Andhra Pradesh Professional Tax Registration (Form I & 2)
I have attached the Forms for AP Professional Tax Registration (Form I & 2).
Professional Tax Form 1
[Vide Rule3(1) of A.P. Tax on Professions, Trades, calling and employment Rules, 1987]
The Professional Tax Officer,
I hereby apply for a certificate of Registration under the above mentioned Act as per particulars given Below: –
Name of the Applicant :
Address: Building Street / Road:
Municipal Ward:
Town / City: Pin Code:
Mandal : District :
Status of person signing this form : put(√) mark below the heading whichever is applicable.
Proprietor |
Partner |
Principal Officer |
Agent |
Manager |
Director |
Secretary |
Class of Employer : put(√) mark below the heading whichever is applicable.
Individual |
Firm |
Company |
Corporation |
Society |
Club |
Association |
If registered under the A.P.G.S.T. Act, 1957 / Central State Tax Act, 1956, the Numbers of Registration certificates held :
A.P.G.S.T.R.C.No. C.S.T.R.C.No.
Names and address of other places of work, if any, in Andhra Pradesh:
S.No |
Name |
Address |
The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date:………………….. Signature: ……………………………………………………………………… Status:……………………..
(For Office use only)
Registration Certificate No.
Signature of Officer Issuing Certificate |
(Particulars of name and address to be filled by the applicant)
Received an application for enrolment in Form I From
Name of the Applicant :
Full Postal Address: Dated:
Receiving Officer’s Signature
Professional Tax Form 2
Application for Certificate of Enrolment/Revision of Certificate of Enrolment
under the Andhra Pradesh Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and
Employments Act, 1987
(See Rules 4(1) and 6(2))
The Professional Tax Officer,
I hereby apply for a certificate of enrolment / revision of certificate of enrolment under the above mentioned Act as per particulars given below:
1. Name of the applicant | : | |
2. Full Postal Address | : |
3. Date of birth and Age | : | |
4. Profession, Trade or Calling | : | |
5. Period of standing in profession in years and months | : | |
6. Numbers of other places of works (Please give the address ofthe places) | : | |
7. Annual turnover of all sales / purchases | : | |
*8. Number of workers engaged in the factory | : | |
*9. Number of employees in the establishment | : | |
*10. If Co-operative Society whether State Level ,District Level orMandal Level | : | |
*11. Number of Vehicles for which permit under M.V. Act is held;3 WheelersTrucks and Buses
Total |
: | |
*12. Enrolment No. of previous certificate, if any | : | |
*13 If registered under APGST Act 1957/ CST Act, 1956 the No. of registration Certificates heldAPGST Act, 1957CST Act, 1956 |
: | |
*14. Grounds on which revision is sought | : | |
(attach additional sheets if necessary) | : |
The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Dated : Signature with status.
*Please fill up whichever is applicable.
For office Use Only
Enrolment No. :
Date of Enrolment : Signature of Issuing Officer
(Particulars of name and address to be filled by applicant)
Received an application for enrolment in Form From
Name : Application No:
Address: Dated:
Signature of Receiving Officer.
Categories: HR Tags: AP Professional Tax Form 1 & 2 (For new registration)