New Hire Integration Feedback Form
Dear Mr/Mrs…………….
This form is intended to improve the over on boarding process and your feedback is important for us.
Thanks for your cooperation.
I/ Rating scales
1. 0 = not applicable
2. 1 = Completely Disagree
3. 2 = Somewhat Disagree
4. 3 = Somewhat Agree
5. 4 = Completely Agree
II/ Feedback questions
1. My Recruiting Process was well scheduled and arranged.
2. I found the information and learning provided during the orientation training sessions relevant in helping me integrate better within………..
3. Guest House accommodation provided a comfortable stay for me.
4. I am satisfied with my overall experience with the following teams:
• Recruiting
• Transport
• IT (Computers, NT Login)
• Finance
• Training & Development
• Guest House Accommodation
5. I was given a useful ramp up for the project to help me learn fast.
6. I found the orientation program comprehensive and useful?
7. I found induction kit was useful.
What can we do better as a team to improve your on boarding experience?
Other remarks :
For Company
HR Manager
Categories: Hiring Forms Tags: Feedback Form, Hire, Integration