Service Agreement

I have Attached Service Agreement



This agreement is made between Company name (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and ________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “employee”).

Effective Date:

This agreement shall be effective from ______ day of ________ 2008


I, Mr. / Ms. _____________ hereby acknowledge and agreed that I would serve company name for a period of 18 months from the date of joining. I also agree to, failing of which will result to pay an amount of ________ as penalty as well as no personal documents (release letter, experience certificate etc.) will be released to me.


1) Name:        _______________                  2) Name:        ________________

Address:     _______________                      Address:     ________________

________________                                       _________________

________________                                       _________________

Contact No: ________________                    Contact No: _________________



(Employee signature)

Date: ________________



(Authorized Signatory)

Click Here To Download Service Agreement