Posts tagged "Work from Home Policy Template"

Request Letter/Email Templates to Boss to Work from Home

Work from home may not be a popular work format for many companies but there are many situations under which an employment can submit request letter for work from home. There are all kinds of work from home request letter to boss like request letter for work from home due to COVID 19 (lockdown), illness, pregnancy, health issues. Whatever be the reason, you are required to write a work from home request email to boss.

In this post, we have come up with different letter and employee email examples asking to work from home. You can use the email templates for asking boss to work from home. You can write your own request for home sample email.

Format 1. Request Letter to Boss to Work from Home


Rakesh Sharma

54, Alaknanda Apartments

New Delhi

Date: 13th November, 2025


Anirudh Gupta

Project Manager

Infinity Technology Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi

Sub: Request Letter to Work from Home

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter to request you to please allow me to work from home for a month.

My mother has undergone a spine surgery recently and as post-surgery precautions, she has been asked by the doctor to take complete bed rest for a month. During these times, I have to be with her to take care of her and at the same time, I don’t want my work to suffer. Therefore, I am writing this letter to request you to please grant me the permission to work from home for a month.

I guarantee that my work does not suffer because of working from home. I will be putting in extra time and effort to meet all the deadlines. I am hopeful that you will consider my request and will grant me the permission.

Thanking in anticipation.


Rakesh Sharma

Format 2. Request Letter for work from home due to covid 19

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to request to you allow work from home considering the ongoing situation of COVID 19. In present times when coronavirus has been declared the biggest pandemic of all the times, I believe that working from home is the way to stay safe for all of us.

In order to control the widespread of this disease, experts have been recommending everyone to not leave home until and unless it is extremely urgent and follow social distancing. Most of the companies within India as well abroad have asked their employees to work from home. Because our work format already gives us the convenience to work from anywhere, I would be a great step to have all the employees working from home so that all our employees are safe and are always there to contribute towards the company.

Looking forward to hear from you. Thanking in anticipation.


Gaurav Sharma

Format 3. Request Email to Boss to Work from Home

Dear Sir,

The purpose of writing this email is to request you to please approve work from home format for a week for me. Because of the immense rainfall, the road conditions have worsened and problem of water logging has made it extremely different to commute. Moreover, considering the weather forecast from the department, it is expected to rain for few more days.

In order to avoid the inconvenience caused in commuting to office, I would really appreciate if you could allow me to work from home until the rains stop and it is convenient to commute to office. I guarantee that there will be no loss or delay in work from my end.

Looking forward to hear from you. Thanking in anticipation.


Gaurav Sharma

Format 4. Work from Home Email to boss due to illness

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to request you to allow me work from home as I am not feeling well. I am suffering from a viral infection and I want to make sure that I stay from people, in case the infection is contagious.

I would be really thankful if you could accept this request and allow me to work from home until I recover. I have also enclosed my medical report for your reference.

Looking forward to hear from you. Thanking in anticipation.


Gaurav Sharma

Other Related Letter Formats

Sick Leave Email to Boss for One Day
Letter for Allowing an Employee to Work from Home
Work from Home Policy Template
Excuse Letter for Being Late at Work due to Traffic
Work From Home A Boon or a Bane

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Posted by Hrformats - January 4, 2025 at 4:37 AM

Categories: Email Format   Tags: , , , , ,

Letter Inviting Employee Return to Office after Work from Home

With life getting back on track after COVID-19, offices are ready to have their employees work from office. And in order to do that, writing letter inviting employees back to work is a sweet gesture. Welcome back employees to the office after COVID-19 in a formal manner by sharing some important guidelines that they need to be following to keep it safe. As Employee Return to Work Letter After Coronavirus, make sure that you write a letter to all of them to make it a healthy working experience for all.

This post includes draft for inviting employees to return to office after work from home letter sample. You can use this template or example for creating a personalized letter.

Letter Format Inviting Employees Return to Office After Work From Home

Dear Employees,

Welcome back to office!

It has been a long while since you all had been working from home but now we all very happy to welcome you back to office. We want to make sure that working at office is safe for each one of you and therefore, we are sharing some guidelines that must be kept in mind all the times at office by each one of us.

  • We will be sanitizing the office frequently
  • We will be distributing the working hours for all employees
  • All employees will have to compulsorily work from office for three days in a week which will be shared in the roaster every week.
  • There will be limitations on number of employees gathering at a time.
  • Employees will have to maintain distance while working in the office.

Thank you to all our employees for all your patience and support during these difficult times.


Ana Hathaway

HR Manager

Zenith Technologies

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Posted by Hrformats - April 19, 2022 at 3:52 AM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , , ,

Letter for Allowing an Employee to Work from Home

Working from home is extremely convenient as it saves commute time and helps focus better for the employee. Thanks to technology work from is usually very much doable. The request for work from home due to personal reasons, illness, childcare, pregnancy etc. keeps surfacing in organizations and have to dealt in accordance with Work From Home Policy template of the company. Granting work from home offer letter would also require company to develop an arrangement allowing employee to work from home. You can respond to letter to employee working from home by stating the arrangement which would require employee to visit office once in forth night or a month. It would also be obvious that the expenses related with telephone or internet will be borne by the employee.

In this post, we have come up with letter to employee working from home. Using this format as response to sample letter to manage regarding work from home.

Letter Requesting Permission to Work from Home

Sanjay Singh

HR Manager

Excel Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Date: October 2nd, 2019


Radhika Sharma

56, Kirtiman Apartments

New Delhi

Sub: Regarding request for work from home.

Dear Radhika,

This is to inform you that your request for work from home submitted on October 1st, 2019 has been approved by the management considering the situation in your personal life. You are allowed to work from home for the next three months starting from October 15th, 2019 to December 31st, 2019.

As it is going to be a pretty long arrangement, therefore, we would appreciate if you could visit the office for the monthly meetings that are scheduled in the first week of every month. This will help you meet with the team and also discuss the goals for the next month. Moreover, any expenses related with telephone or internet usage will not be borne by the company.

Please respond to us if you agree with the conditions defined by the management. For any further details, you can contact me at +91-9898989898.


Sanjay Singh

HR Manager

Excel Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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Posted by Hrformats - October 2, 2019 at 5:37 AM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , , , ,

Effective Work from Home Policy Template – Sample

These days companies are giving their employees convenience of work from home. This latest trend has mutually benefitted the employers as well as the employees. Work from Home Policy document rolls out all terms and conditions in relation with Work from Home Policy guidelines in India. You can use the Work from Home Policy sample or Work from Home Policy examples that are extremely beneficial.

To help you with, we have come up with a Work from Home Policy sample for your reference. You can use this Work from Home Policy template to create one for your company. Download Work from Home Policy sample in PDF format.

Check this also: Letter for Allowing an Employee to Work from Home

Work From Home Policy Sample

Here is the Work from Home Policy example which you can use to draft your own:

Policy Purpose

We have designed our Work from Home Policy to ensure that the format of work from home is equally beneficial for the employees and the company.

Scope of Policy

Work from home policy of the company is applicable to all our employees who intend to work from home.

Conditions Which Allow Employees Work From Home

Here are the conditions in which an employee can work from home:

  • If the job duties permit it
  • Employees whose work is mostly related with working on computer can work off-site occasionally.

Elements of Policy

Employees are working from home when they finish their work at a place which is not a part of the premises of the company. They may work on this format:

  • On specific days, as mutually agreed
  • Full time

Reasons for demanding work from home include:

  • Parenting
  • Medical reasons
  • Emergency
  • Bad weather
  • Long duration commute
  • Imbalance in work and life

Reasons other than these are subjective to the decision of the Management.

Work from home arrangements can be permanent or temporary or occasional.

Concluding Whether An Employee is Suitable For Work From Home

Here are some points which must be considered by the employees and the managers before approving work from home:

  • Does the duty of the employee permit it?
  • Does it make coordinating with other team members difficult?
  • What are the working conditions at the alternative place of work?
  • Does employee have required equipment or software to work from home?

Procedure to Request Work From Home

If an employee plans to work from home then here is the procedure that needs to be followed:

  • Send a formal request on email to the Human Resource Department at least three days in advance
  •  The duration of work from home at a stretch should not be more than 7 days. In case, the arrangement succeeds this number, it should be discussed with the manager and the team members.
  • The request must be considered under the conditions mentioned above by the managers for approval.
  • It is at the discretion of the management to approve work from home or not and for what duration.

Compensation of Employees

Work from home format doesn’t affect the compensation of employees in usual circumstances. In case their working is affected because of the arrangement, the HR Manager needs to formulate a revised contact based on their present working.

Other Related Letter Formats

Excuse Letter for Being Late at Work due to Traffic
Request Email Templates to Boss to Work from Home
Office Etiquette Food and Drink Policy Letter
Work From Home A Boon or a Bane
Employee Return to Work Letter After COVID

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Posted by Hrformats - May 17, 2019 at 10:20 AM

Categories: HR Policies   Tags: , ,