6 Recruitment Tips during Economic Crisis
6 recruitment tips during economic crisis
Every business has its own period. Sometimes, you are suddenly busy but sometimes you have free time to take a rest. Thus, your recruitment plan should be based on such period of time.
Particularly, when the global economy slows down or busy time becomes less and less, your recruitment plan is certainly affected. Hence, enterprises had better prepare recruitment strategies to smoothly come over the difficult period.
1. Don’t stop recruitment completely
When the economy goes into crisis, the first reaction of all enterprises is stop the recruitment. However, is it necessary to stop the recruitment in all departments of your company? If your company can reverse the situation by investing more in technology, it is much irrational when asking technology department to stop recruiting. It’s much more irrational because the qualified human resource is plentiful during the crisis as many companies have to cut down on their labor force. Even when many excellent candidates apply, you should recruit more than the planned quantity.
2. Review partners’ reliability:
Whoever the human consultant company – your partner in recruitment – is, you should review the reliability of agreements signing with them. Beside ensuring the signed contracts to be continued implementing, you should plan to seek for other partners to save your company in case the present partner goes bankrupt.
3. Put priority on recruiting important positions.
Put all your effort into recruiting the positions which have great effect on your enterprise’s performance. As a result, you will raise the efficiency of using recruitment budgets. Study recruitment procedures you have used and determine to use the most effective ones. Economic recession is not the suitable time to do experiments unless it does not cost too much.
4. Prepare to receive flows of applications
Economic recession brings about unemployment. Consequently, you will get more applications than before when advertising recruitment notice. The good point of this is that you will have more choices. On the other hand, you have to spend more time to view applications. Thus, you had better calculate and consider the reasonable amount of time for it when you are going to recruit employees.
5. Share resources in an enterprise:
If you are working in a big company with recruitment management policy based on areas, you should learn how to share both knowledge and resources in recruitment and human resource management. Sometimes this situation may occur that a branch of a company loses much in business while another branch is developing drastically and needs support for their recruitment plan.
6. Prove that you are a reliable recruiter.
If you want to attract talented employees during economic crisis, you need to show that you are a reliable recruiter. Mention the recent achievements your company have received and the development plan in the next period in the recruitment notice. Therefore, candidates do not worry about the unemployment prospect that may happen to them before they finish the probation period.
In case your enterprise do not want or cannot recruit more (even one employee) during economic crisis, you still have other strategies to prepare for the bright future. One of the strategies is to move staffs from a department to others that need more labor force because of too much work. In addition, if the opportunities of promotion or raising salary are not as much as before or employees’jobs have some changes, you should frankly discuss with them.
You can also spend time doing research or analyzing the events that push your company into such bad situation. Is there any warning when the difficult period comes? What can you do to limit the effects of the recession in the future?
In sum, you can select any strategy as long as you do not give up or do nothing.
Click Here To Download 6 Recruitment Tips during Economic Crisis