90 Days Evaluation Form

90 Days Evaluation Form

Employee Name _________________
Position: _______________________
Date of arrival:___________________

Major Purpose: briefly describes the major accomplishment he/she has achieved in his /her position during the past 90 days.

Major’s area of responsibilities: indicate one or two major areas of responsibility in the job that you would like to focus to during the next 90 days.

1. Interpersonal Relationship

Deal effectively with other
Encourage other
Keep self and other informed
Understand and support ideas
Demonstrates self control

2. Communication Skill

Listen actively
Speak with confidence
Maintain professional appearance
Ask question when appropriate
Organize thought & idea clearly

3. Team Work

Contribution actively achieve team goals
Set a good ex. For other
Weigh other view point
Establish good working relationship
Accept critical feedback

4. Innovation Ability

Self starter and resourcefulness
Generates new idea and change
Positive attitude
Use innovative and creativity to solve problem

5. Customer Service

Consistently place customer need as a priority
React quickly when a customer is dissatisfied
Act proactively on customer suggestion
Makes an effort to listen

6. Results

Complete all goals & objective set for the positions
Produce volume of the work
Quality of work
Takes pride in work

7. Technical Delivery

Timely delivery
Quality of delivery
Overall technical delivery
New skill acquire

Manager’s Recommendation

Total Score (avg) _________
Indicate specific area from the above list you would like to see improvement on.

Employee Signature ________________ Date ______________
Manager Signature ________________  Date ______________

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