Useful Guidelines on Finding Second Job
When expenses are more than what your present salary offers, you must start looking for a second job which can help you earn some extra money so that you can not only pay your bills comfortably but also add some more experience to your resume to make it more impressive. With a second job you can also make a gradual transition to a different career.
There are various factors that you have to look into while looking for a second job. Here are some of these points on which you need clarity:
- What kind of job are you looking for
- Place where you want to work
- Number of hours of work you can give to the new job
- Flexibility of work schedule and of future employee etc.
- What kind of work category are you open to: part time jobs, free lance jobs, jobs with small business units
Once you have answered all of the questions mentioned above, it is time to move ahead and read the tips for finding the second job.
Tips on Finding a Suitable Second Job
Given below are some of the very useful guidelines using which you can land up with a good second job.
Begin Search with Job Search Engine
You can begin the search right away without investing much of your time and energy by using online job portals which help you search for jobs of your choice. All you need to do is to choose the right keywords, set the filters like income, place of work etc. and start searching for the best possible choices of job openings which match your constraints. As it is a second job, you really need to set the filters properly so that the results fit your requirements.
Look for a Part Time Job
If you are already working then you can manage to get a traditional part time job, as it is impossible to manage two full time jobs. There are various online job portals that offer part time jobs. You need to enter the right keywords and you will have a complete list of part time job opportunities. Moreover, you can directly apply for these jobs without much of hassle.
Look for Freelance Jobs
Freelance jobs are another good idea to have a second source of income. There are various industries like fashion, media etc. which hire freelancers for projects and they pay good. If you like to write or you are a professional designer then you can easily find freelance work. You can also pick up one such project or a job to work like a freelancer and enjoy additional income. Try Freelancer, Elance etc. for quality freelance work.
Look for Online Job or Work From Home Job
These days there are lots of opportunities when it comes to online jobs. Various work from home jobs are available on online job portals that are a wonderful way of increasing your income. But while doing so, you must make sure that you connect with genuine sites and do not get involved with fake job providers.
Seek Help from Contacts
You really need to create a strong social network of family, friends, relatives, neighbors and other social or personal contacts to inquire them about job openings in their respective companies or to inform you about a job opening they know of. You can even ask them to refer you to their bosses as there are a few companies which always prefer hiring recommended candidates.
Be Your Own Boss with Your Own Business
If you think you cannot work for someone else and you have the passion to work for yourself with complete dedication then starting your own business is a great thought. You must begin small and after complete planning and then gradually create your own success story. You can even look for partners if you think that you would need a companion who can work with you for better results.
Look for Second Job in-Person
It is always good to visit in person and meet the employer or the manager in order to inquire about the job. This works wonderfully in hospitality industry as they employers look for good personality with good etiquettes but make sure that you visit during the non peak hours so that you are able to have a comfortable conversation.
Categories: Job Interview Tags: job tips, Second Job