Posts tagged "Fixation"

Fixation of Pay

I have Attached Fixation of Pay

In terms of G.O. No/5142-J/JD/L/2S/23/24 DT 20.07.2009 of the Govt of West Bengal. Judicial Department issued by the concurrence with the finance department under their U.O.No/1561-Gr P (service) dated 01.06.2009 in compliance with the direction of the order of the Honorable Supreme Court of India passed in IA No, 71A.135-136.137-138 and 142 in WP (C) No. 1022/1989 and in view of the office order no   65    dated 03.03.2012        Sri Dilip Kumar Sanyal U.D. Asstt is declared and updated in Group II category in the pay scale of Rs 4500-9700/- with effect from 01.04.2003  Thus his pay is fixed in the following manner


Basic pay as on 01.04.2003             Rs7650/-

Fixed on the next stage above as

Per Rule 42(1) (i) W.B.S.R.PART I        Rs150/-

Total              Rs7800/-

Next date of increment will fall on the 1st day of April each and every year

Sri Sanyal is again promoted to Group I post in the scale of Rs4800-10925/-since 01.05.2003   vide order No      64        dated 03.03.2012 of Ld District Judge Hooghly


In terms of the above order the pay of Sri Sanyal is again refixed in the following manner

From 01.05.2003


Pay as on 01.05.2003                     Rs7800/-

One increment Under Rule

42 A (1) of W.B.S.R. part 1           Rs200/-

Total       Rs8000/-

Stage Gap                                       Rs225/-

Total       Rs8225/-

The increment will fall due on 01.05.2004

Increment on 01.05.2004                Rs225/-        raising pay to Rs8450/-

Increment on 01.05.2005                Rs225/-        raising pay to Rs8675/-

Increment on 01.05.2006                Rs250/-       raising pay to Rs8925/-

Increment on 01.05.2007                Rs250/-       raising pay to Rs9175/-



His pay is again refixed w.e.f 01.04.2006 in terms of ROPA Rule 2009


Existing scale of pay   as on 01.05.2006                   : – Rs4800-10925/-

Pay Band (revised) applicable to PB 4                      :- Rs9000-40500/-

Existing basic pay as on 01.04.2006                         : – Rs8675/-

Pay after multiplication by a factor 1.86                   :-   Rs8675*1.86 = Rs16140/-

(To be rounded of to the next multiple of Rs10/-)

Pay in the pay band PB – 4                                       :- Rs16140/-

Grade pay attached to the scale                                 :-Rs4400/-

Total of pay and Grade Pay                                       : – Rs20540/- as on 01.04.2006

Date of next increment                                              : – 01.07.2006



Increment on 01.07,2006                                           :-Rs620/- raising pay to Rs16760/-

Increment on 01.07.2007                                           :-Rs640/- raising pay to Rs17400/-

Increment on 01.07.2008                                           :-Rs660/- raising pay to Rs18060/-

Increment on 01.07.2009                                            :-Rs680/- raising pay to Rs18740/-




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Posted by Hrformats - June 23, 2012 at 5:49 AM

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