Posts tagged "COVID-19 Vaccine"

Excuse Letter of Absence for Covid-19 Vaccine

Covid-19 has really shook the world and if you have taken a vaccine for the same then you must follow the protocol that has been recommended by the doctors to make sure that you stay healthy. If you are working then you must write a vaccination leave request letter to the concerned department informing them about your absence. The leave application for covid vaccination must include all the required details related with the subject.

In this post, we have come up with a format for excuse letter of absence for covid vaccine. You can use this sample letter for covid vaccine to create a personalized employee covid-19 leave excuse letter.

Sample Excuse Letter of Absence For Covid-19 Vaccine


Bob Christian

54, Ellora Apartments

New York

Date: October 25, 2021


Mr. Andrew Gibbs

HR Manager

Zenith Technologies

New York

Sub: Regarding leave for Covid-19 Vaccination

Dear Mr. Andrew,

I, Bob Christian, working as a Project Manager, am writing this letter to inform you that I have taken the vaccination for covid-19 and therefore, I will be absent from work for three days in order to complete my vaccine immunization cycle.

As you are aware, the vaccination involves two cycles. The first cycle, when the first shot is given, three days of immunization is recommended by the doctors and in the second cycle, final immunization is given along with ODMC. I have been administered with the first cycle and therefore, I have been asked to stay at home for a duration of three days by the doctor based on the immunization and post vaccination prevention guidelines given by the government.

I will be absent from work for three days i.e. 24th October, 2021 to 28th October, 2021 in order to complete the prescribed cycle of the vaccine. As I will not be able to attend the office, I therefore, request you to please grant me the three days leave. For your reference, I have attached my vaccination certificate with the letter along with the report card issued to me by the department. In case of any emergency, I can be reached on my email as well as on my phone.

I am hopeful that you will understand the situation and will grant me the leave.

Thanking in anticipation.


Bob Christian

Other Related Formats

Application for Extension of Leave due to Covid-19
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Posted by Hrformats - October 25, 2021 at 6:39 AM

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Create Your Plan Now for COVID-19 Vaccine in Organization

Though there is a lot of ambiguity and debate surrounding the availability of COVID-19 vaccine for the common people but whenever, it happens, we must be prepared for it.

If you are an organization and if you are thinking about getting your employees vaccinated then you must develop a COVID-19 vaccination plan. It is extremely important that we have done all the ground work before the vaccine has finally become public.

In this post, come up few points that will help you create your plan for COVID-19 vaccine in your company.

Whether to make vaccination compulsory for employees?

This is the very first question that pops up that whether to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for all the employees or not. It not only depends upon the kind of industry your company belongs to about also state laws and religious concerns that play an important part in taking this important decision.

Points to Keep in Mind While Planning COVID-19 Vaccine for a Company

Communicating with employees: It is important to communicate the reasons to your employees if you are planning to make the vaccinate mandatory for the staff. For instance, if your employees are involved in interaction with customers or travel then that should be presented as the reason.

Costs involved: In case the vaccine is not completely funded by insurance then you must work out how you should be bearing the cost of vaccines if you are making them mandatory.

Managing medical records: All the medical information of all the employees must be handled separately and must be kept confidential.

Maintaining safety: Having your employees vaccinated is not enough. It is important to make sure that the working environment is completely safe for your staff.

Place of vaccination: You must also take into consideration the location where the employees will get vaccinated.

Choice of vaccine: If there is more than one vaccine available in the market then you must know which one should be finalized for your staff.

Efficacy: It is important to know the effectiveness of the vaccine and make sure that all the guidelines are followed.

Priority of vaccination: In case there is limited supply or shortage of vaccine, you must have a list of priority employees made who must get vaccinated first based on valid and unbiased grounds.

Compensation to workers: In case of side effects from vaccine, can the staff be compensated also needs to be decided.

Consider religious and medical objections: You must clearly define cases where requests for accommodations can be accepted under religious and medical concerns.

In situation where employee refuses for vaccine

  • Evaluate if the employee’s refusal for the vaccine is a threat to other employees or customers.
  • Take into consideration the safety measures to control the spread of COVID-19
  • Making the use of gloves, masks and PPE kits along with social distancing for employees who refuse to take the vaccination.

Planning encouraging vaccination

  • Offering incentives to employees who take flu shots.
  • Offering vaccines at subsidized rates is also a big motivation
  • Encouraging vaccination over making it mandatory always receives fewer issues.

Excuse Letter of Absence for Covid-19 Vaccine

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Posted by Hrformats - December 28, 2020 at 11:42 AM

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