Posts tagged "First Aid Training"

Request Letter to First Aid Training for Staff

If you wish to conduct a first aid training for the staff then you need to write a first aid training request letter to the CEO of your organization. Using a first aid training letter template, you can formally submit the request to the management to organize a training session for the staff.

To help you create your personalized first aid training request letter for staff, we have come up with a training request letter sample, example that can be used to suit your needs.

First Aid Training Request Letter Format for Staff


Samantha Brown

HR Manager

Zenith Infrastructure Development


Date: October 07th, 2021


Mr. Andrew Smith


Zenith Infrastructure Development


Sub: First Aid Training For Staff

Dear Mr. Andrew,

I am writing this letter for submitting request for first aid training of the production team that will start from October 15th, 2021 and will end on October 28th, 2021.

As the production team is involved in jobs that involve threats of accidents and injuries to the employees. Therefore, we feel that there is a need of first aid training for production team for better safety of the team. To make sure that small injuries and accidents can be attended with the right knowledge, it is important to have the staff trained for first aid.

Moreover, it has been observed that the company is spending an excessively large sum of money on medical expenses every year because of the injuries that take place as the medical costs are really high. By training the staff for first aid, we will be able to control these costs as well as keep our team safe. The first aid training will be just one time expense and will be extremely helpful in the long run.

We have been in talks with the professional first aid training providers and we have been able to find a one month training package with them which fits very much into our budget. The program brochure for the same has been attached with the letter for your reference.

Kindly have a look at the brochure and give us the permission to organize this first aid training campaign for our staff members. We assure that this expense will be more of an investment for our company.

Thanking you.


Samantha Brown

HR Manager

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Posted by Hrformats - October 7, 2021 at 7:13 AM

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