Forms A & F of Grautity Act

 I have Attached Forms A&F of  Grautity Act


[see-sub-rule (1) of Rule 3]

Notice of opening



1-Name and address of the establishment                  – M/S


2-Name and designation of the employer                –


3-Number of person employed                                 –


4-Maximum number of persons employed on any

day during the preceding twelve months with date  –


5-Number of employees covered by the Act            –

6-Nature of industry                                                        –


7-Whether seasonal                                                  –

8-Date of opening Dill                                              –

9-Details of Head Office/ Branches

(a) Name and address of the Head Office                 –


number of employees                                          –


(b) Names and address of other branches in India.





I verify that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.





                      Signature of employer

                  with  name and designation

The Controlling Authority,


Labour Enforcement office (Center)

 Click Here To Download Forms A & F of Grautity Act