Posts tagged "Leave of Absence"

Sample Explanation Letter for Absent from Work Explanation

If you have been absent from work for some reason but you have not informed at your office about it then you must write an Absent from Work Explanation Letter. This is a formal Letter Explaining Absence from Work and therefore, it must include the reason because of which you were absent and were unable to inform anyone about it.

In this post, we bring to you a Sample Explanation Letter for Absence without Leave along with the tips that can be used for framing one such letter. Follow and use this Explanation letter for absent template to write your own letter.

Tips for Writing a Letter Explaining Absence from Work

Shared below are some important guidelines using which you can create a perfect letter explaining absence from work:

  • Mention the reason why you were absent from work
  • Include the reason why could you not inform anyone about it.
  • Apologize for your absence.
  • Assure that such a thing with not get repeated.
  • Don’t forget to thank before ending your letter.

Template for Letter Explaining Absence From Work


Richard Smith

45, Henry Hills

New York

Date: June 7, 2023


Mr. Adam Black

HR Manager

Zenith Technologies

sNew York

Sub: Explanation letter for absence from work

Dear Mr. Adam,

I, Richard Smith, senior Marketing Executive, am writing this letter to inform you that was not able to report to work from last three days as while coming to office, I had met with an accident because of which I was hospitalized. I was unconscious because of the medication for a day and therefore, I lost the track of time and could inform anyone at office about my absence.

I am aware that in our company we are supposed to always inform the concerned person about our absence but I was in a very difficult situation and could not get a chance to do that. Never ever has it happened in the past that I have gone on leave without seeking permission and I will make sure that I always inform before taking any leave.

I am hopeful that you will consider my situation and will accept my sincere apologies.

Thanking you.


Richard Smith


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Posted by Hrformats - June 19, 2023 at 4:59 PM

Categories: Leave format   Tags: , , , , ,

Explanation Letter for Absence without Official Leave

Sometimes there is some urgent situation because of which you miss on sending an official leave application to your manager seeking permission for absence. But once things are under control, you must write a formal letter explaining the reason for absence from work. This is essential because it shows your concern towards your job and also informs your manager about the reason because of which you could not make it to work.

Given below is the sample of explanation letter for absence without official leave which you can use for creating a personalized letter with necessary details. Generally, these letters are short in length and explain the reason.

Format of Explanation letter for absence without official leave

Mathew Jacob

46 Agastha Apartments,

Herald Street,

New York

Date: 12th April, 2016


Julia Mars

HR Manager,

XYZ Development Bank

42 Richmond Street,

New York

Dear Ms. Julia,

I would like to bring to your notice that on 11th April, 2016, I had to abruptly leave the office because of some medical emergency in my family. My grandmother had fallen seriously ill and I had to take her to hospital immediately that day. Because of the seriousness of the issue, I was not able to inform my team leader for leaving work all of a sudden. I have not filled in leave form today for yesterday and I hope you are going to consider my absence as leave.

My grandmother’s condition is not stable and my sister is there to care of her. Now I will be able to focus on my job and will not be missing any work.

I am hopeful that you will show your consideration on this issue.

Thanking you.


Mathew Jacob

Marketing Executive

XYZ Development Bank

Other Related Leave Email/Letter Format and Sample

Leave Extension Application for Personal Reason
Leave Extension Email for Medical Treatment
Leave Extension Application for Mother/ Father Medical Treatment
Leave Extension Email Due to Mother/ Father Death
Leave Extension Email for Maternity Leave
Leave Extension Application for Family Problems

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Posted by Hrformats - April 13, 2016 at 12:55 PM

Categories: Leave format   Tags: , ,

Short Request for Leave of Absence

Dear xxxxx

I am requesting a leave of absence from June 27, 1986 to August 3, 1986 for the following reason.  My physician has recommended that I refrain from working during this period in order that I obtain sufficient rest before and after the delivery of my child.

While I was hoping to work two weeks longer than he suggested, I feel that I should defer to his judgment.

Click Here To Download Short Request for Leave of Absence


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Posted by Hrformats - August 4, 2011 at 10:01 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: