Sample Interview Questions

Brand Manager Interview Questions

Brand manager interview questions include:

1. Describe a time when you went above and beyond for a customer.

2. What would you do to maximize the brand image in this region?

3. A new competitor is entering the market, how do you protect your market share?

4. Walk me through your CV.

5. Explain how you have succeeded in marketing projects.

6. Tell me about a brand that does not compete in your current category that is not doing performing well and why?

7. Walk me through your resume – tell me why you’re qualified.

8. Say an example you have lead a team successfully to accomplish a task

9. Why should we hire you as opposed to someone else?

10. What is Function of Marketing/Corporate Affairs Officer and manager

11. In trying to market a product, how do you differentiate one brand of product to another.

12. how do you compute the price of your product?

13. I need to know about marketing communication.

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Posted by Hrformats - July 22, 2011 at 5:53 AM

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Marketing Manager Interview Questions

Marketing Manager Interview Questions

1. What value will you bring to our company?

2. Give us an example of a marketing brief you developed for a recent marketing project or program?

3. Tell us about a marketing project in which you had to coordinate and manage a diverse team of people to achieve deliverables?

4. Tell me about a marketing project that you brought in on time and under budget?

5. Describe a situation in which an innovative course of action was necessary?

6. What factors do you consider the most important when attempting to influence consumer behavior?

7. What are the biggest challenges a Marketing Manager faces today?

8. Give an example of how you have effectively managed a tight budget to accomplish a marketing activity?

9. Give an example of how you have effectively used online marketing tools?

10. Can you give me an example of a campaign that did not work out as you had planned?

11. Give an example of one of your strength/weaknesses and what you learn from your experience?

12. From learning a little about our company, what would you immediately recommend to change and why?

13. If you were actually a brand of car what car would you be and why?

14. What has been a particularly demanding goal for you to achieve?

15. Can you think of a situation in which an innovative course of action was needed? What did you do in this situation?

16. In your present position, what standards have you set for doing a good job? How did you determine them?

17. Please think about your most significant accomplishment. Now, could you tell me all about it?

18. Some of the biggest mistakes you made?

19. How you changed and grew as a person?

20. What you would do differently if you could do it again?

21. How you prepared the budget and plan and how you did against it?

22. How you motivated and influenced others, with specific examples to prove your claims?

23. How you dealt with conflict with specific examples?

24. Anything else you felt was important to the success of the project?

25. What recognition you received (everybody gets recognition for a job well done)?

26. What does a person taking this job need to do over the next three to six months in order to be considered successful?

27. What are the two or three things a successful person would need to do to make sure they achieved the major objective?

28. Is there anything else that needs to be changed, fixed, or improved over the next few months?

29. What are the biggest challenges in the job?

Click Here To Download Marketing Manager Interview Questions

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Posted by Hrformats - July 22, 2011 at 5:47 AM

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Microsoft Phone Interview

20 Microsoft phone interview questions

I. Introduction about thinkers Microsoft interview

Questions below will help you interview candidates base on interview method of telephone.

II. Questions of phone interview

1. How would you design a toaster? (sometimes elevator).

2. How would you debug your toaster? (sometimes elevator).

3. How would you debug a file save module for Word?

4. You are in a room. You have 1 question to ask and need to know the way to heaven. There are 2 doors. A door to heaven and a door to hell. There are 2 people in the room. One will tell you the right door to heaven (if you ask where is heaven?) and one will always tell lie.

5. Loyalty Sequence:

• What do you want to be doing with your career?
• Have you submitted resumes in an attempt to get this job?
• If offered this position, would you leave Microsoft and take it?

6. Do you think of yourself as persuasive?

7. Can you give an example of a time when you were persuasive?

8. What are you most proud of (not necessarily computers)?

9. Describe the largest programming project you’ve worked on. How many lines of code was it? What did it do? Etc.

10. Why do you want to work at Microsoft?

11. What position(s) are you applying for?

12. What’s the difference between a operator and an operand?

13. What’s the difference between the * and the & in C++?

14. How do you dynamically allocate memory in C (not C++)?

15. What’s a recursive function?

16. What’s a virtual function in C++?

17. Can you list some bitwise operators?

18. Write a function to reverse a string.

19. What is my preferred language of coding?

20. What are my thoughts on testing?

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Posted by Hrformats - July 22, 2011 at 5:35 AM

Categories: Microsoft Interview Questions, Sample Interview Questions   Tags:

Microsoft Interview Questions about Applications

Microsoft Interview Questions about Applications

I. Introduction about applications Microsoft interview

Questions below will help you interview candidates about applications elements.

II. Interview questions of applications

1. Define a user interface for indenting selected text in a Word document. Consider selections ranging from a single sentence up through selections of several pages. Consider selections not currently visible or only partially visible. What are the states of the new UI controls? How will the user know what the controls are for and when to use them?

2. How can computer technology be integrated in an elevator system for a hundred story office building? How do you optimize for availability? How would variation of traffic over a typical work week or floor or time of day affect this?

3. How would you implement copy-protection on a control which can be embedded in a document and duplicated readily via the Internet?

4. How would you design a coffee-machine for an automobile.

5. If you could add any feature to Microsoft Word, what would it be?

6. How would you go about building a keyboard for 1-handed users?

7. How would you build an alarm clock for deaf people?

8. How would you redesign an ATM?

9. Suppose we wanted to run a microwave oven from the computer. What kind of software would you write to do this?

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Posted by Hrformats - July 22, 2011 at 5:14 AM

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Microsoft Interview Questions about Thinkers

14 Microsoft interview questions about thinkers

I. Introduction about thinkers Microsoft interview

Questions below will help you interview candidates about thinkers elements.

II. Interview questions of thinkers

1. Suppose you go home, enter your house/apartment, hit the light switch, and nothing happens – no light floods the room. What exactly, in order, are the steps you would take in determining what the problem was?

2. Interviewer hands you a black pen and says nothing but “This pen is red.”

3. If you had to learn a new computer language, how would you go about doing it?

4. You have been assigned to design Bill Gates bathroom. Naturally, cost is not a consideration. You may not speak to Bill.

5. What was the hardest question asked of you so far today?

6. If MS told you we were willing to invest $5 million in a start up of your choice, what business would you start? Why?

7. If you could gather all of the computer manufacturers in the world together into one room and then tell them one thing that they would be compelled to do, what would it be?

8. Explain a scenario for testing a salt shaker.

9. How are M&Ms made?

10. If you had a clock with lots of moving mechanical parts, you took it apart piece by piece without keeping track of the method of how it was disassembled, then you put it back together and discovered that 3 important parts were not included; how would you go about reassembling the clock?

11. Why do you want to work at Microsoft?

12. If you are going to receive an award in 5 years, what is it for and who is the audience?

13. How would you explain how to use Microsoft Excel to your grandma?

14. Why is it that when you turn on the hot water in any hotel, for example, the hot water comes pouring out almost instantaneously?

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Posted by Hrformats - July 22, 2011 at 5:09 AM

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Microsoft Interview Questions about Algorithms

Microsoft interview questions about Algorithms

I. Introduction about algorithms Microsoft interviews

Questions below will help you interview candidates about algorithms elements

II. Interview questions of algorithms

1. Describe advantages and disadvantages of the various stock sorting algorithms?

2. Implement an algorithm to reverse a linked list. Now do it without recursion?

3. Implement an algorithm to insert a node into a circular linked list without traversing it?
4. Implement malloc?

5. Write a function to print the Fibonacci numbers?

6. Write a function to copy two strings, A and B. The last few bytes of string A overlap the first few bytes of string B?

7. How would you write qsort?

8. How would you print out the data in a binary tree, level by level, starting at the top?

9. Find a substring. Optimize for speed. Optimize for space?

10. Compare two strings using O(n) time with constant space?

11. Suppose you have an array of 1001 integers. The integers are in random order, but you know each of the integers is between 1 and 1000 (inclusive). In addition, each number appears only once in the array, except for one number, which occurs twice. Assume that you can access each element of the array only once. Describe an algorithm to find the repeated number. If you used auxiliary storage in your algorithm, can you find an algorithm that does not require it?

12. Count the number of set bits in a number. Now optimize for speed. Now optimize for size.
13. Implement an algorithm to sort an array. Why did you pick the method you did?

14. Implement an algorithm to do wild card string matching.

15. Implement strstr() (or some other string library function).

16. Reverse a string. Optimize for speed. Optimize for space.

17. Reverse the words in a sentence, i.e. “My name is Chris” becomes “Chris is name My.” Optimize for speed. Optimize for space.

18. Multiple by 8 without using multiplication or addition. Now do the same with 7.

19. Add numbers in base n (not any of the popular ones like 10, 16, 8 or 2 — I hear that Charles Simonyi, the inventor of Hungarian Notation, favors -2 when asking this question).

20. Write routines to read and write a bounded buffer.

21. Write routines to manage a heap using an existing array.

22. Implement an algorithm to take an array and return one with only unique elements in it.

23. Implement an algorithm that takes two strings as input, and returns the intersection of the two, with each letter represented at most once. Now speed it up. Now test it.

24. What’s the difference between a linked list and an array?

25. Implement a linked list. Why did you pick the method you did?

26. Implement an algorithm to sort a linked list. Why did you pick the method you did? Now do it in O(n) time.

27. Implement an algorithm to print out all files below a given root node.

28. Given that you are receiving samples from an instrument at a constant rate, and you have constant storage space, how would you design a storage algorithm that would allow me to get a representative readout of data, no matter when I looked at it? In other words, representative of the behavior of the system to date.

29. How would you find a cycle in a linked list?

30. Give me an algorithm to shuffle a deck of cards, given that the cards are stored in an array of ints.

31. The following asm block performs a common math function, what is it?
• cwd xor ax, dx
• sub ax, dx

32. Imagine this scenario:
I/O completion ports are communictaions ports which take handles to files, sockets, or any other I/O. When a Read or Write is submitted to them, they cache the data (if necessary), and attempt to take the request to completion. Upon error or completion, they call a user-supplied function to let the users application know that that particular request has completed. They work asynchronously, and can process an unlimited number of simultaneous requests.
Design the implementation and thread models for I/O completion ports. Remember to take into account multi-processor machines.

33. Write a function that takes in a string parameter and checks to see whether or not it is an integer, and if it is then return the integer value.

34. Write a function to print all of the permutations of a string.

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Posted by Hrformats - July 22, 2011 at 5:05 AM

Categories: Microsoft Interview Questions, Sample Interview Questions   Tags: , ,

Microsoft Interview Questions about Riddles

18 Microsoft interview questions about riddles

I. Introduction about Microsoft riddles questions

Questions below will help you interview candidates about riddles elements.

II. Interview questions of riddles

1. Why is a manhole cover round?

2. How many cars are there in the USA?

3. How many manhole covers are there in the USA?

4. Imagine a disk spinning like a record player turn table. Half of the disk is black and the other is white. Assume you have an unlimited number of color sensors. How many sensors would you have to place around the disk to determine the direction the disk is spinning? Where would they be placed?

5. Imagine an analog clock set to 12 o’clock. Note that the hour and minute hands overlap. How many times each day do both the hour and minute hands overlap? How would you determine the exact times of the day that this occurs?

6. You have two jars, 50 red marbles and 50 blue marbles. A jar will be picked at random, and then a marble will be picked from the jar. Placing all of the marbles in the jars, how can you maximize the chances of a red marble being picked? What are the exact odds of getting a red marble using your scheme?

7. Pairs of primes separated by a single number are called prime pairs. Examples are 17 and 19. Prove that the number between a prime pair is always divisible by 6 (assuming both numbers in the pair are greater than 6). Now prove that there are no ‘prime triples.’?

8. You’ve got someone working for you for seven days and a gold bar to pay them. The gold bar is segmented into seven connected pieces. You must give them a piece of gold at the end of every day. If you are only allowed to make two breaks in the gold bar, how do you pay your worker?

9. One train leaves Los Angeles at 15mph heading for New York. Another train leaves from New York at 20mph heading for Los Angeles on the same track. If a bird, flying at 25mph, leaves from Los Angeles at the same time as the train and flies back and forth between the two trains until they collide, how far will the bird have traveled?

10. There is a room with a door (closed) and three light bulbs. Outside the room there are three switches, connected to the bulbs. You may manipulate the switches as you wish, but once you open the door you can’t change them. Identify each switch with its bulb?

11. The SF Chronicle has a word game where all the letters are scrambled up and you have to figure out what the word is. Imagine that a scrambled word is 5 characters long:

a. How many possible solutions are there?
b. What if we know which 5 letters are being used?
c. Develop an algorithm to solve the word?

12. There are 4 women who want to cross a bridge. They all begin on the same side. You have 17 minutes to get all of them across to the other side. It is night. There is one flashlight. A maximum of two people can cross at one time. Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown, etc. Each woman walks at a different speed. A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower woman’s pace.

  • Woman 1: 1 minute to cross
  • Woman 2: 2 minutes to cross
  • Woman 3: 5 minutes to cross
  • Woman 4: 10 minutes to cross

For example if Woman 1 and Woman 4 walk across first, 10 minutes have elapsed when they get to the other side of the bridge. If Woman 4 then returns with the flashlight, a total of 20 minutes have passed and you have failed the mission. What is the order required to get all women across in 17 minutes? Now, what’s the other way?

13. If you had an infinite supply of water and a 5 quart and 3 quart pail, how would you measure exactly 4 quarts?

14. You have a bucket of jelly beans. Some are red, some are blue, and some green. With your eyes closed, pick out 2 of a like color. How many do you have to grab to be sure you have 2 of the same?

15. If you have two buckets, one with red paint and the other with blue paint, and you take one cup from the blue bucket and poor it into the red bucket. Then you take one cup from the red bucket and poor it into the blue bucket. Which bucket has the highest ratio between red and blue? Prove it mathematically?

16. Suppose you had 8 billiard balls, and one of them was slightly heavier, but the only way to tell was by putting it on a scale against another. What’s the fewest number of times you’d have to use the scale to find the heavier ball?

17. Imagine you are standing in front of a mirror, facing it. Raise your left hand. Raise your right hand. Look at your reflection. When you raise your left hand your reflection raises what appears to be his right hand. But when you tilt your head up, your reflection does too, and does not appear to tilt his/her head down. Why is it that the mirror appears to reverse left and right, but not up and down?

18. You have 4 jars of pills. Each pill is a certain weight, except for contaminated pills contained in one jar, where each pill is weight + 1. How could you tell which jar had the contaminated pills in just one measurement?

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Posted by Hrformats - July 22, 2011 at 4:58 AM

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Secretary Interview Questions

Secretary interview questions include:

1. Meeting management for Secretary

• What is your experience with meeting planning and calendar maintenance?
• How do you coordinate and schedule a meeting?
• If I asked you to schedule a meeting and insure that all aspects of the meeting are taken care of, what will you do?
• What is your experience with meeting planning and calendar maintenance?

2. Records management for Secretary

• How do you work with confidential information?
• What are the different means by which documents may be filed?
• Tell me about the last job you did that involved record-keeping or bookkeeping?
• Describe your filing system. (Do they mention both cabinet filing and computer filing?) How would you “file” computer files?

3. Written communication skills for Secretary

• Please provide a few examples of written communication (just mention) for example ? writing to embassies or central banks.
• Please elaborate on all the types of business communication you have dealt with.
• What program or application do you use for your written communication?
• Can you please edit this letter within 5 minutes?
• What mistakes do you normally make in written communication?
• Please explain how you would edit a letter that you have to type up. Will you only correct the spelling mistakes or do you make changes to the sentences and format of the letter as well?

Planning skills for Secretary

• How do you setup your workspace?
• Do you prefer everything to be stored in one place or do you have a system for remembering where stuff is?
• How do you make sure that colleagues can find information or files if you are not around?
• Provide an example of where you had to organize a schedule, people or work space and elaborate on how you went about doing it.
• What do you perceive as the worst part in your present/last job?
• We have problems with___________ Please provide us with a solution to it.

4. Handling works for Secretary

• Provide an example of a conflict situation where you had to select between priorities and how did you reach a compromise?
• How do you handle a too large workload?
• Provide an example of where you had to deal with an angry colleague about work and explain how you resolved the issue.
• Provide an example of a strict deadline you had to deal with recently and explain how you kept the deadline.
• Provide examples of what you see as tight deadlines.
• What was the most recent job overload situation with a tight deadline and how did you deal with it?

5. Work priority scheduling for Secretary

• How do you plan work priorities? Do you use a specific system and if so, explain?
• When you have three or more important projects scheduled for the same day, do you have a system in place to decide which one needs to be finished first?
• On what do you base your decision for the priority level of the work?

6. Informatic interview questions for Secretary

• Do you know how to use MS Excel?
• Can you create a calendar of projects for each manager in Excel?
• What have you done on Excel? What is most complicated thing you have done on Excel?
• What kinds of word documents have you done?
• What office equipment are you able to use? What software are you comfortable using?
• What computer skills do you possess? What programs are you proficient in using? WORD? EXCEL? ACCESS? WORKS? OMNI FORM/FILLER?
• Can you take dictation in shorthand? If not, how do you take notes that a supervisor wants converted to letter, form, etc.?
• Can you use macros?
• What is your typing speed?
• What software are you comfortable using?

7. Soft skills and abilities for Secretary

• Tell me about the most difficult person you have ever dealt with over the phone and what did you do?
• Tell me about the most difficult person you have dealt with face to face and what did you do?
• Tell me about the last time you had information that you could not tell anyone else about?
• Tell me about the last time that you had to prioritize jobs because you had so many things going at once?
• Are you able to multitask? Are you capable of handling multiple inquiries: staff, front door, students, phone?
• How do you handle stressful situations?
• Do you consider yourself a brisk worker or one who is slower paced yet persistent and consistent?
• Give an example of a major problem you faced at work and how you solved it.
• Are you capable of handling multiple inquiries; staff, front door, customers, phone?

8. Language skills for Secretary

• What were your grades in Math? English? Spelling?
• How are your proof reading skills? Describe how you proof read.
• Do you speak any other languages?

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Posted by Hrformats - July 21, 2011 at 11:24 AM

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Training Manager Interview Questions

Training manager interview questions

1. What are methods of job training, please explain?

2. What is competency mapping?

3. How to set up core HR competence for organization?

4. How to set up training budget?

5. What do you think the role of the Learning and development manager should be.

6. What do you see as the difference between training and learning and development?

7. What specific skills could you bring to the role?

8. Ask them to give you an example of a learning intervention they created which failed and what they learn from it

9. How do you justify the training function within a company ?

10. What is the most difficult training situation you have been faced with and what did you do ?

11. Give me an example of a repetitive task you have had to complete on a monthly basis?

12. What benefits does the Investors in People standard give to an organization ?

13. If you do not have a sound reason for asking for a presentation – why do one?

14. How will you measure success?

Click Here To Download Training Manager Interview Questions

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Posted by Hrformats - July 21, 2011 at 11:13 AM

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HR Interview Questions

Human Resources as well as such questions and answers for this interview.

1. HR planning interview questions

• What is competency mapping?
• How to conduct job analysis?
• What is HR scorecard?
• How to set up HR strategy?
• How to measure effectiveness of workforce?
• What is core competency of HR?

2. Recruitment and selection interview questions

• Tell us how many selection methods are used in recruitment and selection process?
• How many recruitment channels in this …?
• Describe recruitment and selection process?
• How to check candidate?

3. Health and safety interview questions

• What is MSDS?
• How to be compliance with H&S regulation of local law?

4. Training and development interview questions

• How many are training methods?
• Describe training process?
• How to do career development?

5. Compensation and benefits interview questions

• How many methods are used to pay employee?
• What are compensation and benefit setup for senior positions at our industry?

6. Corporate culture interview questions

• How to set up corporate culture in our industry?

7. General HR interview questions

  • What is human resource management?
  • What do you prefer recruitment or selection?
  • How do you motivate your employees?
  • What is more important to you money or position?
  • How does you define empowerment?
  • How can you make use of IT in HRM?
  • Suggest a training program/workshop for feedback skills?
  • Why do you think HRM is important?
  • What are retention strategies?
  • What do you mean by 360? feedback?
  • Which one is more better mentoring or coaching?
  • How would you terminate an employee who is not performing?
  • What is the difference between personnel management and human resource management?
  • What aspect of supervision do you find the most difficult?
  • How do you motivate employees?
  • What are the competitive challenges in Human Resource Management?
  • Explain managing changes in HRM?
  • Why do you want to work in HR and why is confidentiality so important?
  • May a deceased employee remain on the payroll to exhaust her annual leave accrual?
  • Does an agency have to provide an employee with time off if the employee is donating blood?
  • What is the Career Scope for the person working in HR.
  • If a person who is physically Disable and is working in HR Wants to migrate to some foreign country. Is he capable of doing so?

Click Here To Download HR Interview Questions

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Posted by Hrformats - July 21, 2011 at 10:50 AM

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