Cover Letter for Teaching Position with Experience

If you are a teacher with an impressive experience then don’t presume that your resume is good enough to get you the desired job. You also need to pen a professional cover letter for the teaching position for that perfect impression. Gone are those days when you could just send your CV without a formal cover letter.
Here is a format sample of a short and smart cover letter for teaching position with experience to help you create your own draft within no time. Follow it and create your own.
Example Cover Letter for Teaching Position with Experience
Date: 13.11.14
Ms. Elle Jackson, Principal
Rainbow Kid Elementary School
22 North First Street
Dear Ms. Jackson,
I wish to apply in your school for the position of Fourth Grade Teacher as listed in the
classified advertisement in Daily News on November 11, 2014. I have an extensive experience in teaching kids which makes me a strong candidate for this job.
I hold a Bachelors degree in Science in Elementary Education which is with concentration in English Literature from the University of Ohio. At present, I am working at Hello Kids Elementary School where I am talking English Language classes for students of Third and Fourth graders. In this, I am supposed to teach children skills to read, write and spell along with little journalism skills. This includes training children to write newsletters using computers in the classroom which are then sent to their parents.
As mentioned in my resume, I am also an active member of the committee which is responsible for organizing regular reading programs to inculcate the habit of reading books amongst children.
I strongly believe that I am gifted with the natural ability to mingle with kids and manage them. My energy, knowledge and experience combines together to make me a good choice for this position.
Thank you for your consideration. Please contact me in case you are interested in receiving my credentials, I would be more than happy to provide them. Also contact me at 1234-5678 if you find me a right choice for this profile to discuss my abilities in detail.
Yours sincerely,
James N. James
123 Exclusive Apartments
Autumn Street
Phone: 1234-5678
Email: [email protected]
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