Drug Testing Consent Form
Drug Testing Consent Form
If you are hiring someone whose duties will include driving a car or truck, it may be advisable, or necessary, to ask potential employees to undergo drug screening.
Sample of Drug Testing Consent Form
I have applied for employment with HANA GROUP in a position that requires me to operate a truck. As a condition for my application being considered, I understand and agree to undergo substance screening. I understand that if my test results are positive, I shall not be considered further by HANA GROUP for a truck driver position.
I hereby authorize any physician, laboratory, hospital or medical professional retained by HANA GROUP for screening purposes to conduct such screening and to provide the results to HANA GROUP, and I release HANA GROUP and any person affiliated with HANA GROUP and any such institution or person conducting the screening, from liability therefor.
Applicant’s signature: ___________________________________________________
Applicant’s name: ___________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________
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Posted by Hrformats -
July 15, 2011 at 6:36 AM
Categories: Recruitment Forms Tags: Consent Form, Drug Testing