Sample Resignation Letter with Complaint
While working for the company, you sometimes have to leave your job because of some bad experiences which compel you to resign from your job. In such a case, you must put up your resignation letter in a formal way which also includes a complaint against the company. It is important for you to make your part clear and also inform the management about the reason because of which you have been forced to resign. The resignation letter with complaint should be professional and courteous in its tone.
Use the format template given below which will help you frame a customized letter consisting of reason because of which you are quitting your job. You must make it clear that you are leaving the organization because you no longer feel that the environment at the office is conducive for you to work.
Sample Resignation Letter with Complaint
Sam Jackman
123 Silver Street
42, Park Avenue
New York
Date: 11th June, 2015
Adam Gibbs
HR Manager,
ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
New York
Dear Mr. Gibbs,
This is to inform you that I am resigning from the position of Marketing Executive in ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. My last working day in the Company will be on 30st June, 2015.
I would also like to bring to your notice the unhygienic working conditions in the Sales Department. I had informed about the same to my Department Head as well but despite writing to him, no action has been taken in the last five months. Due to poor working conditions, not just me but other employees have suffered from frequent episodes of illness.
Therefore, I have decided to resign from my job as I cannot work in such poor working conditions at the cost of my health.
I hope that the Company will understand my situation and all my outstanding dues will be cleared before my last working day in the organization.
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
Sam Jackman
Categories: Resignation Letters Tags: Complaint Letter, Resignation Letter
How to Write a Complaint Letter to an Employee Regarding His Behavior
If you are experiencing any kind of unwanted behavior in your company then you must report it at the earliest so that it can be altered as soon as possible. In corporate, the right way of approaching is to write a professionally drafted complaint letter to the HR Manager complaining about the employee who has shown the unwanted behavior towards another employee as a kind of warning.
Here is a step wise procedure concerning the letter writing along with a sample format for your easy reference.
Step 1
The starting of your letter should contain the past experiences in meetings and discussions with this employee talking about his wrong behavior.
Step 2
In the next paragraph, mention the incident that took place. You must cite the complete and exact incident along with the behavior of the employee as it will work as the record for future.
Step 3
In the next step, you must remind the employee of the company’s policy. Also mention the details on how such kind of behavior is handled by the company and also inform him that what kind of actions can be taken if the same kind of behavior occurs again. This serves to be a formal notice to the employee.
Step 4
Always close the letter with a positive note to improve. You must make sure that you express the feeling that you want your employee to know that you are doing this for his benefit and that the company doesn’t want to lose him. Also make clear that if he continues with his behavior then you will have to take a strict action. Suggest him for some anger management training course which can help him get over this problem.
Step 5
Make sure that you send three copies of the letter. One should go to the employee, the next copy should be sent to the human resources manager and the last copy should be filed in that employee’s personnel file for record purpose to refer in future if his behavior persists.
Example Format of Complaint Letter to an Employee Regarding His Behavior
Sam Jones
Sales Manager
Human Resources, Manager
Prodigy Technologies,
41515, Newark,
New York, USA.
Date: December, 14, 2014
Simon Brown
Human Resources, Manager
Prodigy Technologies,
41515, Newark,
New York, USA.
Dear Mr. Brown,
With a heavy heart, I am writing this complaint letter to you. This letter is concerning a formal complaint against one of the employees in our company named Robinson Parker. Mr. Parker has been working under my supervision in the sales department from last three years. I have to report that he is nowhere near his sales target and doesn’t seem to be putting in enough efforts to make it happen. In the last three months, he has failed to meet all the targets with no hope for improvement.
He seems to be very casual about his targets as he has paid no attention to the previous letters that were sent to him. His working style and output is just the same. He doesn’t report on time either. I would like to bring to your notice a recent incident that took place on 10th November, where he misbehaver with a teammate. Then on 12th November, 2014 he made a pass at a female employee of the same department in the office. I resolved this matter at my level by making him apologize to the lady. Such an incident makes the company prone to sexual harassment lawsuits.
I have tried speaking with him at a personal level but he doesn’t seem to understand his mistake. There is no doubt that he has been a sincere employee of the company but such kind of behavior is just not acceptable. It is against the company standards and rules.
I suggest that he should receive a formal letter from Human Resources department, concerning his performance issues. If possible then please have a personal meeting with him to find out the issue with Mr. Parker as till the last year, he was a good employee of our company who always delivered good performance. This kind of change in his behavior is something new and shocking.
As per my opinion, Mr. Parker deserves a final chance to improve and correct his mistakes. Rest it is totally your decision whether you wish to retain him or not. I request your urgent attention on this matter.
Yours Sincerely,
Sam Jones
Sales Manager
Categories: Letters Tags: Behavior, Complaint Letter, Employee
How to Write a Complaint Letter to Human Resources with Sample
There are times that you face some kind of wrong behavior or pressure from your boss or coworkers while working in a company. Such issues are not to be neglected rather they should be reported to the Human Resource department so that management can take a quick action on it.
Here is a simple step wise process that you need to follow while writing such a complain along with a format sample for reference.
Stepwise Process for Writing Complaint Letter to Human Resources
- Start with the past experiences or encounters with the employee
- Talk about the incident that has taken place in the recent past. Make sure you cite a complete incident which reflects the improper conduct of the employee.
- Now mention that this kind of behavior is against the policy of the company and must be corrected. Mention the kind of action that can be taken against him.
- End the letter mentioning about correcting the behavior. Leave the final decision on the management.
This letter should have three copies. The main copy should go to the HR manager, one should be filed in the personnel file of the employee against whom the complaint is been made and last cop should go to the employee himself.
Sample Complaint Letter to Human Resources
Date: December, 05th, 2014
Robin Parker
Manager, Human Resources,
ABC Software,
New York.
Dear Mr. Roberts,
I have been associated with ABC Software from past five years. I have an excellent record of finishing my targets on time. I have always been regular and prompt with my reporting. Despite this I feel that I have been discriminated. I feel this discrimination has been on the basis of my age and gender. In last two years, I have observed that lesser experienced employees have been promoted over me, they all had average working records and they all were males. From last three years, I am working on the same profile and all my juniors have been promoted. Moreover, I feel men are getting all the important projects so that they can have more opportunities.
I have made complaints on the same issue earlier but nothing has been done so far. These were made on 10th June, 2014, 15th August, 2014, 15th September, 2014 and 10th October, 2014. The form numbers for these complaints have been A123, A210, A256 and A312 respectively. I have always enjoyed working in the company but this kind of discrimination has left me with a bad feeling. It is really disappointing to see your efforts go unnoticed.
When I have joined the company, I was told that I will be given equal opportunities to perform but nothing seems to go in sync with the promises made. If the same situation persists then I will be forced to take some legal action against the discrimination.
It is not right to discriminate employees based on gender or age. It is a serious offence. I am hopeful that this matter will be resolved at the earliest.
Thanks for your consideration and I will be looking forward to hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
Rose Thomas
Sales Executive
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Categories: HR Tags: Complaint Letter, HR Letter
HR Letter of Complaint About Employee
It is very common to experience misbehavior when you work in big corporate houses. They are so many people of different kinds which interact with you and work with you. Coming across an unhealthy behavior is not a big thing. But it must be reported to the Human Resource department when you feel it is exceeding the limits.
Here is an example format of HR letter of complain about employee which has been mentioned below. Use it as a base for drafting a personalized but professional letter to the manager while clearly reporting the issue.
Example of HR Letter of Complaint About Employee
Date: November 20th, 2014
Sam Wright
Elite Technologies
HR Manager
Dear Mr. Wright,
I hold a position of marketing manager at the company. I want to file a formal complaint for discrimination to which my teammate Ms. Anan Christ has been a subject, and I request that you investigate our allegations and take appropriate action to stop it or remedy it. The harasser, Mr. Tony Gates is a marketing executive from my department. The following are the events which I believe constitute discrimination:
On November 10th, 2014, Mr. Gates approached her during the lunch break in the mess and said that blacks are not allowed to have their lunch in the same premises which I feel constitutes discrimination.
Likewise on November 12th, 2014, when she enquired about how she can apply for the promotion in the company, Mr. Gates told her that people with dark skin do not deserve to be promoted.
On November 13th, 2014, Mr. Gates approached her on her desk and said that the company requires fresh blood and that she is not fit for the job and should consider taking up an early retirement.
All these instances constitute discrimination at work. I would really appreciate to meet with you in person so that we can discuss this situation and decide on how it can be resolved. Mr. Gates has been a loyal and hard working employee of our company and has never shown such a conduct. I think with proper guidance, we can help him become a better person.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Mary James
Manager, Marketing Department
Categories: HR Tags: Complaint Letter, Employee, HR Letter