Questionnaire on Stress Management in Organization

Here is the Questionnaire. 101 tips to reduce stress is also furnished. Hope you will find it useful.



For all the Questions Say Yes  No

1       I most often bring my official work to home and do at night

2       No enough time in the day to do all the things that I must do

3       I deny or ignore problems in the hope that they will go away

4       I do the jobs myself to ensure they are done properly

5       I underestimate how long it takes to do things

6       I feel that there are too many deadlines in my work / life that are difficult to meet

7       My self confidence / self esteem is lower than I would like it to be

8       I frequently have guilty feelings if I relax and do nothing

9       I find myself thinking about problems even when I am supposed to be relaxing

10  I feel fatigued or tired even when I wake after an adequate sleep

11  I often nod or finish other peoples sentences for them when they speak slowly

12  I have a tendency to eat, talk, walk and drive quickly

13  My appetite  has changed, have either a desire to binge or have a loss of appetite / may skip meals

14  I feel irritated  or angry if the car or traffic in front seems to be going too slowly

15  I become very frustrated at having to wait in a queue

16  If something or someone really annoys me I will bottle up my feelings

17  When I play sport or games, I really try to win whoever I play

18  I experience mood swings, difficulty making decisions, concentration and memory is impaired

19  I find fault and criticize others rather than praising, even if it is deserved

20  I seem to be listening even though I am preoccupied with my own thoughts

21  My sex drive is lower, can experience changes to menstrual cycle

22  I find myself grinding my teeth

23  Increase in muscular aches and pains especially in the neck, head, lower back, shoulders

24  I am unable to perform tasks as well as I used to, my judgment is clouded or not as good as it was

25  I find I have a greater dependency on alcohol, caffeine, nicotine or drugs

A yes answer score = I (one), and a no answer score = 0 (zero).                                        TOTALS Your score:

Most of us can manage varying amounts of pressure without feeling stressed. However too much or excessive pressure, often created by our own thinking patterns and life experiences, can overstretch our ability to cope and then stress is experienced.

4 points or less: You are least likely to suffer from stress-related illness.

5 – 13 points:  You are more likely to experience stress related ill health either mental, physical or both. You would benefit from stress management / counseling or advice to help in the identified areas.

14 points or more: You are the most prone to stress showing a great many traits or characteristics that are creating un-healthy behaviours. This means that you are also more likely to experience stress & stress-related illness e.g. diabetes, irritable bowel, migraine, back and neck pain, high blood pressure, heart disease/strokes, mental ill health (depression, anxiety & stress). It is important to seek professional help or stress management counseling. Consult your medical practitioner.

Tips to help improve your score

Review the questions that you scored yes:

 See if you can reduce, change or modify this trait.

 Start with the ones that are easiest & most likely to be successful for you.

 Only expect small changes to start with, it takes daily practice to make any change.

 Support from friends, family/colleagues will make the process easier and more enjoyable.

 Professional help is always available & your GP is a good place to start.

COURTESY: International Stress Management Association (ISMA)London.


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