Indemnity Bond Format
I have attached draft of Indemnity Bond.
THIS INDENTURE made the _____ Day of _____,_____, between
_____ Widow of late _____ son of _____ resident of _____, Hereinafter called “Principal Party” of the first part and
______________________________Hereinafter called the “the Surety” of the second part and _____ Hereinafter called “the Bank” of the third part.
Whereas Late _____ Deceased at the time of his death had the following accounts with this Bank.
Whereas the said principal party _____ claim /claims to be heir/heirs to the said late _____ and entitled of the above mentioned property of the deceased and also claim/claims the payment of the balance/ balances standing to he credit of the deceased in the book of the Bank.
NOW THIS INDENTURE witness that in consideration of the payment of the Bank of amounts above specified ( the receipt whereas the said Principal party hereby the acknowledges) the said surety both bind themselves severally and jointly to pay the aforesaid amounts with interest loss damages and costs of all kinds whatsoever to the said Bank. In case any claim is made about the aforesaid money / moneys by any body else.
Further in consideration of the aforesaid payment to the said principal party by the said bank. The said principal party and the said Surety both undertake for themselves their heirs executors and administrators to hold the said bank its agents etc. harmless and (indemnified in respect of all claims to the aforesaid money).
IN WITNESSES WHEREOF the said _____ wife of late _____ And ______________ have put their signatures.
1. Signature _______________
Name: _____
Address: _____, _____.
2. Signature _______________
Name: _____
Address: _____, _____.
Click Here To Download Draft of Indemnity Bond
Draft of Indemnity Bond
Categories: HR Tags: Bond, Draft, Indeminity, of
Sample Employment Bond Agreement
I have attached sample 1yr Employment Bond Agreement CUM APPOINTMENT LETTER.
THIS AGREEMENT is made on the 24th day of October between XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at. No. x, xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxr, xxxxxxxxxxx xxix xxax, xxxxxxxxxxr xxxxxxxxx 560 0xx (hereinafter called the “company”) of the one part and XXXXXXXXX residing at # x7x51, xrd Block, xth Main, xrd Stage, xxxxxxxxxxrnagar, Bangalore-xx(Hereinafter called the “Employee”) of the other part.
The company is desirous of appointing XXXXXXXXX as its Engineer -Database/operations and the Employee has agreed to on the terms and conditions outlined here below.
1. The said XXXXXXXXX is hereby appointed as the Engineer – Database/operations of the company and he will hold the said office, subject to the provisions made hereinafter, for the term of TWO & HALF Years from the date of this agreement. As a guarantee you are agreed to keep your all-original education certificates with the custody of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
2. Your monthly salary package will be as per the Annexure I. Based on the periodic reviews your compensation package may differ as per the compensation policy applicable to other employees of your category in respective department.
3. The Employee shall perform such duties and exercises such powers as may from time to time be assigned to or vested in him by the Board of Directors of the company.
4. The Employee shall, unless prevented by ill health or any unavoidable cause, during the continuance of the term of his office devote his whole time, attention and abilities to the business of the company.
5. The Employee shall obey the orders from time to time of the Board of Directors of the company and in all respect conform to and comply with the directions given and regulation made by the Board. He shall well and faithfully serve the company to the best of his abilities and shall make his utmost endeavors to promote interests of the company.
6. The said Employee shall not resign his office of Engineer Trainee – Database/operations till the end of this contract period.
7. The company may terminate this agreement at any time before the expiry of the stipulated term by giving one month’s notice in writing to him. The company can terminate your contract any time if you-
· Commit any material or persistent breach of any of the provisions contained.
· Be guilty of any default, misconduct or neglect in the discharge of your duties affecting the business of the company.
Click Here To Download 1yr Employment Bond
Search Sample Formats:
Categories: HR Tags: 1yr, Bond, Employment
Format of Indemnity Bond
I have attached sample format of indemnity bond.
I the undersigned MR. TUSHAR KASHYAP JOSHI age about: 30 years,
Occupation: service, Residing at: ashirwad co-op hsg. Scty. Ltd., Housing
Plot no. 285, gidc, umbergaon, tal: valsad. hereby execute this indemnity
bond in favour of The Assistant provident fund commissioner vapi as under:
1. My P.F. account number is GJ/12520/12
2. That during my past service period, I have never withdrawn any amount
from P.F. account no. GJ/12520/125 and I further say that if the above
information is found incorrect and false, in such case P.F. department is
entitled to take legal action against me and I further undertake to P.F.
department that if any consequence is arises on my default, in such case
I shall indemnity the loss and damage occurs to the P.F. department.
3. This indemnity bond is signed by me with my free will and desire and
not from any outside force, which will be binding to me and to my all
legal heirs from time to time.
Place : umbergaon.
Date : 15/05/2005
identified by me. [ MR. TUSHAR K. JOSHI ]
Indemnity Bond
I have Attached Indemnity Bond
I the undersigned MR. TUSHAR KASHYAP JOSHI age about: 30 years,
Occupation: service, Residing at: ashirwad co-op hsg. Scty. Ltd., Housing
Plot no. 285, gidc, umbergaon, tal: valsad. hereby execute this indemnity
bond in favour of The Assistant provident fund commissioner vapi as under:
1. My P.F. account number is GJ/12520/125.
2. That during my past service period, I have never withdrawn any amount
from P.F. account no. GJ/12520/125 and I further say that if the above
information is found incorrect and false, in such case P.F. department is
entitled to take legal action against me and I further undertake to P.F.
department that if any consequence is arises on my default, in such case
I shall indemnity the loss and damage occurs to the P.F. department.
3. This indemnity bond is signed by me with my free will and desire and
not from any outside force, which will be binding to me and to my all
legal heirs from time to time.
Place : umbergaon.
Date : 15/05/2005
identified by me. [ MR. TUSHAR K. JOSHI ]
Employment Bond
I have Attached Employment Bond
THIS AGREEMENT is made on the 24th day of October between XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at. No. x, xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxr, xxxxxxxxxxx xxix xxax, xxxxxxxxxxr xxxxxxxxx 560 0xx (hereinafter called the “company”) of the one part and XXXXXXXXX residing at # x7x51, xrd Block, xth Main, xrd Stage, xxxxxxxxxxrnagar, Bangalore-xx(Hereinafter called the “Employee”) of the other part.
The company is desirous of appointing XXXXXXXXX as its Engineer -Database/operations and the Employee has agreed to on the terms and conditions outlined here below.
1. The said XXXXXXXXX is hereby appointed as the Engineer – Database/operations of the company and he will hold the said office, subject to the provisions made hereinafter, for the term of TWO & HALF Years from the date of this agreement. As a guarantee you are agreed to keep your all-original education certificates with the custody of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
2. Your monthly salary package will be as per the Annexure I. Based on the periodic reviews your compensation package may differ as per the compensation policy applicable to other employees of your category in respective department.
3. The Employee shall perform such duties and exercises such powers as may from time to time be assigned to or vested in him by the Board of Directors of the company.
4. The Employee shall, unless prevented by ill health or any unavoidable cause, during the continuance of the term of his office devote his whole time, attention and abilities to the business of the company.
5. The Employee shall obey the orders from time to time of the Board of Directors of the company and in all respect conform to and comply with the directions given and regulation made by the Board. He shall well and faithfully serve the company to the best of his abilities and shall make his utmost endeavors to promote interests of the company.
6. The said Employee shall not resign his office of Engineer Trainee – Database/operations till the end of this contract period.
7. The company may terminate this agreement at any time before the expiry of the stipulated term by giving one month’s notice in writing to him. The company can terminate your contract any time if you-
· Commit any material or persistent breach of any of the provisions contained.
· Be guilty of any default, misconduct or neglect in the discharge of your duties affecting the business of the company.
Categories: HR Tags: Bond, Employment
1yr employment bond
I Have Attached 1yr employment bond
THIS AGREEMENT is made on the 24th day of October between XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at. No. x, xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxr, xxxxxxxxxxx xxix xxax, xxxxxxxxxxr xxxxxxxxx 560 0xx (hereinafter called the “company”) of the one part and XXXXXXXXX residing at # x7x51, xrd Block, xth Main, xrd Stage, xxxxxxxxxxrnagar, Bangalore-xx(Hereinafter called the “Employee”) of the other part.
The company is desirous of appointing XXXXXXXXX as its Engineer -Database/operations and the Employee has agreed to on the terms and conditions outlined here below.
1. The said XXXXXXXXX is hereby appointed as the Engineer – Database/operations of the company and he will hold the said office, subject to the provisions made hereinafter, for the term of TWO & HALF Years from the date of this agreement. As a guarantee you are agreed to keep your all-original education certificates with the custody of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
2. Your monthly salary package will be as per the Annexure I. Based on the periodic reviews your compensation package may differ as per the compensation policy applicable to other employees of your category in respective department.
3. The Employee shall perform such duties and exercises such powers as may from time to time be assigned to or vested in him by the Board of Directors of the company.
4. The Employee shall, unless prevented by ill health or any unavoidable cause, during the continuance of the term of his office devote his whole time, attention and abilities to the business of the company.
5. The Employee shall obey the orders from time to time of the Board of Directors of the company and in all respect conform to and comply with the directions given and regulation made by the Board. He shall well and faithfully serve the company to the best of his abilities and shall make his utmost endeavors to promote interests of the company.
6. The said Employee shall not resign his office of Engineer Trainee – Database/operations till the end of this contract period.
7. The company may terminate this agreement at any time before the expiry of the stipulated term by giving one month’s notice in writing to him. The company can terminate your contract any time if you-
· Commit any material or persistent breach of any of the provisions contained.
· Be guilty of any default, misconduct or neglect in the discharge of your duties affecting the business of the company.
Categories: HR Tags: 1yr, Bond, Employment
Bond for the employees
Please Find Attach herewith Format of Bond for the Employees.
Bond of Employment
Agreement forming part of our Employment offer
This Agreement is entered into this the Date_______ between Organization Name__________, a Company registered in India, having its registered office at Full Address of company’s registered office.(hereinafter called the ‘Company’) and (ii) Mr./Miss./Mrs., Employee Name___ a Indian inhabitant residing at <<Present Address of the Employee>> and having permanent address at <<Permanent address of the Employee>> (herein after referred to as “Employee”) of the other part
A The Company has selected the Employee for the position of Designasion_____________,which would initially involve extensive training for imparting the required level of skills, for effectively carrying out the official responsibilities assigned to the Employee.
B The Employee, on joining the Company, undertook to stay in employment of the Company for a minimum period of six months ,& one month notice period to the Company in case he/she wants to leave the company, in consideration of which, the Company is not charging the cost of training from him/her.
C the Employee undertakes to undergo the training methodologies, as may be required, and understand the job responsibilities, so that the same are carried out in an effective manner.
D the Employee, as part of the consideration for the training efforts and costs involved, agreed to sign a bond for not leaving the services of the Company for a minimum period of six months from the date of his/her joining the services of the Company.
- The Employee acknowledges that substantial costs have been invested on him for training him specifically for effectively handling the job responsibilities and, any discontinuance of the employment before the expiry of the six month term would unfairly prejudice the Company, and, as such, the Employee undertakes not to leave the services of the Company, for any reason what ever, for a minimum period of six months from the date of his/her joining the services of the Company.
- In case the Employee, for any reason, leaves the services of the Company before the said period of six months, then he/she shall forthwith pay a sum of Rs.15000 /- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) being the indemnification of the cost of training to the Company. The Employee undertakes not to dispute the amount, and shall pay the amount, before requesting for formal relieving order from the Company & at the same time company has full right to initiate appropriate legal proceeding against the Employee..
- That the said employee shall not during the period of this agreement work directly or indirectly in any similar trade or business either as employer or partner or adviser or in any other capacity.
- That the said employee shall be just and faithful to the Company in all matters and shall not at any time except under legal process, divulge to any person whosoever and shall use his best endeavors to prevent the publication or disclosure of any trade secret or any business process or any confidential matter or information concerning management decision of the Company or of its dealings, transactions, or affairs which may come to his knowledge.
- Any dispute or difference arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved through Arbitration. The sole Arbitrator, appointed in consultation with parties shall conduct such Arbitration. The venue shall be in Ahmedabad.
However, Company has full right to transfer,suspend or terminate the employment of the Employee in case if he/she breaches any of the above provisions & founds dishonest to the Company at any moment of his/her employment also Company can with held the Salary or/and Exp.letter of the said Employee until the final clearance of the matter.
In witness hereof the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and date mentioned above at Ahmedabad.
Witness : 1. <<Name of the company>>
Dt. / /2008
Place :
Categories: HR Tags: Bond, Employment
Employment Bond Format
Please find herewith an attachment of Employment Bond Format.
Categories: HR Tags: Bond, Employment, Format