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Human Resources Management and Counselling

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The researcher hypothesizes that the HR professionals can bring about a significant change in the personal life of employees and not only their professional life. The questionnaire is to understand the existing relationship between counselling & HRM and scope for counselling among the HR professionals.

(Email completed questionnaire to à [email protected])

A. Have you noticed/ felt your employee searching for guidance from you (as an HR)? [Highlight your answer]

[1= Never]— [2=Rarely]-—[3= Sometimes]—-[4= More than often]-—[5= All the time]

B.  On a scale from 1 to 5 rate the following psycho-social problems that you have noticed in the workplace.

1= Never noticed;      2= Mentioned by others;        3= Sometimes noticed;         4= More often noticed it;                 5= Noticed it & measures taken (optional-mention the measures taken) [Highlight your answer]

1.       Harassment: (physical/emotional) [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

2.       Panic & Phobia: [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

3.       Aggressive & Short temper : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

4.       Preoccupied and Disturbed : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

5.       Needy for approval : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

6.       Inferiority complex : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

7.       Withdrawn & Isolated : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

8.       Obsessive & Compulsive Behavior : [1]–[2]–[3]–[4]–[5]

9.       Stress & Anxiety: [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

10.   Mood Swings : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

11.   Adjustment Issue (role & team) : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]

12.   Frequent Absenteeism due to illness : [1]–[2]– [3]–[4]–[5]












C. Rate on a scale from 1 to 5 your awareness of counselling principles and skills. [Highlight your answer]

[1= Never Heard it; 2 = Over Heard it; 3 = Aware of it; 4 = Understand the concept; 5 = Practice it]

1.      Unconditional acceptance: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

2.      Unconditional Confidentiality: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

3.      Active listening: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

4.      Non advice giving attitude: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

5.      Responding on content level, feel level and meaning level: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

6.      Empathy & Empathic understanding: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

7.      Transference & counter-transference: [1] —– [2] —– [3] —– [4] —– [5]

D. Would counselling the employees to manage their life’s highs and lows effectively result in quality   contribution of time spend in the organization? [Highlight your answer]

(a) Have not thought about it like that                                  (b) I don’t think there will be any difference

(c) Maybe to some extend sometimes                                   (d) Yes, it would be useful

(e) I feel there will be an absolute improvement in results

E. Is it practical for an HR professional to manage the role of a non specialist counselor [a person who understands the principles and techniques of counselling, but it is not their primary role to counsel].

Rate your answer on a practicality scale of 1 to 10. [Highlight your answer]

        Not Practical  — [1] — [2] — [3] — [4] — [5] — [6] — [7] — [8] — [9] — [10] —- Highly Practical

REASON (optional):


NOTE: If you are interested in explaining your point of view further kindly put it down with out hesitation!

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Posted by Hrformats - March 5, 2012 at 12:03 PM

Categories: HR   Tags: , , ,


The word Counselling is a very broad frame of reference and can mean anything from informal advice giving to the most complex interactions that is between patients and clinicians and barristers and litigants. Its basic meaning revolves around the business of helping something so common that almost everyone would have acted as a counselor at sometime in ones life.

So Always hold the counseling session in a private place where no one else can hear. Encourage the client to ask more questions and make the counseling as interactive session, so that the clients can have more involvement and the counseling will have more impact in the minds of the clients.

Purpose of Counselling

1. Information Giving : In this respect counselling is like one to one teaching, some problems can be solved simply by providing facts or information.
2. Giving Support : Some problems are so intractable that lending emotional support and warmth can help individuals who feel helpless.
3. Promoting Insight : Counselling is to assist people in the process of self discovery. A clearer self awareness is the key to solution of many problems.
4. Conflict Resolution : Counselling can help people to resolve their conflicts in interpersonal and intrapersonal situations.
5. Decision Making : Counselling is helping people to make decisions which they are finding difficult to reach. Counselling may help the person to weigh pros and cons and broaden his perspective of the problem.
6. Problem Solving : The aim of counseling is to help individuals to systematically analyse difficulties, find solutions to them and act accordingly.

Attributes of effective Helpers

1. Genuineness : Helper should have genuine concern of helping the other person.
2. Personal Warmth : The focus should be on warm interpersonal interactions.
3. Client Respect : Show positive regard to the client.
4. Sensitivity : To Human Relations
5. Empathy : To perceive the clients problem from his perspective.

1 comment - What do you think?
Posted by Hrformats - October 18, 2011 at 10:14 AM

Categories: HR   Tags: