Sample Format of Memorandum for a Change of Job Title
it is considered as re-designation since roles and responsibilities remain same. The format for Memorandum of New Job Title is as below:
Emp ID:
Emp Name:
Subject: Re- Designation
Dear Mr./ Ms. ———–,
As part of organization’s initiative to standardize Bands, Designations and Job Titles of our employees, we have revised your employment data as follows and effective
Revised Job Band is—–
Revised Designation is ———
Revised Job Title is ——–
All other terms and conditions of your employment as mentioned in your appointment letter remain the same.
I would like to wish you the very best for your future.
For —————
Great information, Thanks very mouc
Thanks for your assastance
Thank you a lot for your kind Support…. 🙂
This was such a big support,,, thank you very much.