Policy on Rejoining
Re-joining obviously should be based on past performance and conduct of an ex-employee. These are paramount.
You may consider the following :
- Tenure served (fairly substantial/conforms to minimum acceptable)
- Appraisal reports/ratings/achievements/usefulness
- Progression in the Company (promotions/increments/rewards/
- participative ness)
- Inter-personal skills/conduct with colleagues/superiors alike.
- Job aptitude/attitude exhibited during past tenure
- Incidents of any misconduct/violation/contravention of any set
- policy/guidelines/law
- Extracurricular activities : Unionism/staff welfare/events/social work
- Complementary skill-sets “now” required by the Company
- Knowledge sharing/mentoring/leadership/motivational abilities, team
- play, etc.
- Exit conduct – proper handover/return of Co. docs/equipment/IPR, etc.
- and refund of outstandings, notice period served, etc.
- Peer recommendations/respect for the person..
The re-joining policy can incorporate the above and perhaps more as conditionalities for re-engagement in the Company. You may also develop a checklist for HR to tick off against all seeking to return to the Company or are on a recall.
Click Here To Download Policy on Rejoining