Sample Format of Visitors Pass
You simply print some Cards with your company logo & name, location, Visitor Pass & a serial Number on the card. The visitor can hang the same in their neck.
While entering the security officer deployed at gate will confirm the person to whom the visitor want to meet and after confirming the same from the concerned person, the security officer can issue a gate entry slip in which the visitor can obtain the signature from the concerned person.
Maintain a Visitor register in which you have to mention the name, contact details, purpose of visit area of visit, to whom the visitor wants to meet, in time, out time and the Visitor Pass Sl No. then obtain the sign from visitor and finally the security has to sign on the register.
Date:………………….. Time…………….
Visitor Name:…………………………………..
Purpose of Visit:……………………………….
Person to Meet:………………………………..
Time Out:……………………………………..
Signature of Visitor With Name & Contact Number
Signature of Signature of Company Security Officer Staff with Time |
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