Discipline Policy
Discipline policy
I. Behavior rules
The following are examples of infractions of rules of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
• Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace.
• Threatening, intimidating or coercive behavior, abusive or vulgar language or any other language or conduct that interferes with the performance of other employees.
• Disruptive activity in the workplace.
• Violation of the policy against sexual harassment.
• Possession of a weapon or any other unauthorized item, such as firecrackers, that could pose a risk to the safety of others.
• Excessive absenteeism or absence of three days or more without notice.
• Insubordination (including, for example, any refusal to comply with instructions or to carry out work assignments) or lack of cooperation, whether in language or conduct.
• Unauthorized use of materials, time, equipment or other property.
• Violation of departmental policies.
• Theft or any unauthorized possession, removal or attempted removal of company property or the property of other employees.
• Falsification of job application time, sheet or any other personnel document.
• Violation of the company’s substance abuse or drug-free workplace policy.
• Gambling on premises or while on working time, whether on or off company premises.
II/ Types of disciplinary policy
In general, discipline for employees is applied in progressive steps as follows:
1. Oral warning
2. Written warning
3. Final written warning, suspension and/or disciplinary probation
4. Termination of employment
1. Oral Warnings
If an employee is given an oral warning, the employee is informed of the warning by his or her manager. The warning is also recorded by the manager in writing and the record is placed in the employee’s personnel file.
2. Written Warnings
If an employee is issued a written warning or a final written warning, the manager will meet with the employee to discuss the disciplinary action and the employee will be asked to sign the warning.
3. Disciplinary Probation
An employee may be placed on disciplinary probation for unsatisfactory performance or conduct. An employee placed on disciplinary probation will be given a written notice of probation, which generally provides an explanation of the reason for the action, the length of the probationary period and a plan of corrective action to be successfully completed during the period.
4. Investigative Suspension
A suspension from work may be appropriate when circumstances require an investigation and it does not appear practical, desirable or in the best interests of the company or of the employee for the employee to remain at work during that investigation.
5. Disciplinary Suspension
A disciplinary suspension is a suspension from work without pay for one or more days for a repeated or serious infraction of rules or policies.
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