Posts tagged "Transfer Letter"

Pension Transfer from Husband to Wife Letter to Commissioner

In order to have the pension of the husband transferred to the wife, it is important to write a formal letter to the commissioner. Such a letter must contains all the details about the husband, the pension of which needs to be transferred to his wife.

You can always refer to the pension transfer letter to commissioner shared in this post. Simply follow the format for pension transfer letter from husband to wife in order to create a perfect formal letter that you can submit to the commissioner.

Format for Pension Letter from Husband to Wife


Richard Smith

54, Henry Hills


Date: December 25, 2023


Mr. Arnold Brown


Zenith Technologies


Sub: Pension transfer application.

Dear Mr. Brown,

On behalf of Mrs. Ana Brown, wife of your former employee, Mr. Bill Smith, I, Richard Smith, am writing this application for requesting you to kindly have the monthly pension of Mr. Bill transferred to his wife who is the legal successor to receive the pension he was entitled for.

I am attaching with this letter the photocopies of the death certificate of Mr. Bill Smith along with the photocopies of the marriage certificate of Mr. Bill Smith and Mrs. Ana Smith for your reference. Also attached with this letter is the duly signed and filled form no. 78945 in order to have the process begin formally.

In case you need any other documents then please free to call me at 9898989898. I am hopeful that you will take this matter on the priority basis and have the pensioned transferred at the earliest.

Thanking you.


Richard Smith

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Posted by Hrformats - December 20, 2023 at 3:15 AM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , , ,

Bulk Salary Transfer Letter Format to Bank from Company

Every month salaries are required to be transferred by the employer to the accounts of the employees and in order to make this process an easy thing, following a Bulk Salary Transfer Letter Format is the right thing to do. Request Letter to Bank for Bulk Salary Transfer makes it easier for the company to communicate about the bulk salary transfers and Employee salary transfer request letter to company smoothens and fastens the process.

In this post, we have come up with a Bulk Salary Transfer Letter Format to Bank. Use this Employees Salary Transfer Letter to Bank, to create your own letter with ease.

Employee Bulk Salary Transfer Letter Format to Bank from Company


Simon Smith


Zenith Technologies

New York

Date: June 24, 2022


The Branch Manager

ABC Bank

New York

Sub: Regarding bulk salary transfer

Dear Sir,

We, Zenith Technologies, request you to please transfer the salaries of our employees into their respective bank accounts by debiting the amount from our bank account with account number 78897898 for the month of April, 2022. The name, salary and bank details of the employees are shared below.

S NoEmployee NameSalaryBank NameA/C NumberIFSC Code
1Andrew Smith2850Ace Bank45564556ACCB
2Roger Gibbs4255New Bank89562312NWBB
3Amanda Brown2536Era Bank78453265EEBB
4Richard Ray5363AAA Bank15263589AABB
5Susan Hall2398Ace Bank56458923ACCB

Thanking you.


Simon Smith
Zenith Technologies
New York

Application for Advance Salary for Home Construction
Letter Format for Advance Salary for Medical Treatment
Salary Advance Application Letter for Marriage
Salary Advance Application for Personal Reasons
Application of Advance Salary for Urgent Basis
Salary Advance Request Letter for Family Problems
Advance Salary Application Letter Format
Resignation Letter Due to Low Salary Problem
Salary Increase Negotiation Letter
Salary Increment Letter After Completing One Year
Salary Slip & Salary Working Format
Formal Salary Negotiation Letter to Company
Rejecting Offer Letter Because of Salary
Apology Letter for Delay Payment in Salary
HR Revision Policy Regarding Salary Increment Letter
Employee Transfer Letter Intercompany
Offer Letter for Transferred Employees
Internal Job Transfer Letter as a Temporary

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Posted by Hrformats - June 24, 2022 at 5:27 AM

Categories: Salary Format   Tags: , , ,

Format for Employee Transfer Letter Intercompany

Where there is a job, there are also transfers. Sometimes the transfers are to a different department or a different city but sometimes there are inter company transfers. And for every transfer, you have to write employee transfer letter to formally inform about it. You can use internal transfer letter sample or employee transfer letter template for some help. You can even refer to transfer letter format to respond to employee transfer request letter.

Use the sample format for employee inter company transfer letter to create a formal transfer letter that fits well with your requirement and situation.

Inter Company Employee Transfer Letter Format


Rakesh Sharma

HR Manager

Oracle Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Date: February 20th, 2020


Radhika Sharma

54, Siddhivinayak Apartments,


Dear Ms. Radhika,

This is to inform you that as per our discussion on February 1st, 2020, you are being transferred to our sister company, Premier Software Pvt. Ltd., effective April 1st, 2020. You are transferred to the position of Deputy Manager, Department of Marketing and you will be reporting to Mr. Girish Khamesra, Marketing Manager.

Your revised pay will be Rs. 12,00,000 per annum and all the terms and conditions will remain the same as they were at the time of your recruitment. Any appraisal in your salary will be subjective to your performance.

There is a meeting that has been arranged with Mr. Girish Khamesra, Marketing Manager, on March 25th, 2020 to discuss your roles and responsibilities.

I am hopeful that this opportunity will help you contribute to the company and stay associated with us.

Wishing you good luck.


Rakesh Sharma

HR Manager

Oracle Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Click here to download Employee Transfer Letter Inter Company in Word Format

Related Other Transfer Letter Formats

Transfer Letter Request From One Place to Another
Employees Salary Transfer Letter to Bank
Transfer Letter Format Due To Family Reason
Sample of Transfer Request Letter
Transfer Request Letter For Difficult Working Conditions
Offer Letter for Transferred Employees
Internal Job Transfer Letter as a Temporary

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Posted by Hrformats - February 20, 2020 at 7:00 AM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , , , ,

Sample Format for Transfer Letter Request From One Place to Another

If you wish to move from one place to another and you don’t want to leave your present company then you can always write a transfer letter to the HR Manager submitting your job transfer request letter for personal reason. This is a formal way of submitting your request by stating reasons because of which you are writing letter of request for transfer of workplace. Such letters are very much to the point and help you explain your part with no room for confusion.

We have a job transfer request letter example. Use this sample transfer letter format from one place to another to submit to your HR.

Format for Transfer Letter Request From One City to Another


Anita Sharma

52, Gandhi Apartments

Bose Road


Date: 14.04.2017


Rohini Goyal

HR Manager

Crown Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

89, Simon Plaza


Sub: Transfer letter request from Calcutta to Delhi.

Dear Rohini,

I would like to submit my request for transfer from Calcutta office of our Company to Delhi office. There are a few personal reasons because of which I am initiating this request. My husband has been transferred to Delhi and that’s the reason I am putting up this request. I have been associated with Crown Technologies Pvt. Ltd. from last five years and I have had an amazing work experience and I would not want to discontinue it.

I strongly feel that this change of workplace will be in the interest of my personal life and also the Company as it will save my time traveling to Delhi to meet my husband and I will be able to focus better on my duties and responsibilities. I feel that instead of leaving the company, just with a change of city, I can still be a part of this prestigious organization.

For all these years, you have seen my performance and the growth that I have achieved with the guidance of seniors and my dedication. I would be very interested in continuing working with Crown Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributing in the growth.

I would be extremely happy if we can work out on a solution that is mutually beneficial to the company and me. I would be glad to assist and train someone else for my profile in Calcutta office so that the work doesn’t get affected. I promise to extend the best of my support in this.

I have had a wonderful journey with amazing experience and I would love to continue that for longer.

I thank you for considering my request. I would be waiting for your response.


Anita Sharma

Senior Marketing Executive

Crown Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Click Here to Download Request Transfer Letter From One Place TO Another

Related Other Transfer Letter Formats

Employee Transfer Letter Intercompany
Employees Salary Transfer Letter to Bank
Transfer Letter Format Due To Family Reason
Sample of Transfer Request Letter
Transfer Request Letter For Difficult Working Conditions
Offer Letter for Transferred Employees
Internal Job Transfer Letter as a Temporary

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Posted by Hrformats - April 14, 2017 at 12:56 PM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , ,

Employees Salary Transfer Letter to Bank

Being the HR manager of your company, the onus of salary transfer of your employees is on your shoulders. If you have some new employee in the company for which you want the salary transfer to be made or you want the salary transfers of your present employees to be made then you must write a formal employee salary transfer letter to bank instructing the bank to do the needful.

Given below is a sample format for employee salary transfer letter to bank to help you create a personalized draft with important details required to be included. Use this template given for quick and easy reference.

Employees salary transfer letter format to bank

Andrew Cullen

HR Manager

XYZ Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

123 Prospect Ave, Apt 111


Date: 30th July, 2016


John Smith
Bank Manager
ABC Bank Pvt. Ltd.
123 Park Avenue

Sub: Employee Salary Transfer Letter

Dear Sir,

On behalf of XYZ Technologies Pvt. Ltd., I request you to please debit salary of our employees from our bank account, the details of which have been mentioned below:

Name                          Account No.                 Amount

Mary Smith                 123-456-789                $5000

Hugh John                   111-222-444                $5400

Ana Maria                   781-456-113                $4800

Joseph Roy                  564-987-321                $3800

Thanking in anticipation

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Cullen

HR Manager

XYZ Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Letter Format for Advance Salary for Medical Treatment
Salary Advance Application for Personal Reasons
Application of Advance Salary for Urgent Basis
Salary Advance Request Letter for Family Problems
Advance Salary Application Letter Format
Bulk Salary Transfer Letter Format to Bank from Company
Apology Letter for Delay Payment in Salary
HR Revision Policy Regarding Salary Increment Letter
Employee Transfer Letter Intercompany
Transfer Letter Request From One Place to Another
Transfer Letter Format Due To Family Reason
Sample of Transfer Request Letter
Transfer Request Letter For Difficult Working Conditions
Offer Letter for Transferred Employees
Internal Job Transfer Letter as a Temporary

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Posted by Hrformats - July 30, 2016 at 12:55 PM

Categories: Salary Format   Tags: , ,

Transfer Letter Format Due To Family Reason

Transfer letters are formal letters that are written in order to submit a written request to your employer for transferring you within the organization to some different location. Usually such letters are addressed to the Human Resource Department or to the head of your department or to your boss. There can be different personal or family reasons because of which you have to request your transfer.

Given below is a format sample of professionally drafted Job transfer request letter to family reasons. You can use this draft example to create a customized letter by using your own reason. Keep it short and don’t miss on any detail.

Transfer Letter Format Due To Family Reason

Jackie Brown

22 B Block

Swedish Apartments


Date: 16th July, 2016


Robert Tims

HR Manager

ABC Finance Bank

52nd Harold Street

New York

Subject: Transfer Request Letter

Dear Mr. Tims,

The purpose of writing this letter is to request you to kindly transfer me to the California Office of ABC Finance Bank.

The reason for submitting this request is that my parent put up in California and they need to undergo some medical treatment for which I need to be there with them.

I have been working with ABC Finance Bank from last 8 years and I enjoy working in our company. I don’t want to leave this job and that’s why I am submitting this request. This is an inevitable situation at my end and I really need you to consider my request. I ensure that I will work with the best of my abilities and potential to benefit our office in California.

It is a humble request to you to please consider my transfer. I ensure that you will have no complaints on my performance level. I am looking forward to continue serving at ABC Finance Bank. Your positive response is anticipated.

Thanking in anticipation for considering my request.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Brown

Finance Manager

ABC Finance Bank

Related Other Transfer Letter Formats

Employee Transfer Letter Intercompany
Transfer Letter Request From One Place to Another
Employees Salary Transfer Letter to Bank
Sample of Transfer Request Letter
Transfer Request Letter For Difficult Working Conditions
Offer Letter for Transferred Employees
Internal Job Transfer Letter as a Temporary

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Posted by Hrformats - July 16, 2016 at 12:41 PM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , ,

Sample of Transfer Request Letter

If you are working with some company and wish to request a transfer then the right procedure demands writing a formal transfer request letter either to the HR manager of your company or to the owner of your company. In such a letter, you must mention the reason because of which you want to be shifted to a different location or the department. Make sure that the reason you state is reasonable and logical so that the management considers your request and approves it.

Here is a format sample of transfer letter to another location which is a professional way of submitting a request for transfer in written. Use this template to create your personalized draft following the right format and flow of content so that your request is considered by the company. Read on and find out how to frame such a letter

Sample transfer letter to another location

John Smith

11, Park Avenue,

New York

Date: 6th August, 2015


Jacob Brown

HR Manager

ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

52 Richmond Street

New York

Dear Mr. Brown,

I have been working with the New York branch of the company from last six years. It has been an amazing experience working with such a reputed company. But now I am looking for a transfer to the California branch of ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

The reason because of which I am requesting a transfer is because my wife has got a new job in California and she is really keen on grabbing this wonderful opportunity. Because that company doesn’t have any offices in New York, therefore, moving to California is the only option.

I have always enjoyed my job and the work environment at ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. which is why I would love to continue working for the company but at a different location. I think it is in the best interest of myself and the organization that I relocate to the California branch and resume my working from there as I is not feasible for me travel to and fro every weekend. I would always want to stay associated with the company and offer the best of my services.

I really hope that we are able to work out on a mutually beneficial solution for this problem so that I can continue with my job with ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. without any hindrances.

Thanks for considering my request. In case, you require any more information in relation with my request for relocation, please feel free to contact me at 123-456-78 or you can also mail me at [email protected].

Looking forward for your reply.

Yours sincerely

John Smith

Related Other Transfer Letter Formats

Employee Transfer Letter Intercompany
Transfer Letter Request From One Place to Another
Employees Salary Transfer Letter to Bank
Transfer Letter Format Due To Family Reason
Transfer Request Letter For Difficult Working Conditions
Offer Letter for Transferred Employees
Internal Job Transfer Letter as a Temporary

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Posted by Hrformats - August 6, 2015 at 12:02 PM

Categories: Letters   Tags: ,

Transfer Request Letter For Difficult Working Conditions

When you get transferred to a new location, you take time to settle down in a new setting. But sometimes despite making all the efforts you are unable to deal with the changes because of various external factors. If you are a lady and you have been transferred to a location which offers no security to women or it doesn’t offer the basic facilities needed by your gender then you must request your employer in writing to transfer you to some other location.

If you don’t know how to begin writing such kind of a letter then follow the example sample given below which addresses the insecure atmosphere at new working place which is making inconvenient and uncomfortable for you to work as you are a lady.

Format for Transfer Request Letter For Difficult Working Conditions

Julia Mars

11, Park Avenue,

St. George Village

Date: 13th July, 2015


Mathew Jacob

HR Manager,

XYZ Development Bank

42 Richmond Street,

New York

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your notice that I, Julia Mars, was transferred to remote location close to St. George Village on the position of Accountant on 1st June, 2015.

The purpose of writing this letter is to make you aware about the living conditions at this location which is at a distance of 15 kms from the closest village. As you know, it is a remote location which does not offer any transport facilities to commute. Moreover, there is no security for women working at this location as it is quite an unsafe area for women. In this span of one month, I had to face difficult situations at this location which have adversely affected my working. And as I am staying alone, it is becoming very difficult for me to manage living at this location.

I also want to bring to your notice that this place doesn’t even offer basic amenities like electricity and water which have added to the problem. There are frequent power cuts on regular basis. Till date, I have not been able to find a decent place to stay at this place. Because of such difficult living conditions, I am really facing a tough time because of which I am unable to give my best at work.

I would like to request you to please consider my situation and transfer me to a better place where I can find a decent place to live and women security is not an issue. For this one month, I tried my level best to adjust with the living conditions at this place but all my efforts have failed and I am compelled to write a transfer request letter to you.

I hope you will consider my situation and come up with a solution at the earliest. If you wish to anything else from me, please feel free to contact me at 123-456-78 or you can email me at [email protected].

Thanking in anticipation.

Yours sincerely,

Julia Mars


ABC Development Bank

St. George Village

Related Other Transfer Letter Formats

Employee Transfer Letter Intercompany
Transfer Letter Request From One Place to Another
Employees Salary Transfer Letter to Bank
Transfer Letter Format Due To Family Reason
Sample of Transfer Request Letter
Offer Letter for Transferred Employees
Internal Job Transfer Letter as a Temporary

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Posted by Hrformats - July 17, 2015 at 1:00 PM

Categories: Letters   Tags: ,

Offer Letter for Transferred Employees

Sometimes firms transfer their employees from branch to another or from one department to another. In such a scenario, one must know the art of writing a professionally pleasant beautifully framed offer letter welcoming the transferred employee in the department. It must contain all the necessary details concerning the title of job, date of joining and salary that will be offered to the candidate. It is important that you must include the finest of the details to complete your letter.

Given below is an example sample offer letter for transferred employees meeting all the standards that are important. Use it as a reference for framing a customized draft.

Sample Offer Letter for Transferred Employees

Date: 9th January, 2015

John Smith

123 Herald Apartments,

New York 123 456

Re: Job Number 1234

Dear Mr. Smith,

Congratulations!  I am pleased to offer you the position of Senior Assistant Professor at the College of Commerce at the University of Mills at Austin. We are offering you a salary of $5,000 per month, which equates to an amount of $60,000 per year.  Your date of joining for the same will be 10st February, 2015. You will report to me at 9 a.m. on this date. Your work schedule will be from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

From now on, you will no longer be working on the post of Assistant Professor at University of Texas. This position was for a limited duration and hence your employment is contingent, in part, upon completion of the project.

In case, you have any further queries or questions regarding this job offer, please feel free to contact me at 123-45678. I request you to please sign and return a copy of this offer letter prior to or no later than your date of joining.

Again, a heartious congratulation on your selection. This is quite an important position at the University of Mills at Austin.  This is an exciting time for us and we look forward to you joining our team.


Jim Simon

Related Other Transfer Letter Formats

Employee Transfer Letter Intercompany
Transfer Letter Request From One Place to Another
Employees Salary Transfer Letter to Bank
Transfer Letter Format Due To Family Reason
Sample of Transfer Request Letter
Transfer Request Letter For Difficult Working Conditions
Internal Job Transfer Letter as a Temporary

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Posted by Hrformats - January 9, 2015 at 7:10 AM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , ,

Internal Job Transfer Letter as a Temporary

Example of Internal Temporary Job Transfer official Letter.

1st February ’14

Mr. Raj Kundra
GM – Purchase

S.T Sales Ltd


Subject: Temporary Job transfer

Dear Raj,

This letter is to inform you about your temporarily transferred to our branch at (new job location). You will be holding a totally different job responsibility. However, this transfer is made as a result of your need and ability to handle responsibilities in the department.

You are anticipated to join us back as soon as the project at hand is completed (or on the decided date by the management. We are open to providing maximum opportunities to our employees and this transfer is an example of our effort. You are expected to report to the ______ effective from today till (date).

Your compensation and benefits in context to this transfer will be the same. The management will make sure that the appointed manager will guide you in every possible way during the course on your new job.

You are also required to report at my office anytime today as we need to discuss on some important matters before the transfer. We are confident that you will continue to perform with the same level of excellence in your new job.

In case of any confusion or query please contact me or any of the concerned managers. We will be more than happy to assist you. We will be more than happy to assist you

Best Regards,

Shivani Sharma

President – HRD

S.T Sales Ltd

Click Here To Download Job Transfer Letter Format

Related Other Transfer Letter Formats

Employee Transfer Letter Intercompany
Transfer Letter Request From One Place to Another
Employees Salary Transfer Letter to Bank
Transfer Letter Format Due To Family Reason
Sample of Transfer Request Letter
Transfer Request Letter For Difficult Working Conditions
Offer Letter for Transferred Employees

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Posted by Hrformats - February 10, 2014 at 3:41 PM

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