Posts tagged "Human"

Need and importance of HRP

I have attached the E book on Need and importance of HRP.



Forecast future personnel needs: To avoid the situations of surplus or deficiency of manpower in future, it is important to plan your manpower in advance. For this purpose a proper forecasting of futures business needs helps you to ascertain our future manpower needs. From this angle, HRP plays an important role to predict the right size of manpower in the organization.
Cope with change: HRP enables an enterprise to cope with changes in competitive forces, markets, technology, products and government regulations. Such changes generate changes in job content, skills demands and number of human resources required.
Creating highly talented personnel: Since jobs are becoming highly intellectual and incumbents getting vastly professionalized, HRP helps prevent shortages of labor caused by attritions. Further technology changes would further upgrade or degrade jobs and create manpower shortages. In these situations only accurate human resource planning can help to meet the resource requirements. Further HRP is also an answer to the problems of succession planning.
Protection of weaker sections: A well-conceived personnel planning would also help to protect the interests of the SC/ST, physically handicapped, children of socially oppressed and backward classes who enjoy a certain percentage of employments notwithstanding the constitutional provisions of equal opportunity for all.
International strategies: International expansion strategies largely depend upon effective HRP. With growing trends towards global operations, the need for HRP further becomes more important as the need to integrate HRP more closely into the organization keeps growing. This is also because the process of meeting staffing needs from foreign countries grows in a complex manner. Foundation of personnel functions: HRP provides essential information for designing and implementing personnel functions such as recruitment, selection, personnel development, training and development etc.
Increasing investments in HR: Another importance is the investment that an organization makes in human capital. It is important that employees are used effectively throughout their careers. Because human assets can increase the organization value tremendously as opposed to physical assets

Resistance to change & move: The growing resistance towards change and move, self evaluation, loyalty and dedication making it more difficult to assume that organization can move its employees everywhere. Here HRP becomes very important and needs the resources to be planned carefully.
Other benefits: Following are the other benefits of HRP.
1. Upper management has a better view of HR dimensions of business
2. Management can anticipate imbalances before they become unmanageable and expensive.
3. More time is provided to locate talent
4. Better opportunities exists to include women and minorities in future growth plans
5. Better planning of assignments to develop managers
6. Major and successful demands on local labor markets can be made.
HRP System as such includes following elements or sets for planning Overall Organization Objectives Business Environment Forecasting Manpower Needs Assessing Manpower Supply Matching Manpower Demand-Supply factors
Based on these elements we can draw “HRP System Architecture” as under.


Business Environment

Organization Objectives & Goals

Manpower Forecast                                       Manpower Supply Assessment

Manpower Programming

Manpower Implementation

Control & Manpower Evaluation

Surplus Manpower                                                     Shortage of Manpower


Organizational Objectives & Policies: –

The objectives of HR plan must be derived from organizational objectives like specific requirements of numbers and characteristics of employees etc. HRP needs to sub-serve the overall objectives by ensuring availability and utilization of human resources. Specific policies need to be formulated to address the following decisions.

  • Internal Hiring or External Hiring?
  • Training & Development plans
  • Union Constraints
  • Job enrichment issues
  • Rightsizing organization
  • Automation needs
  • Continuous availability of adaptive and flexible workforce

Manpower Demand Forecasting: –

It is the process of estimating the future quantity and quality of people required.The basis should be annual budget and long term corporate plans
Demand forecasting should be based on following factors.

Internal Factors: –

  • Budget constraints
  • Production levels
  • New products and services
  • Organizational structure
  • Employee separation

External Factors: –

  • Competition environment
  • Economic climate
  • Laws and regulatory bodies
  • Technology changes
  • Social Factors

Reasons for Manpower Demand Forecasting: –

  • To quantify jobs
  • To determine the Staff-mix
  • To assess staffing levels and avoid unnecessary costs
  • Prevent shortages of people
  • Monitor compliances of legal requirements with regards to reservations

Manpower Forecasting Techniques: –

Management Judgment:  In this techniques managers across all the levels decide the forecast on their own judgment. This can be bottom-up or top-down approach and judgments can be reviewed across departments, divisions and top management can conclude on final numbers of manpower required.
Ration-Trend Analysis: This technique involves studying past ratios, and forecasting future ratios making some allowance for changes in the organization or its methods.
Work Study Techniques: It is possible when work measurement to calculate the length of operations and the amount of manpower required. The starting point can be production budget, followed by standard hours, output per hour; man-hours required etc could be computed.
Delphi Techniques: This technique solicits estimates from a group of experts, and HRP experts normally act as intermediaries, summarizes various responses and report the findings back to experts.
Flow Models: This technique involves the flow of following components. Determine the time required, Establish categories, Count annual movements, Estimate probable transitions. Here demand is a function of replacing those who make a transition.

Manpower Supply Forecasting: –

This process measures the number of people likely to be available from within and outside the organization after making allowance for absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, wastages, changes in hours and other conditions of work.

Reasons for Manpower Supply Forecasting:

  • Clarify Staff-mixes exist in the future
  • Assess existing staff levels
  • Prevent shortages
  • Monitor expected future compliance of legal requirements of job reservations

Supply Analysis covers:

Existing Human Resources: HR Audits facilitate analysis of existing employees with skills and abilities. The existing employees can be categorized as skills inventories (non-managers) and managerial inventories (managers)Skill inventory would include the following;

  • Personal data
  • Skills
  • Special Qualifications
  • Salary
  • Job History
  • Company data
  • Capabilities
  • Special preferences

Management inventories would include the following

  • Work History
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Promotion Potential
  • Career Goals
  • Personal Data
  • Number and Types of Subordinates
  • Total Budget Managed
  • Previous Management Duties

Internal Supply: –


  • Internal supply techniques help to assess the following
  • Inflows and outflows (transfers, promotions, separations, resignations, retirements etc.)
  • Turnover rate (No. Of separations p.a. / Average employees p.a. X 100)
  • Conditions of work (working hours, overtime, etc.)
  • Absenteeism (leaves, absences)
  • Productivity level
  • Job movements (Job rotations or cross functional utilization)

External Supply: –

External sources are required for following reasons

  • New blood,
  • New experiences
  • Replenish lost personnel
  • Organizational growth
  • Diversification

External sources can be colleges and universities, consultants, competitors and unsolicited applications.
HR Plan Implementation: –
A series of action programs are initiated as a part of HR plan implementation as under.
Recruitment & Selection: Employees are hired against the job vacancies. Based on the manpower demand and supply forecasts made, hiring of employees is initiated based on supply forecasts. For this internal and external sources of manpower are utilized. A formal selection board is established to interview and select the best of the candidates for the required vacancies. Finally the selected employees also need to be placed on proper jobs. Here some companies recruit employees for specific jobs
while others recruit fresh trainees in large number and train them for future manpower needs.
Training and Development: The training and development program is charted out to cover the number of trainees, existing staff etc. The programs also cover the identification of resource personnel for conducting development program, frequency of training and development programs and budget allocation.
Retraining and Redeployment; New skills are to be imparted to existing staff when technology changes or product line discontinued. Employees need to be redeployed to other departments where they could be gainfully employed.
Retention Plan: Retention plans cover actions, which would reduce avoidable separations of employees. Using compensation plans, performance appraisals, avoiding conflicts, providing green pastures etc, can do this.
Downsizing plans: Where there is surplus workforce trimming of labor force will be necessary. For these identifying and managing redundancies is very essential.
Managerial Succession Planning; Methods of managerial succession plans may vary. Most successful programs seem to include top managements involvement and commitment, high-level review of succession plans, formal performance assessment and potential assessment and written development plans for individuals. A typical succession planning involves following activities.

  • Analysis of demand for managers and professionals
  • Audit of existing executives
  • Projection of future likely supply from internal and external sources
  • Individual career path planning
  • Career counseling
  • Accelerated promotions
  • Performance related training and development
  • Strategic recruitment

Control & Evaluation of HRP: –

HR Plan must also clarify responsibilities for control and establish reporting procedures, which will enable achievements to be monitored against the plan. The HR Plan should include budgets, targets and standards. These plans may simply be reports on the numbers employed, recruited against targets etc

Click Here To Download Human Resources Planing

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Posted by Hrformats - August 6, 2012 at 9:24 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , ,

Human Resources Management and Counselling

I have Attached Human Resources Management and Counselling


The researcher hypothesizes that the HR professionals can bring about a significant change in the personal life of employees and not only their professional life. The questionnaire is to understand the existing relationship between counselling & HRM and scope for counselling among the HR professionals.

(Email completed questionnaire to à [email protected])

A. Have you noticed/ felt your employee searching for guidance from you (as an HR)? [Highlight your answer]

[1= Never]— [2=Rarely]-—[3= Sometimes]—-[4= More than often]-—[5= All the time]

B.  On a scale from 1 to 5 rate the following psycho-social problems that you have noticed in the workplace.

1= Never noticed;      2= Mentioned by others;        3= Sometimes noticed;         4= More often noticed it;                 5= Noticed it & measures taken (optional-mention the measures taken) [Highlight your answer]

1.       Harassment: (physical/emotional) [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

2.       Panic & Phobia: [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

3.       Aggressive & Short temper : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

4.       Preoccupied and Disturbed : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

5.       Needy for approval : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

6.       Inferiority complex : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

7.       Withdrawn & Isolated : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

8.       Obsessive & Compulsive Behavior : [1]–[2]–[3]–[4]–[5]

9.       Stress & Anxiety: [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

10.   Mood Swings : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

11.   Adjustment Issue (role & team) : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

12.   Frequent Absenteeism due to illness : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]












C. Rate on a scale from 1 to 5 your awareness of counselling principles and skills. [Highlight your answer]

[1= Never Heard it; 2 = Over Heard it; 3 = Aware of it; 4 = Understand the concept; 5 = Practice it]

1.      Unconditional acceptance: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

2.      Unconditional Confidentiality: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

3.      Active listening: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

4.      Non advice giving attitude: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

5.      Responding on content level, feel level and meaning level: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

6.      Empathy & Empathic understanding: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

7.      Transference & counter-transference: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

D. Would counselling the employees to manage their life’s highs and lows effectively result in quality   contribution of time spend in the organization? [Highlight your answer]

(a) Have not thought about it like that                                  (b) I don’t think there will be any difference

(c) Maybe to some extend sometimes                                   (d) Yes, it would be useful

(e) I feel there will be an absolute improvement in results

E. Is it practical for an HR professional to manage the role of a non specialist counselor [a person who understands the principles and techniques of counselling, but it is not their primary role to counsel].

Rate your answer on a practicality scale of 1 to 10. [Highlight your answer]

        Not Practical  — [1] — [2] — [3] — [4] — [5] — [6] — [7] — [8] — [9] — [10] —- Highly Practical

REASON (optional):


NOTE: If you are interested in explaining your point of view further kindly put it down with out hesitation!

Click Here To Download Human Resources Management and Counselling

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Posted by Hrformats - March 5, 2012 at 12:03 PM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , ,

Human Resources Management and Counselling

 I have Attached Human Resources Management and Counseling



The researcher hypothesizes that the HR professionals can bring about a significant change in the personal life of employees and not only their professional life. The questionnaire is to understand the existing relationship between counselling & HRM and scope for counselling among the HR professionals.

(Email completed questionnaire to à [email protected])

A. Have you noticed/ felt your employee searching for guidance from you (as an HR)? [Highlight your answer]

[1= Never]— [2=Rarely]-—[3= Sometimes]—-[4= More than often]-—[5= All the time]

B.  On a scale from 1 to 5 rate the following psycho-social problems that you have noticed in the workplace.

1= Never noticed;      2= Mentioned by others;        3= Sometimes noticed;         4= More often noticed it;                 5= Noticed it & measures taken (optional-mention the measures taken) [Highlight your answer]

1.       Harassment: (physical/emotional) [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

2.       Panic & Phobia: [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

3.       Aggressive & Short temper : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

4.       Preoccupied and Disturbed : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

5.       Needy for approval : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

6.       Inferiority complex : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

7.       Withdrawn & Isolated : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

8.       Obsessive & Compulsive Behavior : [1]–[2]–[3]–[4]–[5]

9.       Stress & Anxiety: [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

10.   Mood Swings : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

11.   Adjustment Issue (role & team) : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

12.   Frequent Absenteeism due to illness : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]











C. Rate on a scale from 1 to 5 your awareness of counselling principles and skills. [Highlight your answer]

[1= Never Heard it; 2 = Over Heard it; 3 = Aware of it; 4 = Understand the concept; 5 = Practice it]

1.      Unconditional acceptance: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

2.      Unconditional Confidentiality: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

3.      Active listening: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

4.      Non advice giving attitude: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

5.      Responding on content level, feel level and meaning level: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

6.      Empathy & Empathic understanding: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

7.      Transference & counter-transference: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

D. Would counselling the employees to manage their life’s highs and lows effectively result in quality   contribution of time spend in the organization? [Highlight your answer]

(a) Have not thought about it like that                                  (b) I don’t think there will be any difference

(c) Maybe to some extend sometimes                                   (d) Yes, it would be useful

(e) I feel there will be an absolute improvement in results

E. Is it practical for an HR professional to manage the role of a non specialist counselor [a person who understands the principles and techniques of counselling, but it is not their primary role to counsel].

Rate your answer on a practicality scale of 1 to 10. [Highlight your answer]

        Not Practical  — [1] — [2] — [3] — [4] — [5] — [6] — [7] — [8] — [9] — [10] —- Highly Practical

REASON (optional):


NOTE: If you are interested in explaining your point of view further kindly put it down with out hesitation!

Click Here To Download Human Resources Management and Counselling Questionnaire

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Posted by Hrformats - February 7, 2012 at 10:02 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , ,

Human Resources Policies

1. Recruitment and selection

  • Recruitment policy
  • Employment category
  • Sexual harassment policy
  • Probation policy
  • Equal employment opportunity policy

2. Training and development
3. Compensation and benefits

  • Leave policy
  • Bereavement leave policy
  • Adoption leave policy
  • Paternity Leave policy
  • Maternity leave policy
  • Loan policy
  • Working time policy
  • Vacation policy
  • Holiday policy
  • Sick leave policy
  • Overtime policy

4. Health and safety

  • Health and safety policy
  • Smoking policy
  • Visitor policy
  • Corporate security policy
  • Alcohol and drug policy
  • Discipline policy
  • Computer policy
  • Email policy
  • Internet use policy
  • Cell phone policy
  • Grievance policy

5. Employee relations

  • Communication policy
  • Problem resolution policy
  • Personal appearance policy
  • Conflicts of interest policy

Click Here To Download Human resources policies

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Posted by Hrformats - June 28, 2011 at 8:38 AM

Categories: Compensation and Benefits, HR Policies   Tags: , ,

Human Resource Formulas

1. Attrition Rate

Total number of people left the organization in the period / (Headcount at the start of the period + Heads recruited during the period)

2. Manpower Turnover

Total number of left the organization in the period / Average headcount in the period

3. Human Capital ROI

This measures the return on capital invested in pay and benefits. The formula is:
Revenue – Nonhuman Expenses/Pay and Benefits
Pay includes all money spent on regular and contingent labor.

4. Human Capital Value Added

This uses a similar formula to Human Capital ROI but divides by the number of full-time equivalent employees (FTEs). The formula is:
Revenue – Nonhuman Expenses/Full-Time Equivalents

This yields a profit per FTE. These two measures are views of the profitability attributable to human effort.

5. Human Capital Cost

This is simply the average pay per regular employee. The formula is:
Pay + Benefits + Contingent Labor Cost/Full-Time Equivalents

It can be augmented by added in contingent labor. In that case, we would take total labor expenses, including benefits costs, and divide by FTEs, including contingents.

6. Human Economic Value Added

This is net operating profit after tax, minus the cost of capital divided by FTEs, including contingent labor. The formula is:

Net operating profit after tax – Cost of capital/FTEs

7. Human Market Value Added

This divides market capitalization by FTEs, including contingents.

The formula is:  Market Capitalization/FTEs .


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Posted by Hrformats - May 23, 2011 at 8:31 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: , ,