Stress Questionnaire
I have Attached Stress Questionnaire
Stress Management Worksheet
1. Briefly describe the stressful situation you would like to work on.
2. What are the signals or physical symptoms that tell you you’re beginning to feel stressed?
3. Where does the stress come from–the environment, your body, or your thoughts and expectations?
4. What aspects of this stress can you control?
What aspects of this stress are beyond your control?
5. What are some of your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations that relate to this stress?
(What do you criticize yourself for? What negative things do you assume about yourself? etc.)
6. Write down some new things that you might assume about yourself and the situation that are more positive. What might you say to yourself next time?
7. When it does occur, what are you going to do to cope with it?
8. What are some things you’re willing to do to take better care of yourself and prevent stress in the next few weeks?
Click Here To Download Stress Management Worksheet
Categories: HR Tags: Stress Questionnaire
Stress Questionnaire
I Have Attached Stress Questionnaire
Stress Management Worksheet
1. Briefly describe the stressful situation you would like to work on.
2. What are the signals or physical symptoms that tell you you’re beginning to feel stressed?
3. Where does the stress come from–the environment, your body, or your thoughts and expectations?
4. What aspects of this stress can you control?
5. What aspects of this stress are beyond your control?
Categories: HR Tags: Stress Questionnaire