Exercises or Mock Drill Sessions in the Electrical Safety Training Program
The following are some of the tips we may use for devising Electrical Safety Drills :
OSHA Standards
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations require certain codes of safety in the workplace when it comes to electricity. These include building codes, wiring designs, and the use of personal protective equipment and electrical protective devices. While the rules for each workplace will vary.
Recognizing Potential Hazards
Certain pieces of equipment are more prone to electrical hazards than others. For example, if you are using generators, extension cords or construction equipment, you should carefully review the safety guidelines before proceeding.
Never use generators indoors, and always ensure that the main circuit breaker that connects your building to the power grid is turned off.
Use only extension cords with three prongs to prevent short circuits, overloading and electrocution. Never use a frayed extension cord and always remove cords by pulling from the plug, rather than the cord.
When using corded power tools, do not stand in wet areas. Do not use power tools in the rain.
Working Near Power Lines
Power lines can be overhead or buried. For overhead power lines, always assume that they are energized and keep 10 feet away at all times. When working near power lines, use nonconductive wood or fiberglass ladders rather than aluminum. Before digging, call the local utility company to ensure that there are no buried power lines. De-energize ground wires before working near them.
If one of your co-workers is electrocuted, take the following steps:
Ensure that no electricity is running through the victim’s body before attempting to assist him. Turn off the source of electricity via a circuit breaker or light switch, if possible. Otherwise, use a nonconductive material, such as plastic or dry wood, to separate the victim from the source of the electricity.
Treat any external burns of the victim by covering them with clean, moist bandages.
If the victim is conscious, gently lay him down with his head slightly lower than his chest and his feet elevated. Cover the victim with a blanket, if available, and monitor him to ensure that he does not go into shock.
If you are electrocuted, do not refuse aid or treatment. You may have internal burns or other injuries that you do not recognize. Seek medical attention immediately.
Workplace Electrical Safety Tips
•Plan every job and think about what could go wrong.
•Use the right tools for the job.
•Use procedures, drawings, and other documents to do the job.
•Isolate equipment from energy sources.
•Identify the electric shock and arc flash, as well as other hazards that may be present.
•Minimize hazards by guarding or establishing approach limitations.
•Test every circuit and every conductor every time before you touch it.
•Use personal protective equipment (PPE) as a last line of defense in case something goes wrong.
•Be sure you are properly trained and qualified for the job.
•Work on electrical equipment and conductors only when deenergized, unless procedures and safeguards have been established to ensure zero exposure for the worker and other people in the area.
•Lockout/ta-gout and ground (where appropriate) before working on equipment.
•Treat deenergized electrical equipment and conductors as energized until lockout/tagout, test, and ground procedures (where appropriate) are implemented.
•Wear protective clothing and equipment and use insulated tools in areas where there are possible electrical hazards.
•De-energize and visibly guard (where possible) whenever contact with uninsulated overhead power lines is possible.
•Check and double check safety regulations when a ladder or parts of any vehicle or mechanical equipment structure will be elevated near energized overhead power lines. Call your local electric utility for assistance. People standing on the ground may be particularly vulnerable to possible injury.
Cords, Equipment, and Tool Grounding
•Make sure all equipment and extension cords bear the mark of an independent testing laboratory .
•Protect flexible cords and cables from physical damage. Check cords for cut, broken, or cracked insulation.
•Keep slack in flexible cords to prevent tension on electrical terminals.
•Make sure the insulating qualities of a splice are equal to or greater than the
original cord.
•Extension cords are for temporary use. Install permanent wiring when use is no
longer temporary.
•Verify that all three-wire tools and equipment are grounded.
•Water, electrical equipment, and power cords do not mix! Use GFCI protection in
wet or damp environments.
•Ground exposed parts of fixed equipment that could be energized.
•Use non-conductive tools whenever possible.
•Always double check the operation of your voltage testers by testing a live circit. Other onsiderations
•Verify location of all buried or embedded electrical circuits before digging or cutting.
•Determine the reason that a fuse operated or circuit breaker tripped before replacing or resetting.
•Know where your overcurrent devices are (i.e. circuit breakers and fuses) so they can be easily and quickly reached in case of emergency.
•When replacing lamps and bulbs, verify that the replacement matches fixture requirements.
Electrical Safety Documents
Many organizations are committed to developing standards, regulations and guidelines that include electrical safety requirements. Employees in the workplace should familiarize themselves with these documents and the organizations responsible for their development. Some of these standards.
See attachment also for further help.
Click Here To Download Electrical Safety PowerPoint Presentation
Categories: HR Tags: Electrical, Safety, Training
Sample Safety Policies and Procedures of the Workplace
Very useful Employee safety Manual. Please go through the same. Every industry must have safety manual to provide and maintain good safety conditions at workplace. The purpose of this policy is to develop a high standard of safety throughout all operations of your Company.
PPT On Hospital Safety & Security
Please find attach herewith PPT On Hospital Safety & Security.