Job Training Methods

There are many and many ways to train. In this post, we just list 14 training methods used in job development.

1. Training by Lecture

• A lecture is a method in which he or she may use handouts, visual aids, question/answer, or posters to support the lecture.

• Communication is primarily one-way: from the instructor to the audiences.

• Instructor can be experts, consultants, senior management…

2. Training by Presentation

• Presenter talk on a topic which requested from organization.

• Presentation usually is conducted by one or some member of organization.

• This method can include lecture method above.

3. Coaching

• When a manager takes an active role in guiding employee we refer to this activity as coaching.

• Coaching is a forced task of all positions at management level.

4. On-the-job training

The trainee is placed on the job and the manager or instructor shows the trainee how to do the job.

5. Self-training

• This method also called self-discovery training.

• Trainees discover the competencies on their own using such techniques as video-visual aids, books at company library, company intranet…

6. Job rotation

• Job rotation represents an excellent method for broadening the manager or potential manager and for turning specialist into generalists.

• It can also provide opportunities for a more comprehensive and reliable evaluation of the manager by his or her supervisors.

7. Movies/videos/computer-based training

Content for the training experience comes primarily from a videotape program…

8. Training by Group discussion

• Group discussion is a good problem-solving approach.

• A group considers a specific problem and they work to reach a agreement.

9. Training by Seminar

Seminars often combine several group methods: lectures, discussions…

10. Training by Projects

• Projects require the trainees to do something on the job which improves the business as well as helps them learn about the topic of training.

• Member of a project should come from another sections.

11. Panel training

• A panel provides several points of view on a topic to seek alternatives to a situation.
• A panel training include 3-5 instructors and 10 – 15 learners.
• Instructors discuss together, learner listen and make feedback when they are asked.

12. Tutorial training

• Tutorial training s a one-on-one process in which the instructor works directly with the learner, who learns through practice followed under guidance of instructor.
• The instructor may either be the leader or an advanced learner.

13. E-learning

E-learning is a method of instruction that is generally computer assisted and is delivered via CD/DVD ROM, audio, videotape or the internet.

14. Field Trip

• A carefully planned visit or tour to a site away from the training activity in order to observe activity, objects, or situations.
• Learners are taken to the environment where the task is performed.
• Learners can give a set of questions for which answers may be found on the trip.

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