Best Way to Ask for Work Experience
Best way to ask for work experience
Nothing beats the work experience and that’s the reason why companies prefer experience over qualifications. Qualifications and degrees just reflect the commitment and eagerness to learn but only experience reflects your actual potential. Hence, adding more and more experience to the CV should be the main motive of every person because that’s the best way to survive in the recession and face the competition.
This article throws light on some of the most effective ways of gaining work experience which can get you better packages and an attractive resume. So here you go….
Make Your CV Impressive
CV in not just a document talking about your qualifications and experiences but it is also the first impression of your personality. Make sure you make it look formal and impressive. Try and include as much experience as you can to make it look interesting. Include your achievements and strengths in it. Organize all the information in an easy to read manner.
Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Before heading for a job search, know your strengths and weaknesses. Sit and jot down the positive aspects your personality which can give you an edge above the others. Also pen down the negative traits of your personality that can be a hurdle in your goal achievement.
Know What You Want
Once you have known your positives and negatives, it is time to find out what kind of a job you are looking for. Do not just jump on a job search. Think before making a move. Know what you want and then you can plan your moves in a more focused manner.
Begin With Internet
The best and most effective place to start the job placement search is internet. You can start looking for companies within your city or outside which provide a job of your choice. Make a note of every company which you think can bring a good job opportunity for you. Note down their contact details along with job profiles.
Get in Touch With Companies
It is time to send emails and make calls to the companies which you have listed from internet. Start calling these companies to have a casual word to enquire about the openings. Start with introducing yourself and then explain them that you are looking for work experience. Talk to the related person and ask for his / her email address. Make sure you email your updated CV to the companies where you think things can work out along with a covering letter.
Set a Career Path
Before any meetings and interviews, it is important to have a personal career path set which will help you achieve your desired goals. Know what you wish to learn and how this experience will be beneficial in your career. Know what kind of job profile will be helpful for you.
Get Ready for the Interview
The next step can be a call for an interview. Be prepared to face a formal interview. Make sure you are well-prepared before the meeting. Do some research about the company so that you are ready to face the interview with more confidence. Prepare your subject well so that you don’t miss on any aspect.
Give Your Best Shot
When you are heading for the interview, make sure you dress smartly. Be humble and polite. Remember your behavior is as important as your knowledge. Be open to learning and flexible.
Head for a Career Advisor
If in case you are not able to find out a job for yourself then you can approach a career advisor who can help you find a good job.
Follow these steps to get a good work experience and enjoy an impressive and interesting CV.