Bonus in Companies
Bonus has to be paid at the rate of 8.33% of Basic as minimum and 20% of Basic as maximum. All those employees who are getting the Basic salary of upto Rs 10,000 per month are entitled to get Bonus. For the purpose of the calculation Bonus has to be paid on the maximum Basic of Rs 3500/-. e.g., if any employee is getting Basic salary in between Rs 3500 and 10,000 per month, he has to be paid the Bonus at the rate of 8.33% of Rs 3500/- as minimum or 20% of Rs 3500/- as maximum. But If he is getting basic salary less than Rs 3500/- he has to be paid Bonus on actual Basic.
Dear sir,
Kindly send me Nomination Form-F under gratuity act and details of statutory compliance under gratuity act.
Raghavendra K