Probationary Procedure
Probationary Procedure
I/ Goal:
– To recruit suitable employees for the business strategy and recruitment plan of the company.
II/ Applicability:
– Applied to the whole company.
III/ Definition:
– No definition
IV/ Content:
1. Probationary contract signing:
– After sending the recruitment announcement to the applicant, personnel staff will have to contact him to confirm the information and invite him to the company for probationary contract.
– If the applicant agrees with the invitation, personnel department will write a recruitment decision by sample then forward it to the director to sign.
– When the applicant comes, personnel staff needs to explain him the terms of the probationary contract. If the applicant agrees with the terms, personnel staff will set up a probationary contract signing ceremony, then give the applicant the original contract and keep for themselves one copy.
– Personnel staff will set up a probationary plan by sample and send it to the applicant. After that, the copies will be sent to direct and indirect management staff, security staff and one for the record (along with recruitment decision).
– As for the situation in which formal contract is signed immediately without probationary period, personnel department will proceed with the formal contract right away. However, in this situation, some procedures are still needed such as learning about internal regulations, professional knowledge, introduction meeting, work assigning, and facility handover… as mentioned in integration training procedure.
2. Probation preparation:
Based on the probationary contract and program, personnel staff will coordinate with other department to perform the following tasks.
– Prepare all the necessary facilities and equipments for the new employees.
– Work with the new employee’s manager to map out the probationary and training program. Employee management staff will set up the program by sample first.
– Prepare the internal regulation and rule training program.
3. Staff introduction to the new employees:
– Personnel department will have to set up a meeting introducing the staff to the new employee. Participants include: the new employee, personnel staff, relevant employees and the direct managers.
– In the meeting, the process will be conducted through the following steps:
• State the reason for the meeting.
• Announce the recruitment decision.
• Introduce the new employee.
• Introduce the relevant individuals, position and their work briefly.
4. Hand over workplace as well as necessary facilities:
– Administrative department will work with the manager of organizing department about handing over the facilities, table, chair to the new employee.
– The handover work has to be recorded in a form, a copy of which will then be sent to the HR department for the record.
5. Learning about internal rules and regulations:
– After being handed over all the facilities, the new employee will be instructed about the internal rules and regulations of the company.
– The new employee will have to learn about the rules of the company in the training program for relevant positions in the integration training program.
– The training process will include: personnel staff instructs about the regulations, new employee’s seft learning, new employee’s explaining about the content of the regulations and signing in the minutes of training.
6. Assignment:
– After learning about the internal regulations, personnel staff will give a job description table to the new employee who will then have the responsibility to forward it to the direct manager.
– The direct manager will be responsible for explaining the content of the description table after signing and returning it to the employee. Then, the employee will have to return the table (with necessary signatures) to the personnel department within 3 days at least on receipt of the table.
– After explaining the table, the direct manager gives the employee the probationary assignment form to sign (one copy will be given to the indirect manager later) and explain the assignments in the form. The minutes of assignment is done by sample form.
– The direct manager will take responsibility for training the employee work skills as planned in the professional training program for that job title.
7. Probation evaluation:
– Deadline for evaluating after a probationary period is 5 days (for contract of 1 month), 15 days (for probationary period of 2 months). The direct manager will be responsible for evaluating the employee’s performance using a specific form.
– The minutes of evaluation has to be signed by the indirect manager and the divisional manager and will then be sent to the personnel department.
– If personnel department doesn’t receive an evaluation form after probationary period, the probationary will be considered to be accepted to become a regular one by his department.
– As for employee’s not meeting the job requirement, personnel department will call and explain to the employee the content of the evaluation process and announce the finish of the probationary contract, instruct him about probationary payment procedure.
8. Signing of formal recruitment contract:
– Personnel department informs the department manager to invite the applicant for official labor contract signing by national law and in sample form.
– Personnel department will perform all the necessary procurements to make the formal labor contract with the applicant.
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