Appointment letter of HR Manager

I Have Attached Appointment letter of HR Manager





106- A, Radhakrishna Township,

Ramosana Crossing,

Near Savera Hotel,



Subject: Letter of Appointment

Dear Mr. ,


With reference to your interview and subsequent discussions you had with us, the management is herby pleased to appoint you in our organization w.e.f.      Date on the following terms & conditions:


1.         Designation:

You will be designated as Front-Office Manager in Front-Office department.


2.         Place of Posting:

You will be posted in our office at Fortune Klassik Hotel, Ludhiana. However, at any time during the period of appointment, you will be liable to transfer in such other capacity that the company may determine to any other Department/ Branch/ Establishment or any other Company under the same management without adversely affecting your emoluments and general condition of service.


3.         Grade:

You will be placed in Grade Manager as per the structure of the company.


4.         Remuneration:

You will be entitled to the following remuneration per month, subject to the express condition of fulfillment of service conditions:


Basic Rs.000  /-
Conveyance Allowance Rs.000 /-
Performance Pay Rs. 000  /-
Industrial Allowance Rs.000 /-



Rs.0000 /-








5.         Benefits:

( I )Provident Fund :

12% of the monthly basic salary will be contributed by the company towards your Provident Fund account.  A matching deduction will be made from your salary as the employee’s contribution and shall be deposited as per the PF rule.


(III) Leave Travel Assistance :

Rs. 000 /- per annum. Eligibility after one year of service. Minimum 4 days of earned leave to be taken to avail of the benefit.


(III) Medical Reimbursement:  

(For self & dependants) Rs. 0000/- per annum on production of doctor’s prescription and bills for medicine.


(IV) You will also be entitled to Leave facilities as follows:

Earned Leave:                       18 days

Casual Leave / Sick leave: 12 days


6.         As a Manager / Executive you will not be governed by the Rules, Regulations or statutes generally applicable to workmen such as working hours, weekly off, holidays, overtime, Bonus and Gratuity etc.


7.      Probation: You will be on probation for a period of One year from the date of joining service. Based on your performance and conduct, this period may be increased or decreased at sole discretion of the management and unless an order in writing is given to you, you shall be not be deemed to have been confirmed.


8.      Separation: During probation or extended period(s) thereof, your service are liable to terminated without assigning any reason or payment in lieu thereof. Subsequent to confirmation, either side can terminate this contract by giving a notice of One Month or payment of One month basic salary in lieu thereof.











9.      Retirement: You shall retire from the services of the company on attaining the age of 58 years on the basis of the age submitted by you, subject to your being medically and mentally fit.


10.    Other Rules & Organization: You are expected to discharge the duties assigned to you from time to time with due diligence, integrity and responsibility to the entire satisfaction of the management and also maintain high standard of work expected of you by the company.


Your appointment in the company is full time and you shall devote yourself exclusively to the business of the company. You will not engage yourself in any other gain full employment or business (part – time or full – time) as long as you are employed in the company. Any action contrary to this shall render your services liable for termination without any notice or payment in lieu thereof.


You are required to deal with the Company’s money, materials and documents with utmost honesty. If at any time you are found of moral turpitude or of any dishonesty in dealing with the Company’s money, materials and documents, you shall render yourself liable for termination without any notice or payment in lieu thereof.


You will not divulge or give public any information related to any aspect of the company to anyone not employed by the company, including in such activity shall render you liable for termination without any notice or payment in lieu thereof.


If any declaration given or information furnished by you to the company are found to be false or if you are found to have willfully suppressed any material information at any point of time during your services are liable to be terminated immediately without any notice or payment in lieu thereof.


This appointment shall be subject to your being found and certified physically and mentally fit. Further you are required to maintain yourself in a state of medical fitness (physical & mental). In case at any particular point of time you are found medically unfit during your services, the Company will be liable for termination without any notice or payment in lieu thereof.










In all matters not mentioned herein you will be governed by the rules and regulations of the company in effect from time to time.


Any disputes arising out of this contract would be settled in the court of law under Ludhiana jurisdiction.


Please sign the copy of this letter as a token of your acceptance.


We welcome you again to our family and trust your association with us would be a long and meaningful one.




Your Faithfully,



For, Fortune Klassik Hotel





Managingn Director                                                  Received & Accepted


Date: ____________




04th October’2005


Ms. Manpreet Kaur

822, Ahahta Chopra,

Gill Road, Millar Gang,


Subject: Letter of Appointment

Dear Ms. Kaur,


With reference to your interview and subsequent discussions you had with us, the management is herby pleased to appoint you in our organization w.e.f.       04th October’2005 on the following terms & conditions:


1.         Designation:

You will be designated as Guest service Assistant in Finance department.


2.         Place of Posting:

You will be posted in our office at Fortune Klassik Hotel, Ludhiana. However, at any time during the period of appointment, you will be liable to transfer in such other capacity that the company may determine to any other Department/ Branch/ Establishment or any other Company under the same management without adversely affecting your emoluments and general condition of service.


3.         Grade:

You will be placed in Grade GSA as per the structure of the company.


4.         Remuneration:

You will be entitled to the following remuneration per month, subject to the express condition of fulfillment of service conditions:


Basic Rs.  1,015/-p.m.
House Rent Allowance Rs.    508/-p.m.
Conveyance Allowance Rs.    800/-p.m.
Industrial Allowance Rs. 1,738/-p.m.



Rs. 4,060/- p.m.








5.         Benefits:

( I )Provident Fund :

12% of the monthly basic salary will be contributed by the company towards your Provident Fund account.  A matching deduction will be made from your salary as the employee’s contribution and shall be deposited as per the PF rule.


(III) Leave Travel Assistance :

One month basic salary per annum. Eligibility after one year of service. Minimum 4 days of earned leave to be taken to avail of the benefit.


(III) Medical Reimbursement:  

As per company policy, you will be covered under E.S.I.C.


(IV) You will also be entitled to Leave facilities as follows:

Earned Leave :                      18 days

Casual Leave / Sick leave: 12 days



6.      Probation:

         You will be on probation for a period of One year from the date of joining service. Based on your performance and conduct, this period may be increased or decreased at sole discretion of the management and unless an order in writing is given to you, you shall be not be deemed to have been confirmed.


7.     Separation:

During probation or extended period(s) thereof, your service are liable to terminated without assigning any reason or payment in lieu thereof. Subsequent to confirmation, either side can terminate this contract by giving a notice of One Month or payment of One month basic salary in lieu thereof.











8.         Retirement:

            You shall retire from the services of the company on attaining the age of          58 years on the basis of the age submitted by you, subject to your being       medically and mentally fit.


9.         Other Rules & Organization:

You are expected to discharge the duties assigned to you from time to time with due diligence, integrity and responsibility to the entire satisfaction of the management and also maintain high standard of work expected of you by the company.


Your appointment in the company is full time and you shall devote yourself exclusively to the business of the company. You will not engage yourself in any other gain full employment or business (part – time or full – time) as long as you are employed in the company. Any action contrary to this shall render your services liable for termination without any notice or payment in lieu thereof.


You are required to deal with the Company’s money, materials and documents with utmost honesty. If at any time you are found of moral turpitude or of any dishonesty in dealing with the Company’s money, materials and documents, you shall render yourself liable for termination without any notice or payment in lieu thereof.


You will not divulge or give public any information related to any aspect of       the company to anyone not employed by the company, including in such      activity shall render you liable for termination without any notice or     payment in lieu thereof.


If any declaration given or information furnished by you to the company are found to be false or if you are found to have willfully suppressed any material information at any point of time during your services are liable to be terminated immediately without any notice or payment in lieu thereof.


This appointment shall be subject to your being found and certified physically and mentally fit. Further you are required to maintain yourself in a state of medical fitness (physical & mental). In case at any particular point of time you are found medically unfit during your services, the Company will be liable for termination without any notice or payment in lieu thereof.












In all matters not mentioned herein you will be governed by the rules and regulations of the company in effect from time to time.


Any disputes arising out of this contract would be settled in the court of law under Ludhiana jurisdiction.


Please sign the copy of this letter as a token of your acceptance.


We welcome you again to our family and trust your association with us would be a long and meaningful one.




Your Faithfully,



For, Fortune Klassik Hotel




Atul Channa                                                               _________________

General Manager                                                       Received & Accepted

Manpreet kaur

Date: ____________


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