Application For Leave

I have attached the format of application for leave.





1.   Name _______________________________________           E Code __________________


2.   Designation _____________________________(Officer for Contractual  arrangement / Consultant/ Regular Employee)


3.   Period of Leave: From _________to ________ No. of Days__________________________


4.   Contact Address with Phone No_________________________________________________


5.   Reason for Leave: ___________________________________________________________





Place:                                                                                                  —————————–

Date:                                                                                                               (Applicants Signature)

                                       (Recommending Officials Signature -Manager HR)


(For Office Use Only)


(Resumed Duties on _________________________________)


Leave Availed So far_____________days        Leave balance_____________days


It is put up for orders whether leave for ____________ days from ___________to __________________ may be granted, as applied for.




Sanctioning Authority



1.   Total Period of absence includes prefixed /suffixed /intervening Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays must not exceed 30 days.


2.   Change in leave address must be intimated promptly.


3.   Absence without permission must be avoided.

Click Here to Download Application for leave