Grand Project on Stress Management Questionnaire
I have Attached Grand Project on Stress Management Questionnaire.
I am Tasnim S. Vohra, doing MBA at S. K Patel Institute of Management studies. As a part of my curriculum, I am doing a project on Stress and Work Life Balance among Indian working women with respect to I.T and Banking industry. For the completion of my project, I would like to gather some information from you. I would be obliged if you co-operate me in filling the questionnaire. Since the questionnaire is being used for academic purpose, the information gathered will be strictly confidential.
Personal Information
A. Name of company: ________________________________________
B. Age: 20 – 25 yrs [ ] 25-40 yrs [ ] 40 – 60yrs [ ]
C. Education: _____________________
D. Marital Status: I) Married ii) Unmarried iii) Widow IV) Divorcee
E. If married, Do you have children? Yes / No
F. If Yes, Number of children: ______
G. Family type: Joint / Nuclear
H. Professional information
1. Number of years of work experience: _________yrs
2. Number of years in present organization: _________yrs
I. Level in Management:
Junior level ( )
Middle level ( )
Senior level ( )
1. Please read the following statements and give any one of the scores mentioned below:
1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree
Sr.No | Score | |
1. | I worry about the lay offs and dismissal in the company. | |
2. | I am able to meet out the demands of my job. | |
3. | Computers, pagers, cell phones and Internet have resulted in increasing pressure to constantly work at high performance levels. | |
4. | I feel comfortable to work with latest technologies in the organization. | |
5. | There is constant force on employees to learn new software all the times. | |
6. | I am able to receive support from my boss, colleagues and juniors. | |
7. | I am able to receive good support from my family members. | |
8. | I usually miss out quality time with my family and friends because of pressure of work. | |
9. | I suffer from stress related diseases like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, frequent headaches, etc | |
10. | I experience excessive work load. | |
11. | I work for long hours, on overtime and even on holidays. |
- From the following tick the factor that motivates you to work.
Personal satisfaction | |
Financial independence | |
Support from family | |
Constructive utilization of time | |
If Other (please specify) |
- Which of the following discrimination do you have ever feel at your work because of being a woman?
Factors | Stronglyagree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | StronglyDisagree |
No/Less promotion opportunities | |||||
Lack of Mentoring | |||||
Less access to important information | |||||
Lack of clear responsibilities and duties | |||||
Lack of career development opportunities |
- Working Hours
Ø How the following factors hinder or affect you in balancing your work and family commitments? (Tick the appropriate)
Factors | Does notaffect | Affectsometimes | Affect Manytimes | Alwaysaffects |
Hours of work | ||||
Overtime | ||||
Need to work on Holidays | ||||
Work from home after office hours | ||||
Traveling away from home |
Ø Rank according to their importance, the following factors, which will help you, balance your work and family commitments.
(Rank from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important)
Factors Ranks
More flexible working hours ( )
Work from home ( )
Time off for family emergencies & events ( )
Time off during school holidays (if you are a mother) ( )
Job sharing ( )
- Support from others
Ø How the following factors hinder or affect you in balancing your work and family commitments? (Tick the appropriate)
Factors | Does notaffect | Affectsometimes | Affect Manytimes | Alwaysaffects |
Negative attitude ofsupervisors | ||||
Negative attitude ofcolleagues | ||||
Negative attitude ofspouse/family | ||||
Excessive householdwork |
Ø Rank the following factors that will help you balance your work and family commitments.
(Rank from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important)
Factors Ranks
Support from spouse ( )
Support from family ( )
Support from supervisor ( )
Support from colleagues ( )
Decrease in the load of household work ( )
- Does your organization currently provide any of the work-life policies or programs?
Ø Yes
Ø No
If yes which policies/programs? ______________________
- Do you engage yourself in your own stress relieving and entertainment program?
Ø Yes
Ø No
If yes specify from the following
- Yoga
- Physical exercise
- Meeting Friends and relatives
- Watching Television
- Other
Thank You