Posts tagged "New Employee"

Request Letter Format for New Employee ID Card

When an employee is not to an organization or when an employee has lost his existing ID card, he needs to write a request letter for new ID card. Some organizations might require the employee to fill a new employee ID card request form. In this post, we have drafted two request letter formats for employee ID card. One is a request letter format for new ID card and another one is for applying for issuing duplicate ID card.

Most companies require the Request Letter Format for Employee ID Card to be submitted with the HR department as they are responsible for issuance of ID cards to employees. So whether it is a new data card request letter format or sample letter request for renewal of ID, you must address it to the department responsible for issuing ID in your company.

How write a Letter to HR Requesting to provide new employee id card?

Here are some important guidelines which one must keep in mind while drafting a new employee ID request letter:

  • Always address it to the right department
  • Include details related with your employment
  • Request for issuing ID card
  • Keep it short
  • Check for grammatical or spelling errors
  • Don’t forget to thank

Request letter to HR for issuing an New employee ID card


Arjun Singh

54, Giridhar Apartments

New Delhi

Date: January 07th, 2025


The HR Manager

Jubilant Technologies

New Delhi

Sub: Request for Issuing New Employee ID Card

Dear Sir,

I, Arjun Singh, have newly joined Jubilant Technologies and I am writing this letter to request you to please issue me the employee identity card. My employee ID is 123456 and I have joined as Marketing Executive in the Marketing Department.

Kindly issue me my employee ID card as soon as possible.

Thanking in anticipation.


Arjun Singh

Request Letter Format for Duplicate id Card


Arjun Singh

54, Giridhar Apartments

New Delhi

Date: November 12th, 2024


The HR Manager

Jubilant Technologies

New Delhi

Sub: Request for Issuing Duplicate Employee ID Card

Dear Sir,

I, Arjun Singh (Employee ID 123456), am working in the Marketing Department of Jubilant Technologies as Marketing Department from last two years.

I have recently lost my employee ID card. I have looked for it everywhere but I have been unable to find it. Therefore, I am writing this letter to request to please issue a duplicate employee ID card to me at the earliest.

Thanking in anticipation.


Arjun Singh

Click Here download Request Letter for New Employee ID Card in Word Format

Sample Letter for Lost Company ID Card
Request Letter for Delay in Submitting Documents

Search Sample Formats:

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Posted by Hrformats - January 7, 2025 at 4:37 AM

Categories: Letters   Tags: , , , , , ,

Welcome Mail To New Employee

A welcome letter to new employee, as its name says, is written to welcome an employee of an organization. This letter plays an important role as it introduces what kind of work environment a new employee will face. Other than that, the letter should give the details of the job responsibility for which one is recruited. For an employee too, the letter gives the details regarding the job so that he/she has a clear idea about the each detail related to the post.

Here a format of a welcome Mail to new employee is given; you can make your own mail by using your new employee details. Write this mail in word file and then print the document.

company’s name
City, State,
Zip code

Date: 5 October, 2014

City, State,
Zip code

Dear ABC

On behalf of the company, we are happy to welcome you for the post of XYZ. It is great that you have accepted our offer. We have already discussed the job responsibility with you and hope you justify your role with your complete dedication and hard work. Our work environment will prove beneficial to improve your knowledge and skills.

We also plan to arrange an official meeting to introduce you with the rest of the employees as to make you familiar with our work environment.

Once again, we welcome you in our company.



(Name of position)

Your letter should contain the name of the organization on behalf of which the letter is given to the employee. The name of the post should be included in the letter as to avoid any further complication regarding the job. Apart from this, the required skills as well as the job responsibility should be presented as per the company’s rules and guidelines. It is a welcome letter so that it must be presented in a polite manner.

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Posted by Hrformats - October 15, 2014 at 11:12 AM

Categories: Others   Tags: ,

New Employee Information Form For Interview

Example of New Employee background information disclosure format in word. This Template offers a formal process to document New Employee members details. You can individually adjust this document to suit your company’s needs.
  1. A.   Family Profile


  1. 1.  Name of Father: ______________________


  1. 2.  Father’s Occupation: ___________________


  1. 3.  Name of Mother: ______________________


  1. 4.  Mother’s Occupation: __________________


  1. 5.  Siblings:


Brothers:  ………..           Marital Status: …………………….. Work Status: ………………..

Sisters: ..………..             Marital Status: ……………………… Work Status: ………………..


  1. B.   Personal Profile:


  1. 1.    Marital Status: A. Married _________ B. Single ________ C. Divorcee_________


  1. 2.    Spouse – Working/Self employed/Housewife: ___________________________


  1. 3.    Spouse Employment Location: A. Mumbai ______   B. Out of Mumbai _______


  1. 4.    No of Kids: _________


  1. 5.    Kids Education Status: ______________________________________________



  1. C.    Personal Identifications
  2. 1.    Driving License No: __________                    Contact Details: _____________
    1. 2.    Passport No: _______________                    Expiry Date: ________________
    2. 3.    PAN No: __________________
    3. 4.    Residential Address: ______________________________________________




D.   Health History: 

  1. 1.    Age: ______      Weight: ________    Height: __________Blood Group: ______


  1. 2.    Details of the chronic disease: _______________________________________


  1. 3.    Details of disease which can affect the work setting: _____________________


  1. 4.    Any other material information to be disclosed: ________________________




  1. E.    Current Organisation Profile
  2. 1.    Name: ____________________
  3. 2.    Managing Person: ___________
  4. 3.    Reporting Person: ___________
  5. 4.    Draw the organizational hierarchy in which you are working:


  1. 5.    Staff Strength: ______
  2. 6.    Reasons to leave the organisation:
  3. A.   Financial Expectations      
  4. B.   Technology specific knowledge enhancement
  5. C.    Work related issues
  6. D.   Behavior with peers and superiors
  7. E.    First Job

Explain and specify the reasons any of the above (A-E) or any other reason(s)




  1. 7.    Reasons for the break in service (during the career and between the jobs)


  1. 8.    Reasons to relocate Mumbai:_____________________________________________
  2. 9.    Expectations with the future employer: ___________________________________

10. Earliest Joining Period: __________

11. Reasons for the earliest joining: ____________________

12. Details of the relieving formalities with the previous employer; in case the opportunity offered in Redtray:

  1. A.   Task to handover _________________________________________________


  1. B.   Others _________________________________________________________


  1. F.    Financial Details:


  1. 1.    Present Salary Package:

(This will be verified with the documents at the time of technical interview at Mumbai)




  1. 2.    Benefits/Facilities provided by the current employer:


General Terms and Conditions for the employment


1. Agreement:          2 Year           


   Amount: Rs 50000.00 secured by 5 undated cheques of Rs 10000.00 each in favour of <Name of the Company>. In the event of breach of Agreement, employee will have to pay Rs 50000.00 to the company or otherwise the cheques will be presented in the bank.


2. Next Appraisal: <Date>


  1. G.   Employment  and Qualification details


COMPANY relies upon the accuracy of the information contained in this application, as well as accuracy of the other data presented through the hiring process and employment. Any misinterpretations, falsifications or material omissions in any of this information or data may result in the exclusion of the individual from further considerations for employment or, if the person has been hired, termination of employment.


  1. H.   Reference Details


  1. Direct :
    1. News Paper Information (Name of the News Paper): _____________________________


  1. Referred by others (Provide Details): _________________________________________


  1. Directly and personally approached:__________________________________________


  1. Employee Referrals of <Name of Company>: ______________________________________

(Name of the employee)


  1. Consultant (Name of the Consultant):___________________________________________


Please fill the relevant information


Name: _________________________



Signature: ______________________




Click Here To Download Candidate Information Form for Interview                                                                                                                                                


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Posted by Hrformats - November 27, 2013 at 3:27 PM

Categories: HR   Tags: ,