20 Resume Writing TIPs – Ground RULES
20 Resume Writing TIPs – Ground RULES
1. Bold and enlarge your name at the top.
2. Keep the sections lined up and consistent.
3. Use an Arial or Times New Roman font (or similar).
4. Don’t use more than 2 types of fronts
5. Font size shouldn’t be smaller than 11pt or larger than 12pt, except for your Name and Headings.
6. Spacing in between the paragraph should be uniform.
7. Do not include pronouns such as “I,” company street addresses, salary, or reasons for leaving.
8. Two-page resume: be sure to fill the second page at least halfway down the page.
9. Place “Continued” at the bottom of page one, and your name and “Page 2” at the top of page two.
10. Use graphics sparingly unless you are in a creative field. It is safe to use a border and shading.
11. Leave out personal data, photos, and unrelated hobbies, unless you are an actor/actress or model.
12. Don’t use companies logos in your resume
13. Send your Resume in Microsoft Word
14. Don’t use colour fronts ( you can use grey shed for borders)
15. Use white A4 bond paper
16. The document should password Free
17. Spelling mistakes and hand written correction not allowed.
18. Photo copy Resume does not look good if at all you have to do then get it done from good Photocopier.
19. Your email could be simply your first and last name @ hotmail or yahoo, or if you have a web site yourname @ yourdomain.com. and not “[email protected]”
20. Proof, proof, and proof again!
Please circulate this article to the job seeker, so that they don’t make this silly mistakes while scripting their Resume.
Click Here To Download 20 Resume Writing TIP