Employee Office in And Out Time Excel Sheet
I have Attached Employee Office in And Out Time Excel Sheet
Note – when employee come office, put cursor in related employee office in time cell and click on red “office in time button” when employee left office , put cursor in related employee office out time cell and click on blue “office out time button”
Sr No Name Of Employee Office In Time Office Out Time 1 PATEL JITENDRA 10:37:34 PM 10:39:09 PM 2 PATEL NIRAJ 10:43:39 PM 10:44:08 PM 3 RAVAL JAIVIK 10:47:56 PM 10:48:13 PM 4 SONI SACHIN 5 6 7
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Working Time Policy
Working Time Policy
1. Working hours
The normal work schedule for all employees is 8 hours a day, Sunday to Thursday. The prescribed working hours are from 08.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. Operational demands may necessitate variations in starting and ending times. During the summer months of July and August and during the holy month of Ramadan timings in alignment to the entire __________ will be followed.
Flexible scheduling, or flextime, is available in some cases to allow employees to vary their starting and ending times each day within established limits. Flextime may be possible if a mutually workable schedule can be negotiated with the Department Head involved. However, such issues as staffing needs, the employee’s performance, and the nature of the job will be considered before approval of flextime. Employees should consult their Department Head to request participation in the flextime program.
2. Employee code number
Whenever an employee joins the organizations a trainee; probation; permanent he / she is alloted a code No. ________ which shall be referred in all the official transactions in addition to his name.
3. Shift Working
All the operations has a system of General shift working for 8 hours in a day , each area has got separate timings match to their functional requirements. The time will be notified to the employee concern at their respite departments.
4. Attendance Register
At all the departments they should maintain a attendance register, for all the employees for marking attendance. The personnel concerned shall comply with all statutory formalities and forward the particulars after closing the wage period to HRD corporate for necessary payment of salary.
5. Weekly Off
As per statutory obligations, that whenever an employee works for six days at a stretch he / she is entitled for a rest day i.e. 7th day otherwise calls weekly of . In case of emergency operations personnel could work continuously however in any case it should not be postponed beyond the 10th day.
6. Additional Duty
Due to exigencies of work load or to take care of absenteetism, the office or operations might engage employee beyond the scheduled employee hours, whenever employees are advised to work additional duty due to production schedule or any other valid reasons, such employee shall be given compensatory off in some other working day .
7. Employee Movement Passes
When ever an employee intends to leave the premises or sent on official work before schedule ending or the shift, he / she shall be allowed in writing to leave the premises by the authorized official, the same is called employee movement pass.
8. Attendance
Attendance shall be marked daily according to he rules prescribed from time to time for the company.
Employees who are required to sign the attendance register shall mark the time of reporting for duty.
Employee who are required to punch time card shall get cards punched in the time clock at the time of reporting for duty and at the time of leaving duty.
All employee shall report to their place of work punctually at the specified time in the manner directed by the management from time to time.
No employee will be accepted on duty if he is late by more than 10 minutes on any day or comes late for more than 3 times in a calendar month.
An employee who is absent from duty without prior or post factor sanctioned leave shall be liable for deduction of wages for the period of his absence.
9. Identity badge
Every employee excluding ( Casual / Temporary / Apprentice ) will be issued an Identity Badge or other means of identifications.
Every employee shall take atmost care to ensure against loss or theft of the Identity Badge . Loss or theft of the Badge shall be immediately notified in writing to the issuing authority.
Every employee shall were Identity Badge in a conspicuous Position on his dress and hold the same in his custody while on duty as directed by the management from time to time.
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Categories: Compensation and Benefits, HR Policies Tags: Policy, Time, Working