I have Attached MLW BOARD_FORM A
Hutatma Babu Genu, Mumbai Girni Kamgar Kreeda Bhavan, Senapati Bapat Marg
Elphinstone, Mumbai – 400 013, Pohone: 24227758, 24306717, 24360738
Form A-1 Cum Return
( Vide Rule 3-A )
for office use only
NOTE: 1) This form-cum-return is required to be submitted by every
Employer along with the payment of Employees’ & Employer’s Six monthly Contribution made by him in respect of all employees whose names stand on the register of his establishment as on 30th June / 31st December as per the provisions of Section 6BB of the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953. 2) Section 2(2) (b) of Bombay Labour Welfare Fuct Act, 1953 “Supervisor” means who, being employed in a supervisory capacity, draws wages exceeding Three Thousand Five Hundred rupees per mensem or exercise, either by the nature of the duties attached to the office, or by reason of the powers vested in him, functions mainly of a managerial nature. 3) EEC = Employees’ contribution, ERC = Employer’s contribution. |
C |
Establishment Code No
1. Name & Address of the Establishment : XYZ.
2. Name of the Employer. :
3. Class of the Establishment (i.e. whether factory, : FACTORY
motor omnibus service, motor transport ( MANUFACTURING – AUTO ANCILLARY )
undertaking or commercial establishment,
a shop, a residential hotel, restaurant, eating
house, theatre or other place of amusement or
public entertainment ).
– 2 –
4. | Total number of employees whose names stood on the establishment register as
on 30th June 200 on 31st Decr.200 |
No.of Emplo- yees |
E.E.C. Rs |
E.R.C. Rs
Penal Int. |
a. | Manager | 0 | NIL | NIL | NIL | NIL |
b. | Employees working in supervisory capacity
drawing wages exceeding 3,500/- p.m. ( Please refer NOTE 2 above ) |
0 |
c. | Employees drawing wages upto & inclusive of
Rs 3000/- p.m. June
EEC @ Rs 6.00 per employee ERC @ Rs 18.00 per employee Dec 2011 |
Employees drawing wages exceeding
Rs 3000/- p.m. June
EEC @ Rs 12.00 per employee & ERC @ Rs 36.00 per employee Dec |
5. | Total of (a) to (c) above
6. Mode of payment:-
( please specify No. and date of cheque / draft / :- DD NO – DATED –
money order / cash against this item )
IMPORTANT Certificate that the information / particulars
1) Cheque / DD should be drawn to each Estt. Code furnished above is / are true to the best of
Number separately & in favour of Maharashtra my knowledge & belief.
Labour Welfare Fund.
2) Cash payment will be accepted from 10.30 a.m. to
3.00 p.m.
3) Code no. of the Establishment allotted to you Signature with name & designation of the
should be quoted at the appropriate place in this Authority filing this form-cum-return
4) DD should be payable at Mumbai only .
5) Please write the Establishment code number on
the back side of the cheque / DD.
Click Here To Download MLW BOARD FORM A