Posts tagged "New Employee ID Card"

Request Letter Format for New Employee ID Card

When an employee is not to an organization or when an employee has lost his existing ID card, he needs to write a request letter for new ID card. Some organizations might require the employee to fill a new employee ID card request form. In this post, we have drafted two request letter formats for employee ID card. One is a request letter format for new ID card and another one is for applying for issuing duplicate ID card.

Most companies require the Request Letter Format for Employee ID Card to be submitted with the HR department as they are responsible for issuance of ID cards to employees. So whether it is a new data card request letter format or sample letter request for renewal of ID, you must address it to the department responsible for issuing ID in your company.

How write a Letter to HR Requesting to provide new employee id card?

Here are some important guidelines which one must keep in mind while drafting a new employee ID request letter:

  • Always address it to the right department
  • Include details related with your employment
  • Request for issuing ID card
  • Keep it short
  • Check for grammatical or spelling errors
  • Don’t forget to thank

Request letter to HR for issuing an New employee ID card


Arjun Singh

54, Giridhar Apartments

New Delhi

Date: January 07th, 2025


The HR Manager

Jubilant Technologies

New Delhi

Sub: Request for Issuing New Employee ID Card

Dear Sir,

I, Arjun Singh, have newly joined Jubilant Technologies and I am writing this letter to request you to please issue me the employee identity card. My employee ID is 123456 and I have joined as Marketing Executive in the Marketing Department.

Kindly issue me my employee ID card as soon as possible.

Thanking in anticipation.


Arjun Singh

Request Letter Format for Duplicate id Card


Arjun Singh

54, Giridhar Apartments

New Delhi

Date: November 12th, 2024


The HR Manager

Jubilant Technologies

New Delhi

Sub: Request for Issuing Duplicate Employee ID Card

Dear Sir,

I, Arjun Singh (Employee ID 123456), am working in the Marketing Department of Jubilant Technologies as Marketing Department from last two years.

I have recently lost my employee ID card. I have looked for it everywhere but I have been unable to find it. Therefore, I am writing this letter to request to please issue a duplicate employee ID card to me at the earliest.

Thanking in anticipation.


Arjun Singh

Click Here download Request Letter for New Employee ID Card in Word Format

Sample Letter for Lost Company ID Card
Request Letter for Delay in Submitting Documents

Search Sample Formats:

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Posted by Hrformats - January 7, 2025 at 4:37 AM

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