Employee Recognition Award Policy Sample
Award & Reward policy
Doc. No. HR/Policy/0024 |
POLICY TITLE: Employee Recognition Policy | Document Type: Central | |
In-charge Division/Department: HR Department |
CC: Planning, Procurement, Finance, Projects, Marketing & Technical, Administration |
Effective Date: 30/July/2012 | |
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30-07-12 |
INITIAL RELEASE | Kashif Mumtaz Ahmed |
- 1. General
This policy is intended to recognize and appreciate an employee on outstanding contributions that further the goals and objectives of alfaal. Sincere thanks never grow old. Ongoing, meaningful rewards and recognition provide an effective, low cost way of raising moral and encouraging higher levels of performance.
- 2. Definitions
Pride – refers to self-respect, to satisfaction derived from achievements, to qualities or skills that do one credit. Pride can be derived from various sources and is experienced at different levels:
- individual pride in the workplace (personal/team/work-unit);
- organizational pride (department or agency);
Pride is enhanced when appreciation is conveyed through recognition.
Recognition (reconnaissance) – refers to validation through demonstrated appreciation, to acknowledgement and, in some cases, to awards. Recognition covers a range of formal and informal practices in the workplace that collectively express and reinforce values and the way that people work together.
Formal recognition – refers to structured, scheduled activities (for example, the Awards of Excellence,) and departmental-level recognition events. The credibility and integrity of formal recognition programs within organizations and institutions is crucial.
Informal recognition – refers to everyday issues of trust, self-worth and working relationships with others. Informal recognition is extremely important in fostering pride, but is often overlooked. This type of recognition supports an employee’s identification with the organization and its mission, and provides a foundation for formal recognition.
- 3. Employee Recognition Ideas
Employee recognition can be possible by two ways
1) With No Cost
2) With minor to moderate cost
1.1 Employee Recognition Ideas (no cost)
i) Create and post an “Employee Honor Roll” in reception area
ii) Make a thank you card
iii) Give employees an extra long lunch break
iv) Establish a place to display memos, posters, photos and so on, recognizing progress towards goals and thanking individual employees for their help.
v) Establish a “Behind the Scenes” award
vi) At a monthly staff meeting, award an Employee of the moth and invite co-workers at the meeting to say why that person is deserving of the award.
vii) Recognize employees who actively serve the community.
viii) Start an employee recognition program. Give points for attendance, punctuality, teamwork etc. Provide gift certificates to employees who reach certain point goals.
ix) Find ways to reward department – specific performance
x) Plan a surprise achievement celebration for an employee or group of employees.
xi) Write a letter of praise recognizing specific contributions and accomplishments. Send a copy to senior management and the employee’s personnel file.
xii) Acknowledge individual achievement by using employee names in status reports.
xiii) Greet employees by name.
xiv) Practice positive nonverbal behaviors that demonstrate appreciation, such as smiles or a handshake.
xv) When someone has spent long hours at work, give a letter of thanks to him.
xvi) Acknowledge and celebrate birthdays.
xvii) Arrange for an outstanding employee to have lunch.
1.2 Employee Recognition Ideas (minor to moderate cost)
i) Plan a surprise picnic.
ii) Create a Hall of fame wall with photos of outstanding employees
iii) Make a photo collage about a successful project that shows the people that worked on it.
iv) Make and deliver a fruit basket.
v) Inscribe a favourite book.
vi) One a year, have a “Staff Appreciation Day”
vii) Give flowers to an employee
viii) Give a blue ribbon to an employee for achievement
ix) Give puzzle as a award to a problem solver.
x) Have weekly breakfast with group of employees.
xi) Treat an employee to lunch.
xii) Send birthday cards to employee.
Approved By:
__________________ ________________
HR Manager
Click Here To Download HR-Policy-024 – Employee Recognition Policy – 30-07-2012
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