then you are applying for withdrawal, its illegal as per law. However in
case of EPS, if the service period is less than 10 years, you‟ve option to either withdraw your corpus or get it transferred by obtaining a „Scheme Certificate‟. Once, the service period crosses 10 years, the withdrawal option ceases.
7: One can opt out of EPF if he wants
Yes! It might be a surprising fact for many , but if one‟s basic salary per month is more than Rs 6,500, he has an option to opt out of EPF and not be part of it. In which case he will get all his salary in hand (without anything deducted every month). But the sad part is that one has to opt out of EPF in the start of his job. If a person has been part of EPF even once in his life, then he cant opt out of it. So if you have already had EPF in your life. This option is not for you, but if you are new to job and your EPF account number still does not exist, you can tell your employer that you don‟t want to be part of EPF . You will have to fill up form 11 for this.
8: Your EPF gives you some life insurance too
A lot of people might not know that in case a company is not providing group life insurance cover to its employees, in that case the employee is given a small life cover through EPF. This is because there is something called Employees‟ Deposit Linked Insurance (EDLI) scheme and your organisation has to contribute 0.5% of your monthly basic pay, capped at Rs 6,500, as premium for your life cover. However companies which already have life insurance benefits to employees as part of the company, are exempted from this EDLI scheme. The bad part of this EDLI scheme is that the life cover under this option is very low and that‟s maximum amount of Rs. 60,000. While this is peanuts for most of the people in big cities. For employees in small scale industries and small cities, this amount of Rs 60,000 will still count something.
9: You can use EPF money can be withdrawn at special occasions
So now you know that EPF withdrawal is not permitted if you are still working. But there are occasions when EPF withdrawal is allowed. While you cannot withdraw it fully, you can withdraw a partial amount. Following is a list of events when you can withdraw the EPF amount and the conditions you need to fulfill:-
1. Marriage or education of self, children or siblings
– You should have completed a minimum of seven years of service. – The maximum amount you can draw is 50% of your contribution – You can avail of it three times in your working life. – You will have to submit the wedding invite or a certified copy of the fee payable.
2. Medical treatment for Self or family (spouse, children, dependent parents)
– For major surgical operations or for TB, leprosy, paralysis, cancer, mental or heart ailments – The maximum amount you can draw is 6 times your salary – You must show proof of hospitalization for one month or more with leave certificate for that period from your employer.
3. Repay a housing loan for a house in the name of self, spouse or owned jointly
– You should have completed at least 10 years of service. – You are eligible to withdraw an amount that is up to 36 times your wages.
4. Alterations/repairs to an existing home for house in the name of self, spouse or jointly
– You need a minimum service of five years (10 years for repairs) after the house was built/bought. – You can draw up to 12 times the wages, only once.
5. Construction or purchase of house or flat/site or plot for self or spouse or joint ownership
– You should have completed at least five years of service. – The maximum amount you can avail of is 36 times your wages. To buy a site or plot, the amount is 24 times your salary. – Can be avail of it just once during the entire service.
10: You can file an RTI application for EPF issues
Did you know that you can file an RTI applicable to get any kind of information regarding your EPF. You can file it if you are facing issues like no clarity about balance in your EPF, no action taken for your EPF withdrawal or transfer. To find out information about other issues on EPF. I have done a detailed post on how to file an RTI for your EPF issue.

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Posted by Hrformats - October 6, 2012 at 5:50 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , , , , ,

Calculation of Penalty After Late Submission of ESI

Penal Interest under section 7Q:
# No.of days delayed in making payment x 12% p.a

Penal Damages under section 14B:
# No.of days delayed in making payment x 5% p.a (Less than 2 months)
# No.of days delayed in making payment x 10% p.a (2 months and above but less than 4 months)
# No.of days delayed in making payment x 15% p.a (4 months and above but less than 6 months)
# No.of days delayed in making payment x 25% p.a (6 months and above)

I have attached worksheet for the same.

EPF Interest and damages for Delayed Payments for the year 2007-2008
Rate p.a Account No. 1 Account No. 2 Account No. 10 Account No. 21 Account No. 22
Slab 7Q 14B Contribution 7Q Dues 14B Dues Contribution 7Q Dues 14B Dues Contribution 7Q Dues 14B Dues Contribution 7Q Dues 14B Dues Contribution 7Q Dues 14B Dues
Oct-07 11/15/2007 5/15/2008 182 6 months 0 days 12% 25% 10193 610 1271 756 45 94 4416 264 550 343 21 43 7 0 1
Nov-07 12/15/2007 4/15/2008 122 4 months 0 days 12% 15% 11145 447 559 823 33 41 4922 197 247 374 15 19 8 0 0
Dec-07 1/15/2008 3/15/2008 60 2 months 0 days 12% 10% 10880 215 179 804 16 13 4796 95 79 365 7 6 7 0 0
Jan-08 2/15/2008 3/14/2008 28 0 months 30 days 12% 5% 10880 100 42 804 7 3 4796 44 18 365 3 1 7 0 0
TOTAL 1372 2051 101 151 600 894 46 69 0 1
7Q Dues 2119
14B Dues 3166
Total Rs. 5285


Click Here To Download EPF Damages Calculation

Check this also: Request Letter for Removing Penalty Imposed by Company

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Posted by Hrformats - September 25, 2012 at 10:14 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , ,

EPFO Circular No.WSU/5(1)/2003/11146

Please find attached EPFO Circular No.WSU/5(1)/2003/11146 dated 20th July 2012 for your information.


Click Here To Download EPF Circular E Passbook For Members

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Posted by Hrformats - July 21, 2012 at 8:02 AM

Categories: Hiring, HR   Tags: , , , ,

Social Security Number – EPF India

I have Attached Social Security Number – EPF Form and its benefits.





       Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation has launched a major project called “Re-Inventing EPF India’ to provide world class service to all its clients.  As part of this project a unique identity number called Social Security Number (SSN) is allotted to every Provident Fund subscriber.  It is the first step towards providing world class service to all Provident Fund subscribers.  Social Security Number is a unique 14 digit identification number. Subscriber’s information is collected in prescribed SSN forms along with Photograph of the member.  The SSN forms are supplied by Provident Fund Office, free of cost.


Social Security Number is compulsory for every Provident Fund subscribers in the new system for providing all kind of services. Provident Fund Office will be setting up camp in your establishment or nearby area for data collection for allotment of Social Security Number very shortly. Please contact your employer or the Provident Fund Office for filling up of the forms for getting Social Security Number.





ü                              You will have one unique number for life time including for your Pension after retirement.


ü                              You will get ANY WHERE ANY TIME FACILITY. , when all the offices of Employees Provident Fund Organisation are eventually linked together electronically in a phased manner.


ü                              There will not be any necessity to transfer your Provident fund accumulations every time you change your employment, or move from one place to another.


ü                              Your Provident Fund account will be updated every month instead of the present yearly updating.


ü                              Eventually, when the necessary infrastructure is put in place, you can know your Provident Fund balance even over telephone (IVRS), through the internet or through specially set up interactive kiosks.


Please take care to furnish all information about you in the SSN Form correctly and completely.  Kindly co-operate with EPF team when they visit your establishment or in a nearby camp for capturing Photographs and data.








§         A unique SSN form supplied free of cost by EPFO field Office will have to be got filled by every employer in respect of each of his employees.

§         For allotment of SSN the data will be captured either through a Camp (in case where a large number of employees are available in an establishment under one roof), in the premises of the establishment itself; or filled in forms with pasted photo. The procedure to be followed is as under-

§         The employer/manager of the establishment should get the date and venue of the Camp decided in consultation with the local EPF Officer In-charge of SSN so that attendance of all the employees of the establishment is ensured in the camp.

§         Forms should be filled after reading and understanding the form filling instructions. If need be, seek the help of the form filling enumerators accompanying the data collection teams. The six personal information viz member’s name, his/her father’s name, mother’s maiden name, his date of birth, , place of birth, sex;   plus one change of original name ie. (if the member was known by any other name earlier) will be used to identify the person uniquely.

§         Employer will be aided/ assisted in filling up the forms by a team of data collection vendor accompanying local EPF official termed as ECRs (EPF Camp Representatives).

§         Data (from filled forms of each individual) and digital photo of the member will be captured in the Camp by a joint team of local EPF Office and data collection vendor.

§         The details furnished in the forms will be verified and signed by the employer (for the authenticity and accuracy.

§         Employees, who could not attend a camp, can join another adjoining next camp. Still, if some members could not visit the camps they can paste a passport size photograph (preferably colored) and submit the same at local field Office of EPFO (Sub Regional Office, Regional Office).

§         Once data has been collected, a communication regarding number allotted to each employee will be sent to the employers who will communicate the number to respective individual.

§         All new employees will fill the forms with pasted photo and submit the same to EPFO or can visit local EPF Office to get his/her details captured in the permanent Camp.


Click Here To Download benefits and procedure – EPF

Download SSN Form 142

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Posted by Hrformats - July 18, 2012 at 5:39 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , ,

EPF Form 19 & 10-C Format

 I have Attached EPF Form 19 & 10-C Format

Mobile:  98427 98427 Serial No.
For Office Use Only
In Words No.
Form No.10 C (E.P.S)
[Withdrawl Benefit]
1.     a) Name of the member (In Block Letters) ABC
        b) Name of the Claimant (s) ABC
2.     Date of Birth 0 5 0 8 9 2
3.     a) Father’s Name XYZ
        b) Husband’s Name (If applicable) NOT APPLICABLE
4.     Name & Address of the Establishment ABC COMPANY INDIA PVT LTD.,
        in which, the member was last employed X-18, 6th Cross Cut Road, Perundurai, Erode – 52.
5.     Code No. & Account No. Region/SRO Code TN / SL
Estt.Code No. A/c No.
6.     Reason for leaving service CESSATION (SHORT SERVICE)
        & Date of leaving 1-Feb-2012
7.     Full Postal Address (In Block Letters)
        Shri/Smt/Kumari ABC
        S/o, W/o, D/o XYZ
Vizianagaram, A.P..   PIN: 535 547
8.     Are you willing to accept Scheme (a) (b)
        Certificate in lieu of withdrawl benefits Yes No
9.     Particulars of Family (Spouse & Children & Nominee)
Name Date of Birth Relationship with member Name of guardian of minor
(a)   Family Members
(b)   Nominee
10.   In case of death of member after attaining the age of 58 years without filing the claim :-
        (a) Date of death of the member                                                        : Not Applicable
        (b) Name of the Claimant(s) / and relationship with the members  : Not Applicable
        (a)    By postal money order at my cost to address given against item No.7
        (b)    Account payee cheque sent direct for credit to my SB A/c (Scheduled Bank) under intimation
                 to me
                 S.B Account No. 1
                 Name of the Bank (In Block Letters) STATE BANK OF INDIA
                 Branch (In Block Letters) PERUNDURAI
                 Full Address of the Bank KOVAI MAIN
                 (In Block Letters) PERUNDURAI
12.   Are you availing pension under EPS-95?   :     No
        If so indicate:      PPO No. By whom issued
Text Box: @

Signature or left Hand
Thumb Impression of the
Date: 02-04-2012 Member / Claimant(s)
[To be furnished only in case of (b) above]
Received a sum of Rs._________________  (Rupees__________________________________________________
only from the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner / Officer-in charge of Sub-Regional
Office _____________________________
by deposit in my savings bank A/c towards the settlement of my Pension Fund Accounts
(The space should be left blank which shall be filled by Regional Provident Fund Commissioner / Officer-in-
Text Box: @

Signature or left thumb impression of the member on the stamp
Certified that the particulars of the member given are correct and the member has signed / thumb impressed
before me.
   The details of wages and period of non-contributory service of the member are as under :-
   Form 3A/7 (EPS) enclosed for the period for which it was not sent to Employee’s Provident Fund Office)
   Wages (Basic+DA) as on 15.11.1995 (if applicable) : Not Applicable
   Wages as on the date of exit                                    : Rs.100.00 per day
  Period of non contributory Service
   Year / Month No. of Days
2011 / 10 17.0
2011 / 11 4.0
2011 / 12 2.0
2012 / 01 19.0
TOTAL 42.0
Signature of Employer/
Date: 04-02-2012 authorised official
(Under Rs.____________________________________________________________________________________
P.I No._________________________________ M.O./Cheque
                                     Passed for payment Rs.___________________________ (in words)___________________
M.O Commission (if any)_________________ Net amount to be paid by M.O_______________________________
towards withdrawl benefit.
Paid by inclusion in cheque No._________________ Dt_________________vide cash Book(Bank) Account
No. 10 Debit item No.__________________________
D.H S.S AC(A/cs)
For issue if S.S;. IDS is enclosed.
D.H S.S A.A.O/APFC (A/cs)
Scheme Certificate bearing the Control No._________________ Issued on _______________________and
entered in the Scheme Certificate Control Register-


Click Here To Download EPF Form 19 & 10-C Format

4 comments - What do you think?
Posted by Hrformats - April 25, 2012 at 10:36 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , ,

Change in Basic Wages under EPF Act by MP HC

Please find enclosed files in which certain allowance has been merge for PF Deduction under EPF Act.

Click Here To Download Change in Basic Wages under EPF Act by MP HC

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Posted by Hrformats - September 7, 2011 at 8:19 AM

Categories: Wages   Tags: ,

Requirement of epf Forms

Please find attached.

Click Here To Download Form-19_1__390

Click Here To Download Form-10c_178

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Posted by Hrformats - May 9, 2011 at 9:02 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: ,

Format of DBA file for EPF Annual Return

Attach herewith format of DBA File for EPF Annual Return.

Click Here To Download DBA File for EPF Annual Return

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Posted by Hrformats - May 6, 2011 at 6:31 AM

Categories: Annual Return Format   Tags: , ,