10 Tips to keep Employees Engaged in an Organization
10 Tips to keep Employees Engaged in an Organization
Job satisfaction is all that matters for positive work report in an organization. But unfortunately, this criterion remains unfulfilled in most cases. A study by the Conference Board reveals that “only 45% of workers are satisfied with their jobs, which is the lowest level ever recorded. In fact, one in three workers actually hopes to find a new job in the year ahead.”
Next hurdle is the search of a truly passionate, engaged employee. The ones who treat the company as their own. They relate the company’s success to their own. They make sure to advertise their company’s brand and products wherever they go and bring laurels. However, you never get dedicated employees unless you create. The HR team must be able to come with effective measures to keep employees engaged and motivated. Here are a few of them. Read along:
1. Conduct meetings from time to time
Hold effective career meeting from time to time. Discuss with your employees about their career prospects and goals in the future. If you feel you can help, mentor them well. This meeting also helps you get exposure to their minds and take necessary steps for the smooth running of your company.
2. Partnership is a boon
Treat employees as active associates rather than mere workers. Include them in your decision making process. Take advices and if you find it viable, apply those. Encourage creativity and build a certain environment where they do not hesitate to approach you.
3. Fulfill employee’s need
Make sure you meet employees demand. Understand the fact that it is easy to eat the cake, but the production process is the toughest of all. The same philosophy can be applied at work places too. Support and a sensitive understanding from supervisors are anticipated by employees. Talk to them personally for the emotional touch.
4. Go the kind way
You do not have to be always over the top formal. Sometimes a pat on the back as a friendly gesture matters a lot. You do not need organized some special award show to compliment co workers for their contribution and achievements. So, that you care in the moment.
5. Make them aware of your expectations
Even in your daily life no one give a damn unless you show appreciation. These are basic gestures that you need to apply as an HR. Make them aware of your expectations and how you plan to achieve it. If possible also try to include them in your plan, least they feel unwanted. Understand that every this has a ripple effect and your gestures get counted every time.
6. Proceed in written
Have your ideologies, goals and policies written and demonstrate how you plan on committing to employee satisfaction and engagement. Write about your expectations and revolve in with candidates, new employees, visitors, and the larger lot.
7. Adopt the ‘keep it simple silly’ strategy
HR should have the capacity to turn even boring tasks into interesting ones. Make work effortless and fun. Work on mutual feedbacks as it encourages performance. Do not hesitate to give negative feedbacks, but yes, in a motivating tone. Also practice random gestures of showing gratitude.
8. Be thankful, say it
Learn to appreciate your employees if they have achieved something very good for your organization. A gesture as small as thank you can bring motivation and zeal. Mention the behavior or accomplishment you are addressing to and of course how their contribution affected the company or team.
9. Be clear
Be straight forward while communicating with your employees. This is one of the most important employee engagement strategies that are adopted by most HRs. Never hide anything from employees as suspicion led to rumor where you tend to lose trust and credibility.
10. Never break promises
Never lose trust of your employees. As once you lose, it becomes difficult to get it back and it affects your credibility. Never make a promise you can’t keep and if you have made it, make sure you fulfill it too. There is nothing as demeaning as broken promises especially in the corporate world.
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