Job Evaluation by Hay System
Job evaluation by Hay system
1. Job evaluation by Hay system
Job evaluation is a tool for determining the ‘size’ of a job, usually in the form of a number of ‘points’ (i.e. a job with 400 points, is a bigger job than one with 200 points).
Hay system was established by Hay Group around 60 years ago and has been developed and used worldwide by numerous organizations, in both the public and private sectors.
2. Factors of Hay system
2.1. Know – How
The level of knowledge, skill and experience (gained through job experience, education and training), which are required to perform the job successfully. This is commensurate with the scale and complexity of the job outcomes (accountability).
Know-How include:
• Depth & Range of Know-How
• Planning & Organizing
• Communicating & Influencing (‘Human Relations Skills)
2.2. Problem Solving
The complexity of thinking required, both in the type of problems come across and the extent to which the jobholder has precedent and/or assistance in solving them (applying their Know – How).
Problem Solving include:
• Thinking Environment
• Thinking Challenge
2.3. Accountability
The impact the job has on the organization (i.e. the end result) and the extent to which the jobholder acts autonomously in achieving this.
Accountability include:
• Freedom to Act: Which defines the authority in the job to take decisions without referral to others.
• Magnitude: Which indicates the area of the organisation or “magnitude” upon which the job impacts.
• Type of Impact: Which establishes the strength or degree of impact the job has in relation to the chosen magnitude.
3. Process of Hay system
• Any job or role, in whatever organizational context, exists to provide some contribution to the organization in which it works – its Accountability.
• Delivering this Accountability depends on Input of Knowledge, skills and experience – the Know-How.
• Know-How must be applied and used in the Process of addressing the requirements of the job and solving the problems which arise in the job – the Problem Solving.
• Any role can thus be characterized in terms of these three factors of Know-How, Problem Solving and Accountability and the relationship between them.
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can you tell me if a community health nurse (requires BScN, advanced practice position, working in isolated community (fly in only), has authority to assess certain conditions and treat independently, md access by phone/email only, no emergency medical services in community, responsible for sick clinic and public health clinics such as well child, well adult and prenatal) is appropriately placed on the Hay Scale at level 17?